Living Proof with Bishop Joseph Castillo

Blood Covenant 4B

Bishop Joseph Castillo Season 3 Episode 17

This is part B of the fourth week into the series on Blood Covenant

As we listen to this message their is a deep conviction that this teaching is among one of the most important studies you can embark on as a believer. 

The understanding of our covenant with God is the most important cornerstone for your faith in the days ahead. 

This series was recorded at All Nations main campus in Beijing, China. Stay tuned next week for part 5A of is this message next week. 

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to living proof the teaching ministry of Joseph Castillo. We encourage you to listen to today's message over and over again so that the word of God will be in your spirit, be a blessing, share it with your friends, and we pray that you'll be transformed by the renewing of your mind. We also invite you to visit us

Speaker 2:

the thirdly, you have the witnesses. Amen. It's God, I'm sorry, agreement on the terms of repentance from sin and faith towards God. I skipped past the first one, but let's go to number three, the witnesses and any marriage ceremony. There's witnesses. Some people like to run off to Hawaii elope and then they get like, you know, or they went off to Las Vegas. It's a city in America where a lot of casinos where people gamble and they run off to Vegas and they get a an Elvis impersonator to be their witness. Amen. Don't do that in this church. Hallelujah. My assistant ran off, married a pastor. I was so angry because I didn't know he was a pastor here. Not after they got married. I was, all right, well, he's the pastor. Praise the Lord. Amen. But she ran off real quick and got married and and and that. But what that did was it robs the family, the opportunity to share in the joy. But whether you run off and get married or elope or are you getting married, you know, and a big ceremony, you always have a witness there that has to be a witness. Amen. And in the Covenant with Christ, your witness are your brothers and sisters in Christ, you make a public confession of faith. You make a public baptism, make a public altar call. You make a public confession your if you are secretly coming to Jesus. Jesus said, if you're ashamed of me before men, I'll be ashamed of you before the father. Amen. There has to be some kind of public confession. Amen. Also, there's other witnesses. The Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is our witness. He bears witness with our spirit that we are the sons of God. He bears witness with us that there's been a change. Every time I lead someone to Christ, very often they say to me without even having to ask, I feel different on the inside. I feel the warmth on the inside. I feel lighter. There's a witness of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Hallelujah. And then don't forget, after you come into Christ, you also have the great cloud of witnesses. I amen. The Bible says that there is a cloud of witnesses, the saints, a bowl that have died and passed on into glory and that they're there and that they're cheering you and that they're witnessing everything that you're doing. Amen. And as a matter of fact, your living in promises that Abraham Dream, dove and the cloud of witnesses is giving witness to your faith in Christ. Hmm. Then there's the celebration, the celebration we have in a wedding. You know my, I always have that everyone has that uncle then stay until like two o'clock in the morning and dances would everyone, every kid, every woman, every old lady, everyone has that one uncle. Amen. Hey, but we know very well about the celebration of a wedding, but there's a celebration in Christ and that's called the Lord's table. The Lord's supper. The celebration will. You come and you commute and you eat up the blood and you, you eat of the bread up his body and you commune a celebrate covenant. Communion as a celebration, but most people take communion like it's a funeral. Most communion services are like a funeral. Even though most of ours is like a funeral. The Oregon comes on and everyone gets a really strange phase and then we'd take a funeral procession down to the table and we take communion make it's a funeral. That's the Lord's supper. It's a celebration. Hallelujah. It's a celebration of his life and his death in his body and his blood and his sacrifice and everything that that gives us. Amen. Hallelujah. Also, we will have the promise marriage supper of the lamb. Hallelujah. When we leave this earth and place and Jesus returns, we go back to be with the father. We will have a marriage supper of the lamb. We will have an ultimate fees and ultima celebration with the Lord. Amen, and I know we're all fasting now meet and why, but we're going to have a lot of meat and wine and heaven. Hallelujah. The fast we'll be over. Hallelujah. We'll have that touch cheese and all those things that that you don't need their Nico's. Amen. Hallelujah. I don't know. I'm just joking. I don't know if we'll have actual meat and cheese. I don't know, but boy, we'll see. Hey ma'am, but we will have a celebration. We will have a feast day, ma'am. Then there's the giving of gifts. When somebody is married, sometime

Speaker 3:

you see the reason why we don't see the miracle power of God is because our belief system is not lined up with the word of God's belief system, but when we begin to line up our belief system with the word of God, then we begin to see the miraculous. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Call now and get Joseph Castillo supernatural healing CD series, which includes almost six hours of in depth Bible teaching and inspirational preaching on how to fight for your healing when it's God's timing for a miracle, is it God's will to heal everyone? This is an exclusive offer for our living proof audience. Yours for a donation of only$49 shipping and handling are included in addition order and we will throw in a free Usb, some drives for your computer along with your CD site

Speaker 2:

cause I don't reply to the request to come to the wedding because I have to cough up three four$500 amen. For me, that's a lot. When I was 17 I could go to a wedding and give 20 bucks, but at my age, if you come to a wedding with 20 bucks, you will be in big trouble. Amen. I have to come to a wedding with at least$300 amen. You got to at least pay for your plate and give something substantial. When you come to a wedding, you have to give gifts. Say Sa give gifts and God gave one of the most precious gifts he could possibly give the gift of the Holy Spirit. Amen. When you're born again, he gives you the gift of the Holy Spirit and not only does it gives you the gift, but he gives you everything that comes with the gift, which is all nine manifestations, tongues, prophecy, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, divine healing, gifts of healing, working a miracle, wonders working, a faith, discerning of spirits.

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Oh look, those are given to you. When you become a Christian, well, you don't believe in Tom's what? Then don't speak in them, but you got them on the inside of you where you get saved, you get the fullness of God, the fullness of the Holy Spirit in you. Matter of fact, when you get the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you're just getting what's already in you to overflow out of you. You're not getting something new. Hey man, you're just getting what's already in you, overflowing out of you. You're given the gift of the Holy Spirit and it's not some third water down part of the trinity. The Holy Spirit is fully God. He comes in the format,

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hey ma, he's not any less God than the father or any less God then Jesus. They are one. Holly,

Speaker 4:

you steal from my wife. You stole from me equally because we're one and you got the Holy Spirit on the inside of you and he is one with Jesus, one with the father. When you get saved, you get the gift of the Holy Spirit and everything that he is is given to you and put on the inside of you. Amen.

Speaker 2:

Let's take a look here as for a second Peter, one three

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Amen. And we're going to,

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Speaker 2:

close here. Second one, three for the sake of time. Hey Man. Second Peter, one, three. Everything that the Holy Spirit has you have, you might not act like it. You might not walk like it. You may not look like it. That's because you just don't know you got it. Amen. But once you know you got it, you can begin to enjoy the fellowship and communion with today. Ma'Am. Second. Peter one three says this, the giving of gifts according as his divine power, he has past tense given unto us, say, given I haven't earned it, I haven't deserved it. I haven't worked for it, but as given to me,

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he has given unto us all things. Say all things you can put your clothes, your socks, Hallelu some union, the throwaway them holy socks and get some new ones cause they ain't sanctified. Amen. The holy, but they're not saying to fi, believe God for a new pair. Some of you are as taking a shower with a piece of soap about that big, trying to save some money, throw that stuff away and believe God for a full bar. You serve El Shuteye.

Speaker 3:

You see, the reason why we don't see the miracle power of God is because our belief system is not lined up with the word of God's belief system. But when we begin to line up our belief system with the word of God, then we begin to see the miraculous amen.

Speaker 1:

Call now and get Joseph Castillo's supernatural healing CD series, which includes almost six hours of in depth Bible teaching, inspirational preaching on how to fight for your healing. When is God's timing for a miracle? Is it God's will to heal everyone? This is an exclusive offer for our living proof audience. Yours for a donation of only$49 shipping and handling are included in addition order and we will throw in a free USB thumb drives for your computer along with your CD side.

Speaker 4:

Hallelujah. God has given you all things that pertain to life and gotten this. Some of us want to thank the god only gives spiritual things. He only get visions and dreams and sanctification and character and and love and peace. God not only give you things pertaining to God than this, but he also could you things pretending to life. You need a job. They give you a job. Hallelujah. You need a new suit. I'll give you a new suit. Hallelujah. God says here that he has key has already provided for us everything that we need, not only in godliness,

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we always want to relegate that to some kind of spiritual thing, but also to life.

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Speaker 2:

What do you needing? When God gave me a car seat for my baby, we had no car. We had no Beijing plate and no money, but I said, Hey, God gave me the car. See, he must obviously want me to have the car. Can't get a plate in Beijing and I have more money. Are those obstacles for God? No.

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Hey Man, I swear I got the car seat. I that means the car is coming. Amen. Talk to some friends. Started working, looking around, but God's given me everything. Found the guy and hope said, hey for five quiet could get you a license and obey. Hallelujah. Got me a hubby. Chill Pie. Hallelujah. License plate. Amen. Then I had one person by one. We'll ask my mother Mata by another wheel. I bought two wheels and then we had four wheels at the end. Amen. I paid back my mother and pay back the of my friend yet a Hallelujah and got me a car. Hallelujah. Amen. Because he has given us all things pertaining to life. Not just gotten this but to life and godliness, say life and godliness. But how does it give it to you if you don't know what you have, you can't walk in what you have. Amen. Like this story of that man that was on the, and that big boat, like the titanic, he was on that ship coming across the ocean, starving every day. And finally he saw the waiter going by and taking out the trash and there was half a ham sandwich on the, on the train. He's a, sir, can I have that half of ham sandwich before you throw it in the trash? And the waiters are certain, let me see your ticket. And he gave the ticket to the waiter and the waiter said, oh, well you have all free access to the buffet, the entire chip from, from, from, from England to the states. You see, he, he had right to a full buffet meal every single day. But the only difference between the reason why he was eating and not eating this cause he didn't know what he had. And the reason why the church is not eating the blessings and the goodness and the protection and the healing that God has given to us is because we don't know what we have in this new covenant.

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Speaker 2:

And to know something mentally because pastor said it or that's what I learned as Sunday school and the knower and your spirit is what makes the difference. The difference between a man and a boy is revelation.

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Amen. This provisions of everything you need in life, it says all what comes after all? I mean, what, what, what is there after all, after everything, there's nothing left. All means all.

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He's given us everything that we need, all that we need. But we only access that through revelation knowledge. The Greeks could teach you pollyannas preaching soon, a couple of weeks. So he could teach you on knowledge, revelation, the types of knowledge and revelation there is. This is not heading all the, this is revelation knowledge. Amen. Through the knowledge of him.

Speaker 3:

You see, the reason why we don't see the miracle power of God is because our belief system is not lined up with the word of God's belief system, but when we begin to line up our belief system with the word of God, then we begin to see the miraculous amen.

Speaker 1:

Call now and get Joseph Casteo's supernatural healing CD series, which includes almost six hours of inductive Bible teaching and inspirational preaching on how to fight for your healing. When is God's timing for a miracle? Is it God's will to heal everyone? This is an exclusive offer for our living proof audience. Yours for a donation of only$49 shipping and handling are included in addition order and we will throw in a free USB thumb drives for your computer along with your CD side

Speaker 2:

called us to glory and virtue.

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Last verse here, Hebrews no wrote Romans eight 32 Romans eight 32 those that I thought should be Hebrews eight 32 let's take a look here real quick. Let's look at Romans eight 32 amen and we're close here. Let's stand to our feet. As we look at this final versus all. Stand to our feet here. Amen. Yeah. Eight 32 it is. Thank you Lord. Romans eight 32 the giving of gifts. He's given us the Holy Spirit and everything that the Holy Spirit has and is the Holy Spirit is a he is a person is not a thing. He's not a force. He is a person. He is the one that's in you and with you and wants to fellowship with you. Not only that, but then he gave us everything that we need in life and godliness. If you're not sure about that, then let's look at what Paul says here in Romans eight 32 he says, he that spare not his own son. The father did not hold back his own son. He the spare, not his own son, but delivered him up for us. Oh, that means if you are the only person on the earth, he would die just for you. He delivered

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them up for each and every one of you standing here. If you spare not his son, but delivered him up for you, how shall he not with him? Also freely say freely. Give us all things. If he didn't hold back his only son, what is a tuition compared to the only son of God? What is a car? What is a a house which is here today and gone tomorrow compared to the only begotten son of the father, the King of glory. If he didn't hold back his own son, how much more? What does everything else pale in comparison to that gift? And if he didn't hold back his only son, why would he not with his son? Give you everything else.

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Everything you need has been provided in Jesus in the new covenant. Amen. And next week I'm going to show you 17 powerful things that you have in this new covenant, because we don't have time today, but I want to encourage you today. Hallelujah. But in him, Hallelujah. You have everything that you know, you have gifts, you have your salvation. Hallelujah. You didn't just join their religion. You don't belong to a religion. You've been translated at the Kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God's dear son. Amen. Let's pray. Father God, we thank you for knowledge, revelation, knowledge, revelation, knowledge, knowing and learning and understanding and coming to father got an a

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if timid, powerful living knowledge

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of everything that we have in Jesus, that when we look at our bank account, we look at our closets and we look at our spiritual life. We don't see anything missing, but we see the need to manifest the provisions of God in every area of our life and that nothing is how back, nothing is withdrawn. Nothing needs to be fasted for or given for or nothing has to be earned through disciplines of spiritual works, but we have to sip. Simply

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understand that it is finished, that it is finished. The works been done through Jesus Christ,

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and we are now and the time of God's grace and goodness lavishly.

Speaker 3:

You see, the reason why we don't see the miracle power of God is because our belief system is not lined up with the word of God's belief system, but when we begin to line up our belief system with the word of God, then we begin to see the miraculous. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Call now and get Joseph Castillo supernatural healing CD series, which includes almost six hours in depth Bible teaching, inspirational preaching on how to fight for your healing. When is God's timing for a miracle? Is it God's will to heal everyone? This is an exclusive offer for our living proof audience. Yours for a donation of only$49 shipping and handling are included in addition order and we will throw in a free USB thumb drives for your computer along with your CD side

Speaker 2:

cut out on us and we have access through the blood of the lamb into the glory, into the virtue and to the provisions of a spiritual life and a physical life in this earth. Everything we need from new body parts, new organs to healed properties of the mind that were damaged or born with imbalances. Everything that we need is provided in the lamb of God, Jesus Christ, and we as the people of God reconcile ourselves to that which belongs to us and we will reconcile others and bring redemption into this earth and into the lives of people around us. That it's not a selfish thing. It's not just for us, but freely. You have received freely, we shall give. And father we thank you for these things. In Jesus' name we give you praise for the transformation, the renewal of our mind through the preaching, the teaching of the word of God. We believe it done and we give you praise and glory and we bless you for it. In Jesus name somebody say Amen.

Speaker 3:

Praise the Lord. I trust you are blessed. Ending courage. We have more on this serious coming to you next week. So tune in next week and catch the broadcast. Make sure you call and send in a donation, sending a seed, support this ministry. If it's blessed you in any way, if you think it will bless and encourage others, your financial support is very

Speaker 6:

important. If you go to our website and if forward slash store you could get some of our ministry products, CD's and we'll be offering the DVDs of all these sermons coming soon. So go visit us online like us on Facebook at our youtube channel where you get to get a bunch of bonus materials. Everything that you don't see on the show, you're going to get that on the youtube channel and have church at Youtube and be blessed and encouraged. We love you. We want to encourage you to read, dig the wells of our fathers, and also dig new wells from a dog was

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going to do our generation.

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