
SOLO SESH: Breaking Love Spells & Resetting For Spring

April 18, 2024 Tatiana Fogt Season 1 Episode 158
SOLO SESH: Breaking Love Spells & Resetting For Spring
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SOLO SESH: Breaking Love Spells & Resetting For Spring
Apr 18, 2024 Season 1 Episode 158
Tatiana Fogt

This week I'm BACK with a solo sesh and chatting all things ✨collective transformation✨ Spring is officially in the air and we're diving deep into death and rebirth cycles and what lifestyle changes I've has been implementing to help get me out of a winter slump. 

We're chitchatting:

  • spring reset
  • winter slump
  • releasing energetic cords
  • facing fears & shadows
  • leaning on spiritual support
  • astrological new year
  • navigating eclipse season
  • LTTHMMLBL (little things that have made my life better lately)
  • bare minimum era

April Journal Prompts HERE

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Show Notes Transcript

This week I'm BACK with a solo sesh and chatting all things ✨collective transformation✨ Spring is officially in the air and we're diving deep into death and rebirth cycles and what lifestyle changes I've has been implementing to help get me out of a winter slump. 

We're chitchatting:

  • spring reset
  • winter slump
  • releasing energetic cords
  • facing fears & shadows
  • leaning on spiritual support
  • astrological new year
  • navigating eclipse season
  • LTTHMMLBL (little things that have made my life better lately)
  • bare minimum era

April Journal Prompts HERE

📥 Download Monthly Archetype Template
💌 Subscribe to the Sealed List Newsletter
💘 Let's be internet friends!!

Be sure to rate, review, and share this episode with a friend! LOVE YOU!

This is Bedside, a podcast series on a mission to debunk sex. I'm your host, Tatiana, and each week we uncover stories, ideas, and expert information to help guide you on your ever evolving journey of deep love, relationships, and good sex. Oh, and a little bit of manifestation sprinkled in there too. Hello you guys, and welcome back to the Bedside podcast. I'm your host, Tatiana. Welcome! Happy Wednesday! I am really excited this week because I am bringing a solo sesh to you. It's just you and me this week, and I really feel like I have so much bubbling out of me that I've been so excited to touch on with you guys. And it's no coincidence that we're in the middle of kind of the astrological new year. eclipse season. I'm actually recording this. I know they're like dates for recording and release are a little bit different, but I'm actually recording this on the solar eclipse. And I just feel like we are all going through such a collective transformation. Like you might be feeling your own interpersonal and personal transformations happening, but we are also having just such a collective experience. It's so interesting because every person I'm chatting with is like. Kind of feeling the same birth and death cycles and a lot of like just shadowy parts emerging to be brought to the light. That's kind of like the theme of really this time and what's happening in astrology right now, which is really to be shining a light on things that have been hiding in the shadows, lurking in the shadows, the things journaling for myself the other day, I was like, the things that really have been needing. spring cleaning, you know, and the things I'll speak for myself where I've noticed, okay, there's definitely been a few things like poking me on the shoulder to walk through and investigate a little bit more deeply. And, you know, a couple of weeks ago, I wasn't really feeling ready to do so. But in lieu of a spring in lieu of the astrological new year, it's just felt very much like a whole of this stuff is coming to the surface in the best way possible. And Before I kind of get into this episode today, which is really all about kind of the death and rebirth cycle happening right now and a lot of the lifestyle changes that I've been implementing that have been so beneficial in terms of this time. I want to share a quick housekeeping update with you guys. I'll get more into the nitty gritty of the why behind it. It kind of like unfolds in this episode itself, but I am going to be taking a little bit of a podcasting break for this summer. Have no fear. I promise you that We will be back right early in the fall but at the end of may so it'll be June through august that bedside's just going to be taking a little summer break It's been years you guys that I haven't really officially taken a break from the show and I have just felt this calling to I really spend this summer honestly doing a little bit of focusing on myself, focusing on my fun and my relationships and really, really, really filling my cup and kind of like energizing myself in a way that I haven't gifted to myself in a while. And I'll kind of share a little bit more about kind of this aha moment that I had, but not to like make you guys think that. We are going anywhere, bedside is here to stay, but yeah, I'm just excited to kind of implement a summer break. I was inspired by my friend Anna Grace, who has a podcast, EG University, I think a few of you might listen to her show as well. And yeah, she just, um, She just does such a good job of taking summer breaks, winter breaks and she always just like sprinkles them in, in such an inspiring way, and I think she had mentioned it recently on an episode where I was like, hmm, that could be something fun to implement for myself. And at first I was like, no, no, no, no, I could never do that. And then over time it was like, wait, actually I totally can. So we're going to be taking a little bit of a summer break, but I'm just very excited because we're, in the meantime, just going to be compiling a lot of episodes for you guys. really, really intentional interviews. And yeah, I'm just excited. So I will keep you guys posted, share a little bit more about that as that comes up, but just want to keep you guys in the loop and not like shell shock you and be like, this is the final episode until the fall. So I just want to sprinkle it in as I go. Anyways, so. Death rebirth cycle. Let's jump right the fuck in because I have just been so supercharged by this time lately. And I have been so inspired by, like, my own spring cleaning. Literally, like, the physical spring cleaning, but also the mental and emotional and spiritual spring cleaning that has been Calling us all if you had to at the bedside on Instagram, I created April journal prompts I do journal prompts every month but definitely go check out those journal prompts that I made a post about because I always end up doing them myself and I was so blown away by just all of the things that poured out of me I'll give you guys a little bit of a taste of what some of these journal prompts are but The one that stood out the most to me is I love What in my life could use spring cleaning? Think, is there anything that needs a refresh or reset? And so I was journaling about this the other day and I was like, hmm, let's be real. There have definitely been some things that have been lurking in the cobwebs a bit that I am ready to just bring into the light, to shine a bright light on it and just move on from. And a big thing about this eclipse season is that if you have had any kind of People from your past surface back up like IRL or just like via text or if they've just weirdly entered your brain space, this is not a coincidence. So I personally have been having a lot of dreams. I got a lot of like messages through dreams, but I've been having a lot of dreams about certain people from my past, which is so interesting because it's been like, Years you guys since like anything has come up. I'm like, why am I randomly thinking about these people and I was journaling about it And I was like, oh there are lingering cords of connection here that just are ready to be released like we are in an era right now particularly this year I feel of Really letting go of these old versions of ourselves that still might be lingering like you might find yourself In a position like I am where i'm like, okay. I've done a lot of cleanup duty i've done a lot of like Work. I have a lot of self care practices and spiritual practices or whatever it might be that is like cleaning up shop, but there still might be some lingering energetic cords that need that kind of like final, like boot, you know what I'm saying? And that final piece of you, that's just like. No, for real, like, I'm stepping into the 2. 0 version of myself. Like, that is really very much the, like, essence of the time right now. Like, we are being called to step into, like, the 2. 0 version of yourself. 1. 0 is over. The, what is that, like, Taylor Swift quote? It's like, in her lyrics, it's like, um, oh my god. This is me being like a newer Swiftie. Um, she's like, the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now. Why? Because she's dead. Like, that's literally the energy of right now. It's like, the old version of you can't come to the phone right now. And I'll tell you guys kind of a funny story without like, getting into too many details, but I kind of had this weird, and you guys know this, like, I, I give it to you guys straight on the podcast, everywhere else, like, you're gonna get, like, a little bit more of, like, a PG version of me, but, like, I will be delivering you guys the tea on the solo sessions. So, what particularly happened for me was that I've realized that there has been this very potent, energetic, horrid ex relationship in my life that has been very much needing the boot. And the tea is that I had a very interesting scenario my freshman year of college where there was someone who met me and kind of formed a little bit of an obsession with me. And I'm not trying to say that in like a cocky way, like, oh, he was so obsessed. Like, No, it was like, the kid meant well, but it wasn't normal, and it wasn't creepy, it wasn't like, someone's like, stalking me, but it was just like, I remember always thinking like, in a normal interaction when someone likes someone, like, they try to get to know them, they try to like, ask them out, or see if like, they want to hang out or whatnot. And, like, there was no effort made in that category. It was just very much this, like, kind of obsessive attachment, and I let it go. I didn't ever make, like, much of it, but I feel like that energetic of obsession and, like, desperation holds such a strong tie, and so, anyways. Four years of freaking college go by I end up hooking up with this kid because I'm just like, okay Like, you know someone likes you for that long. You're like, well, well, what is this all about? and so I end up hooking up with this kid and it was just like Not it. I was like, okay, no Way, so not interested kindly, but like, I'm just, this is not for me. And then I end up meeting my current boyfriend, my current partner, like a matter of weeks later, which again, I always feel like stuff like this lines up. Like it was just divine timing of meeting my person. I had to go through like a bunch of tests and not even just tests. Like I look to the way that I Manifested Connor into my life in very much a way of yes, passing kind of like tests of what doesn't work for me, but I also had my fair share of fun and then meeting Connor was just like so easy and it just was like light on the feet in the best way possible. So I end up meeting him, but long story short is that this individual definitely has stayed lingering around and I know this because. My fellow internet friends, you know this, this person immediately upon me dating Connor, like unfollowed me on everything, which is fine. Like you do you, I still remained following this person. And you know, when you're on your like Instagram stories or like just your Instagram profile and your stories, like those stories that come up are the ones that you engage with the most. It's like. All my besties are on the top of my Instagram stories. Like, I know all of you guys, like, you guys are coming up on my Instagram stories as well. And so, it's like, it's because we're engaging with one another, right? Here's the interesting thing. This kid unfollowed me. I still remained following them, but like, it's not an account that I ever interact with, because they don't post. Or like, if they do, it's very seldom, and again, like, I'm just not engaging with it. Like, I have so many more other, like, accounts I'm engaging with. But the thing is, whenever they would post a story, it would come up as, like, the first thing. It came up as if it was almost, like, my best friend, okay? Like, I was just like, why is this coming up? So then, of course, me being me, I was like, I'm purposely not gonna, like, open it up. Because I was like, I want to test and see if this is an exper like, basically, like, Test the waters and be like, is my theory true? So I never, like, engaged with the account, but it just kept popping up. So I was like, okay, I know that this person keeps, like, checking in on me. Which, by the way, I learned this new term. It's called orbiting. And it's basically the concept of when someone, like, is orbiting your life and is not, like, involved in it, but they tap in and they tap out, whether it's, like, secretly stalking, whether it's, like, kind of just, like, sending you a Snapchat every once in a while, like, or just, like, hitting you up every once in a while, like, they're orbiting. They're doing it for their ego. And so, they're Anyways, I just was like, this is very interesting, but I didn't make much of it. Here's where it gets kind of interesting, and where this ties into Eclipse season. So, like, two weeks ago, I was like, oh my god, this story, like, these stories keep popping up. Like, let me just Click into one of them and it was like over the weekend and it just was kind of like a particularly rainy weekend but it was a long weekend that was coming up for me and I live relatively close to Ojai which is a cute like wine desert y town nearby to LA which Connor and I are obsessed with going. I'm truly manifesting, fingers crossed, a property there. I don't know when, but I love Ojai. Like, it is just my magical little spot and we like to frequently go up and it's usually like on a whim. We're like, do you want to just like go to Ojai? And we're like, yeah, let's go. So we had been like thinking of the idea of going up that weekend, but we were like, it's rainy, so let's not. Anyways, I open up my stories, immediately see that this, like, guy, so this is the story I open up that I normally never engage with, and I was just like, okay, what's going on? Eclipse season had me, like, in my curiosity. I open up the story, and this guy is with his new girlfriend in Ojai. Ohio, guys, is like the tiniest little fucking town. Okay? It's like a strip. And I was like, basically, if you go, you're all bopping into the same little shops and restaurants. Like, you're gonna run into all the people there. And so, I was like, no fucking way. Like, I was literally gonna be going to this very restaurant, like, if it was in the cards for us to actually go. Luckily, we didn't. And I end up seeing that this guy then ends up posting on his feed for, like, the first time in, Forever. A picture of him and his new girlfriend. And I was like, Oh my gosh, finally. And I was like, honestly, so excited about it. And then I realized I was like, this is actually so crazy. All of this stuff surfacing up because I truly am like, and I was journaling about this because this has been a thing that's been going on for over 10 years. You guys, like I started my freshman year of college. Like it's been like a while. And I was like, what a potent. energetic chord, love spell, love curse, whatever you might want to call it, that's kind of been placed on the two of us. And how amazing that this is kind of coming to the surface. And he is starting a new beginning. I am just ready to like officially like just let all of this go. Even just like the lingering like 3 percent of it that's still been like in my life in some capacity. And I just was so happy that it was brought to the surface. And I truly feel like this was like the nail in the coffin, you guys. It was like, it is time to just put this to rest. It is done. It is over. And I feel like it was almost like the breaking of like a 10 year curse. I was like, this is wild. I felt so much release from it in the best way possible. So that's just like kind of a silly but also real story of how you might be feeling like things percolating and coming up. This was one of my like line items on my spring cleaning list. I was like, this just needs to go, right? And so I did. a really lovely meditation. I'll link it in the show notes. I love purely being on Spotify. It's free. She's an amazing, just like meditation platform. I think she has a paid platform as well, but I do all her free Spotify meditation sessions. So I did this like whole energetic clearing truly and like released this and was like, please. Let it go give us both freedom from this and like let's let's release this cord of connection because it's long done So anyways, that was one thing and then the other huge thing that I am so proud of myself Giving myself like the biggest hug and pat on the back is that I I, on today, so on the eclipse, and I didn't, like, realize this, but I booked a appointment for my annual checkup. Just like, side note everybody, like, on your spring lists, like, just make sure that you are making your important wellness appointments. It's so vital that we do this, like, just book time. I know we drag our toes, but book time on your annual checkup. Book some time for your dental and book some time to go see your OB GYN. Get that pap smear. Just like, make sure that you are always kind of staying in your health and just in your vibrance. It's so important. And my lesson was how I've really been dragging my toes on my annual checkup because, drumroll please, it is. I posted this on my stories today a little bit, but I have a silly little fear of getting blood work done. And I knew it was time to finally just get my labs done. I've done a podcast story about this. It's kind of like my story time from my rock bottom to my up level, which I'll link below, which goes very much into. Kind of like why I ended up with a little bit of a fear around this, but the reason why I call it my silly little fear is because I am finally here to bring this out of the shadows of it being this big scary fear and put it in the light to be the silly little fear that it is because getting blood work done is normal. It is neutral. It is nothing special. Everyone does it and I just am so ready to release any sort of grip that it has had over me and it was very interesting because I'll share with you guys a couple tips on how I kind of Really faced my fear and the first is that I decided to call it my silly little fear and I decided to Diminuize its grip over me because it is just a story that i've Really taken and blown up and made really big in my head and i'm sure plenty of you guys have your own scenarios around this where you're like I just have like taken this thing and I know i've blown it out of proportion. I have made a narrative around it that is just so untrue. And so, I decided that I was going to really bring this into the light, and I was going to face my fear around this. So, I did that by diminutizing its potency. And then, I also looked on a scale, not a real scale, just kind of like a metaphorical scale. I was like, how scared am I actually? Right. And I think it's so important to take inventory when we are looking at our shadows at like, in reality, where do I actually stand with it? And that's like, what happens when you bring something out of the shadows? Cause when it's in the shadows, you're like, I don't want to look at it. It just feels so strong and potent and like at max capacity. Right. But when you actually bring it out of the shadows. Bring it onto a piece of paper, bring it into your journal, talk about it with a friend, like, face it a little bit. You can realize, okay, it is what it is. It's on the fucking table. And where am I actually at? And what I realized was that because I actually had to show up to an appointment today, and I got to really kind of like face this IRL, I was like, okay, 30 percent of me is really petrified about this. It's a real strong, potent narrative. That's driven a lot of decision making. It's been in the driver's seat and I'm feeling that. But then there was the other. 60 to 70 percent of me that was like, I'm actually really over this story. Like if I'm to really like look at the ratio of fear here, it's like 30 percent of me is petrified, but the other percent is just so over it and ready to make this a neutral thing. Granted, I've done a lot of work around this. We've done a lot of meditating. A lot of time has passed around like the original reason why I kind of built up a fear around this, but I was just like, yeah, when I bring it into the light, it's kind of not that big of a deal. So that was so helpful. I highly recommend that. And then truly what was so beautiful was that I did the same thing that I did in my cord cutting scenario a moment ago that I explained, which is I took this and I brought it into a meditation. And I was like, I am really ready to release this. I feel like it's just so divine that I had unintentionally made this appointment on the solar eclipse. Like, it's just such a magical time for releasing. It's just so symbolic. But even in that meditation, I realized and I just was like, not only am I allowed to and deserving of having support around this on the human plane, which is leaning into my family and friends around this, leaning on myself and, like, my own knowing, leaning on my practitioners, and, like, really building a lot of, like, good mantras around how I'm so safe and taken care of. But I also did this on the spiritual level, and I was just, like, I did a test this morning, and I was, like, guides, please give me all the signs on every step of my appointment today. And show me, show me the way through. And I find it so helpful. You guys, when you're dealing with something, it could be anything that you can take it and not carry all of it. Right. I'm someone who used to feel like I like had to carry all of everything. And I've now realized I not only have a like real support system in the human plane, but I also have. an amazing spiritual system. I think it's a course in miracles that says something along the lines of like, if you could see it, you would realize how you are never alone. I'm totally botching that quote, but basically like there are just like millions of like angels and guides around you all the time. You are so fucking guided. And so I just leaned into that and I asked my meditation today. I said, please. Deliver all the signs that I need to see through every step of this appointment, just so I can do it. You know what I mean? Like, I always kind of think of it in like little legs. I'm like, okay, step one, like walk from, I know it sounds so silly, but like, you know, when you're really in a fear around something, like it can help to break something down. So it was like, step one, like leave apartment, get into car, step two, like park inside doctor's office garage, right? Like all these little things. And so every single step you guys, it was. So magical. So the first thing I did was I left my apartment and immediately ran into a friend. That was my first blessing. I was like, hi! And I let her know. I was like, oh, like, you know, we had a quick, quick exchange in passing. But I was like, I'm going to my doctor's appointment. Wish me luck. Like, I don't really love getting blood work done. And she just looks at me and she's like, you're gonna do great. It's just temporary. And I was like, you're so right. You know, when someone just says something to you in layman's terms that you just needed to hear, and I was like, yeah, it's just temporary. I can handle anything. It's just temporary. I took that little, took those little words right out of her mouth, put that into my brain. And that became my mantra for the entire appointment. I like literally was driving to the doctor's appointment and kind of kept repeating to myself out loud. I was like, it's just temporary. Like, you got this. Like, you can fucking do this. It's just temporary. Then, this was like, probably the most beautiful part about it, but I am driving down into the parking garage for my appointment and on the wall is a huge mural. And I just see a bunch of owls on this mural and owls have always been my spirit sign like they are my deep guides. They are like the wisdom that be and I saw this mural and I think between the combination of just like the pent up like anxiety and nerves and then the relief of seeing my sign, I like, burst into tears in the car. I was like, that's my son. And I just like, was like filled to the brim with joy. It was probably the first time in that like morning that I was shedding tears out of relief and not fear. And I was like, okay, That was how was what I needed to see. Thank you universe. And then I was like, it clocked it. It was like second blessing. Then, you know, I'm waiting in the waiting room. They call my name. I go to the back and they have like little numbers on the appointment rooms and we're passing appointment room. Number 22, 22 is like. My total lucky number, my granddad passed away on 2 2 22 and he's just been such a guide. And we're like about to turn into the room and I was like, Oh, yay, like 22, we're about to go in. And then she's like, wait, hold up, like actually I need to take you to another room. And I was like, what? At first I was like, hey, no, that's my number, like that was my next sign. But then I take that as a sign number three because then she took me to sign number four, which was my actual appointment room, which was number 13, lucky number 13, which also holds such significance because that was also my granddad's birthday, the 13th. So we always say like in our family. is lucky number 13 has always been one. For me personally, it's 22 as well. But I was like, oh, like, it's not just my sign. Like, that's the family number coming through. So I was so happy. And then I just did a good job of really advocating myself to the practitioners. I kept it calm and cool. I was very intentional when I was in the space to just be like, Don't be tense. You know, I was like, I want to make this a really neutral experience. So I was trying to really relax into everything as much as possible. I did my best advocating for myself. I was like, give me your best person for drawing blood. And my doctor was like, you got it. I'm giving you the best. And I was like, thank you so much. And I always say that I like to lie down. They do it. It took literally five seconds. She was so fast. And I just hung out there, had my little banana and my electrolytes afterwards. And that was that. And I felt So, so, so guided throughout that experience. So that is really kind of my little eclipse season, bringing shit out of the shadows and into the light and clearing it out. And I hope that some of this resonates with you in some way because I know, like, this scenario of mine is very specific, but I, I feel like when it does come down to something that maybe scares you, maybe makes you nervous, that there are takeaways in that, where we can diminish, really, the potency of a narrative we've been telling ourselves, poke holes in it, Ask for support, really see kind of on a scale where we are in terms of like our fear or our anxiety or whatever it might be, our emotions around it and like bring it into the light to really give it that true number of Really? How big of a deal is this actually in the scheme of things? And then leaning on your spiritual support system. Like, this was it in action. I told my guides in the meditation, I was like, inundate me. And they did. They were like, we're going to let it be known and ask and you shall receive. That is just the laws of the universe. It's how it goes down. And so it's kind of fun to get playful like that. And I encourage you guys to get playful like that because. It is no coincidence that all of these things lined up. It's no coincidence that I even had made my appointment on the eclipse. Like, it just is so cool. So, anyways, that's just a little tidbit kind of on this astrological new year and I will also link those spring slash April journal prompts in the show notes that you can go check out for yourself so you can do some of your own journaling. There are way more prompts than just the one about spring cleaning, but that one just felt so, so resonant for this time. Alright, so the next thing that I am excited to share with you guys are really the little things that have made my life better lately. I truly made a list of this in my phone, and I just wanted to share this on a deeper level with you. Because it has been so transformative, so to back up a little bit, I kind of had a bit of an aha moment right, I would say maybe like, a month and a half ago at this point, where I was just like, feeling burnt out. It was right after that like, burnout episode that came out, it's such a good one guys, with Anne Hottership and Sarah Tom Chesson, you'll have to listen to that one if you haven't already. It was right after that episode came out where I was like, it's funny because I record my episodes and then when I was editing it, I was like listening even more closely and I was like, Oh, so I am feeling burnt out. Like while editing this and listening back to this, I am feeling exactly what we were talking about in that interview. And, it was kind of something that was hard to admit for myself, but. I'm really glad that I did because I finally have been making a few lifestyle changes that have been so, so impactful and I think it lined up perfectly with this seasonal shift into the spring because I kind of was leaving like the winter mode and it was right at this time that I was like Okay, like, winter mode just kind of had a bit of a heavier load than I have been used to, and it was something that I didn't really want to admit to myself because I am very much the girl who's like, no, I can do it all, don't worry, and I just had to realize that it was That is not how I want to operate, and it's not really what I believe in, and when I think of this 2. 0 version of myself, when I envision the 2. 0 self that I am stepping into, she is not that. She is not the person who says, oh no, I can handle it all, like, give me more, more, more. She is in her worth and in her True self and able to delegate and able to discern what is important and what's not, what's just busy work and what's work that moves the needle, what actually matters in like spending my time on this earth, right? And so I kind of just had this aha moment as I've been in my. 2. 0 era and stepping into this really like this version of myself that I have been and behaving as for so long, but like really now I'm like, no, let's step into her. And this has so much to do with the monthly archetype manifestation process that I have, which if you're new here, it's very much this kind of process of manifesting at the top of every month and asking yourself who you need to be and who you want to be. who you desire to step into to fulfill your manifestations, to fulfill all of the desires that you have and the way that you want to walk through this world. And so as I've been doing my archetypes, I've kind of been like stepping further and further into this like larger than life version of myself that I see for me. And I very much was just like, Okay, this one thing that's been in the shadow is the way that I've just been going at kind of like lightning speed and it hasn't been serving me and I think it's been serving me. I think that I have to stay on this hamster wheel. But the real truth of the matter is that there is magic in slowing down. There's magic in slowing down because it speeds us up. It tunes out all the noise, the clutter, the busy work, and it gets you down into the potency. And so I've kind of really been taking things back, like even on my weekends, I've, I've really called it, and I think this is like a great place to start in the little things that I love that's made my life. Better lately, Notes. Notes app. And the place I'll start is that I've been in my bare minimum era. I have truly been trying to do the least intentionally. I have been letting myself get bored, which is so crazy because I am like the busiest bee and I just love, like, not even in a working sense, like, On the weekends, like, I will just putz around. I'll just keep going and I'll keep, like, you know, I'm just excited, like, I have a lot of things I reach to to stay busy and, like, doing. And so what I've been trying to allow myself to do is be in the bare minimum, actually rest, be like, is that something that I need to do or am I just filling my time for filling time's sake? I was funny because I went on a walk with Connor the other weekend and. We're on our loop, and I just turned to him and like, I was kind of joking, but I was like, I was like, Connor, I'm bored. And he was like, what? And I was like, I was like, I'm not saying that in a bad way. I was like, this is really good for me. Like, I have been needing this level of blank space. I've been needing to create total, silence, total blank space. And it's felt really good. I have been loving it. I've been just spending more time like reading and lounging around and I've been saying no to plans a lot. I find that this time right in spring is such a good time. To have a little bit more boundaries. It's still that secret time before, like you're in your summer spirit and you want to be kind of like more of that. Yes, person. You want to be like bopping around and like kind of living your best free spirited life. I feel like this is just such a good moment to kind of like take a look at maybe some of like the heavier stuff from the winter, put it out into a little light and let yourself really get into you and your. Own habits and routines and what makes you feel really good. So the bare minimum era has been ringing through and true. It has been kind of like my monthly, it's my monthly archetype for this month, but it's kind of a bit of like the theme for spring. So it's been feeling really good. So let me tell you what I've been doing in my bare minimum era. I have been doing phone office hours. So I definitely realize, and many of us do this. I would say all of us have phone addictions, and so I had found myself just like reaching for my phone a lot. Just kind of like scrolling, engaging with like content, which is not a bad thing, but I want to urge us to all be more mindful of how much we're consuming over creating. And as someone like all, I can just like label myself as like, a creator in all senses of the word, right? Like, I am a creative. I've always been in this, like, field. I've always kind of, like, been someone developing stuff. I really always try to encourage myself to be someone who creates more than I just consume. And I found myself very much in, like, a consumption moment, being like, why am I just spending time consuming so much? And almost, dare I say, doom scrolling. So I put my phone into office hours. I make sure that You know what, where it actually starts? I've yet to order one because I have like a pretty basic alarm clock, but I think a great place to start is to buy yourself a legit alarm clock, like, please, we need to get rid of the like cortisol spiking phone, iPhone alarm clock. It's so jarring. I have been really wanting to get a hatch. It's been on my list. It's on my manifestation list. But right now I just have a regular alarm clock that is just like, it's kind of shitty. It's like battery operated. It's not the best, but I kind of want to upgrade to the hatch. But I'm telling you, like not having your phone first thing in the morning is huge. Waking up naturally, like seeing light, you know, I go downstairs immediately. I've always done this. Like I meditate first thing I journal, I connect to source, like it's just how I set the tone for the fricking day. And then I check my phone and I actually charge it. In another room. I find that so valuable. Just don't sleep with it right next to your bed. Put it in a little bit of timeout. So we do that in the morning. And then at night, I also put my phone away. Like I usually try to put it away between like 8 and 8 30 and just not touch it. I just don't want to engage. It's just not necessary. And it has been such a game changer. And I've got Connor on this too. Like he's been kind of doing it with me and We've been like just spending so much more time together because of it, which I know sounds so crazy. Like, the phone was that much of a cock block, but it really was. So we've been just like hanging out downstairs. We've been like much more intentional about not, you know, when you're like watching TV and like you catch yourself in the trap of having your computer out, your tablet out, and your phone out, and you're like also watching TV. Like, Why is that necessary? Why do we do that? So we've truly just been watching tv or we'll like be reading together downstairs. It also has been getting us to Get to bed early, which is another, like, line item of mine that I've been focusing on in this bare minimum era, which has been, like, really prioritizing my rest and setting a bedtime, so we've been getting to bed earlier because of this, it's literally helped our intimate life, like, I'm not kidding, like, this has had, like, The ripple effect that we've been wanting. So I love this. Another thing, like I just said, is I've been prioritizing sleep. I'll try and find it to share with you guys, but I recently read a study that men need eight hours of sleep and women need nine hours of sleep every night and then 10 hours of sleep when you're on your period. So I just was like, let's do this. Let's prioritize their sleep. It is the number one. Thing that we should be focusing on because it dictates everything else in our life. It is so important. Huberman just released I'm, not like a crazy Huberman girl, but because like he he really loses me. I'm like, please give me the spark notes, sir But he just released an episode quite recently about sleep. I think he's doing like a nine part series on it So i'm kind of like touching in and out of that as best as I can, but it's been so amazing to You Do so. Yeah, I've been focusing on sleep getting nine to ten hours a night and something that has been helping me focus on sleep Has been using mouth tape I know i've mentioned this before i've kind of put it on my like bedside roundups lately of what i've been doing and It has been so transformative. I actually just have gotten it off of amazon Just like a mouth tape recently Thank you But I did get my hands on the Skinny Confidential mouth tape from a friend of mine, and that has been so cool! I really love that specific mouth tape because she included, Lauren Bostic included, like, a little, like, tiny little hole in it. In the mouth, like she's just such a genius designer and I've been waking up like a literal Energizer bunny because of the mouth tape because nasal breathing is just so amazing. Honestly, all of these kind of like bleed into one another but I'm just gonna like continue. We're reading off of this list. So the next one is closing shop. So I really like this idea of kind of like resetting my house every night before I go to bed. And I've kind of like coined it as this idea of closing shop. Like, Kitchen is closed. You know, I think we are resetting for the next day because there's truly nothing worse. Mel Robbins talks about this on her podcast, but she's like, always says that there's nothing worse than when you wake up in the morning and you have last night's dishes to do, you know, just because you thought like the pan had to like soak all night. You know what I mean? It really doesn't. So she always talks about how that is really not a great. Way or tone to set your next day with yesterday's problems, if you really want to put it bluntly. And so I have kind of implemented this practice of closing shop. It's pretty simple. I just make sure all of the dishes are put away. The dishwasher is being run. The counter tops are cleaned up. You know, if I want to set up anything prior for the next morning, like if I preemptively want to set out coffee, or You know like a mug or whatever it is my like supplements I can do that I just make sure that everything is just feeling good and reset So when I come down in the morning, I just feel really refreshed I make sure that the couch isn't a total mess because let's be real when i'm like watching tv I love to grab a million pillows and blankets and I just make sure to reset the couch every night fold the blankets Organize the pillows just make sure things are feeling like You exactly how I would want to wake up in the morning. So that is closing shop and I really recommend it. It's just been like such a micro thing I've done that has been a really major shift in how I end my night, how I close out my day, how I start my next morning. And I truly mean it when I say it takes less than five minutes. So Closing shop has been really great. Another one has been this idea of getting up two hours before my day starts. I kind of realized that in my winter slump, we'll just call it that for now, that I really was so burnt out that I found myself falling into habits that weren't actually serving me. One very specific being that I would literally wake up like 30 minutes before my first call. And in reality, that gives you no time because I still have to like, get myself out of bed, brush my teeth, wash my face, make my coffee. Have some breakfast or something and I usually like to meditate and journal and do a whole routine in the morning and so I was kind of pushing that off and then just spiking my cortisol jumping into like calls for the day, which is so unnecessary. So I called it for what it was. And now I really make a effort to get up two hours before I need to do anything remotely responsible. Like, those two hours are for me and me alone. And have I slipped up a couple times? Sure, but it's like, I can get right back into it because I realized just how important it is for making me feel good that day. And in that two hours, I've also made the change to getting morning endorphins, which is just kind of like another little line item on this list. And I, but I feel like it kind of coincides, which You know, normally, I found myself falling into this habit of being like, maybe doing more of a evening, late afternoon workout or movement practice, which is fine, like, honestly, no shame in just fitting in your movement where you need to fit it in, but I'm Most of my life I've actually kind of been a morning workout person. I feel like in the past couple years my routines have kind of shifted around a little bit. And I have been reintroducing just having morning endorphins. So, I don't put the pressure on myself to do my full workout in the morning if I don't have time. Because sometimes the day just works out where it's like the only time available is at the end of the day, which no shame on that. But I have allowed myself to just have morning endorphins in a smaller way if it's not going to be a big workout. So I'll still try and go on a quick walk. I'll still do a 15 minute Melissa Wood health, you know. I just kind of want to like, truly, like, get the blood, like, moving in my system, like, like, kind of wake everything up. And even just those little small habits have made such a difference. And it's helped me really just Get those endorphins going get those feel good chemicals going and setting the tone for how I want to show up that whole day. So that has been major as part of that like two hours before my day starts and it's really not that hard to fit in. So I have been loving that and then additionally I would say one of the craziest things that I have updated in my life is very much revolved around my diet. And I think I touched on this in my last solo episode because I had recently come back from Costa Rica and we had a private chef when we were there who was making all of her food from scratch. And it really, that like whole week we were there, I just felt so good. And I particularly felt the benefits of it when I came back to the States and it kind of just sparked something in me to be like, I want to just spend a little bit more time being mindful about how I. Make my food and how I nourish myself and you know, I've been on a little bit of a hormonal journey it's something that I'm like hoping to also get more like lapsed on about and I've just noticed that I Am someone like my family our whole lives We've always been like, oh like our family is like hypoglycemic Like we always need snacks like our blood sugar drops like we need a little something and I was like wait Kind of after like this trip and reorganizing, you know, how I've been fueling myself, which has been leading with a lot of proteins and fats before anything else, I've realized that I've kind of nipped this like hypoglycemia family myth in the butt. And I'm like, wait, I actually just don't know if I was prioritizing enough. satiating foods. Because if I put it bluntly, like, I really am a girl who loves carbs. And like, I kind of gravitate toward that. And it wasn't giving me really the energy that I needed for the day. And I kind of felt myself always crashing and burning, blood sugar spiking, dropping, spiking, dropping. And I've really just been like, excited about managing my glucose levels and it's something that I've read about I've Listened a lot about and I think just a few things lined up where I was like, no I'm actually like really ready to prioritize this so i've been really shifting kind of how i've been consuming foods and truthfully, it's not about like It's not coming from any sort of shame narrative. It's really coming from like, no, you can eat whatever you want. Just like, let's just be eating and be more mindful about like, really filling yourself up with proteins and fibers and like healthy fats and just like, satiating yourself first, truly. And so I've just kind of been like playing around with my ratios of my plates. And you guys, the coolest thing is that I on my most recent menstrual cycle had probably the best period of my life in years. And I truthfully like haven't had like an alarming, like alarming symptoms around my menstrual cycle. But I would just say in the past couple years I've dealt with hormonal acne, I've dealt with like heavier periods, I've dealt with cramping and just like fatigue and brain fog. And so when I tell you I was a literal energizer bunny on my last menstrual cycle, I was like oh my god, between being in my bare minimum era and like honestly like working on my cortisol levels and changing my diet to be something that is so nourishing, holy shit. I've never felt so good. And so it's now sparked me into, like, having even more reason to continue. eating this way, fueling myself this way. And as I mentioned in my housekeeping notes, how we're kind of doing like a school's out for summer podcast moment, I just realized that I am really excited this summer to spend a lot more time on my own health and wellness. You know, it's, I'm ready to walk my talk even more. I always walk my talk, but I was just like, I think I'm just really excited to spend my summer really, really nourishing myself and getting after a couple things, a couple of those shadows that have been lingering and just really stepping into 2. 0 Tati and like feeling good from the inside out. And it also sparked me to like, I go to a really great Pilates studio and the teacher is Kind of like a health and wellness coach. So I am going to be doing a couple sessions with her Just on like overall like nutrition and fitness and like just feeling my best and all sorts of stuff like that So I have kind of dedicated my summer to that and just feeling really good I'm gonna go I have my ob appointment set up. So i'm gonna be kind of the diving a little bit more into my own like hormonal balances and just get some more metrics around that and just really spend some time leaning into my well being. So I'm so excited. Anyways, you guys, thank you for tuning into this week's episode. A bit of a mouthful, but I just said so much. I was ready to pour out of my heart and share with you guys just all of my little habits and routines. in lieu of this very interesting astrological spring cleaning moment that has been happening for all of us. So I hope that you loved this episode. Thank you guys for tuning in to even the love spell drama. Oh my gosh, it's so funny. But yeah, I really hope that this inspires you guys to kind of take the your own spring cleaning into account and really just like get excited for this next version of self that is on the brink for all of us. It's just So beautiful. And it's really at all of our fingertips. And also, I just want to get you guys really excited because the next couple solo episodes that'll be coming out right before our brief podcasting break are all about the monthly archetype and monthly manifestation journals, which is so exciting. And it's going to be taking you through all of the different phases of the journal because those are going to be for sale so soon. I'm like, I'm just chomping at the bit about it and I'm just so excited to get it in your guys's hands and so I decided to do a really fun kind of like podcast deep dive on the journal itself, kind of explaining all of the different visualize align and attract phases of it and how you can do that. Do it, and really utilize this as a tool for stepping into your best self. Alright guys, thank you so much for tuning in this week. I just love chatting with you, and I can't wait to talk to you guys soon. Alright, love you, bye! Thank you for listening to the Bedside podcast. I hope you love this episode as much as we did making it. If you have any feedback, questions, or suggestions for future episodes, or if you just wanna chat, don't hesitate to reach out to us at the bedside on Instagram and the online. You can also find us at by the bedside on TikTok to stay updated on our latest. episodes, be sure to subscribe to our podcast on your preferred platform. And if you found this episode valuable, I would so greatly appreciate if you could leave us a rating, a review, text it to a friend, share it to your Instagram stories. Let's get this message out there loud and clear until next time. Thank you so much for tuning in and I'll see you next week.