Animal Agriculture Podcast
Animal agriculture is an ever changing industry. Science is driving rapid changes in how we feed and care for our animals. In order to keep up on the changing landscape, nutritionists and veterinarians are turning to new formats to get timely research in a quick and efficient manner. Nutra Blend’s Animal Agriculture podcasts offers this informative platform to keep you up to date on the latest research.
92 episodes
Managing Molds and Mycotoxins: Critical for Livestock and Poultry Performance
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Kemin's Dr. Vanessa Iseri to disucss how livestock and poultry producers are continuously faced with challenges to feed quality. Molds and mycotoxins are two such feed quality profit robbers ...
Season 2
Episode 48
Evaluating Sustainability in Cattle Production
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Elanco's Dr. Sara Place to discuss how climate change is a hot topic today. Today we will take a deep dive into cattle's role in helping to nurture the earth. Join us for this week's episode ...
Season 2
Episode 47
Organic Acids to Maximize Pig Performance
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Novus' Dr. Brad Lawrence to discuss how when pigs don’t eat, bad bacteria can take over the gut. When these bad bugs outnumber the good ones, producers may see diarrhea or loss of productivit...
Season 2
Episode 46
Receiving Cattle and Stress
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Zinpro's Dr. Chris Reinhardt to discuss how it seems that receiving cattle and stress are synonymous. Much care goes into the planning process of bringing cattle into an operation, and ...
Season 2
Episode 45
Zinc for High Producing Livestock
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Zinpro's Dr. Jeff Weyers and Dr. Chris Reinhardt to to discuss how zinc plays a critical role in immune function, tissue healing, muscle growth, hoof tissue generation, and epithelial barrier...
Season 2
Episode 44
Rev up the rumen even with suboptimal forages
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Lallemand's Dr. Angel Aguilar to to discuss how out of all the engines and heavy machinery you may find on a dairy operation, do you know what really drives the productivity of a dairy farm? ...
Season 2
Episode 43
Bioavailability of Key Nutrition Components
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Micronutrient's Dr. Josh Steed to discuss how a current buzz word in the animal nutrition world is bioavailability. Getting the animal to utilize the trace mineral supplemented in their...
Season 2
Episode 43
Early Microbial Colonization in the Young Pig
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Church and Dwight's Dr. Ellen Davis to discuss how microbial colonization is the succession event that happens very early in the pig’s life, in the life of all mammals, by which the gastroint...
Season 2
Episode 41
Hydroxychloride Mineral Manufacturing and Source Selection Criteria for Improved Animal Performance
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Phibro's Dr. Angie Boyer to discuss how, recently, hydroxy chloride sourced minerals have become more available and utilized industry wide. Today we will discuss their advantages. Join us for...
Season 2
Episode 40
Using Flies to Study Additives
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Biozyme's Dr. Lynsey Whitacre to discuss how research is imperative to making continued strides in studying health and nutrition for livestock. But have you thought about some unlikely resear...
Season 2
Episode 39
Solubility of Key Trace Minerals
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Micronutrient's MAris McCarthy to discuss how there are many differences in trace minerals for poultry and livestock. Terms such as bioavailability, solubility, organic, inorganic, are ...
Season 2
Episode 38
Effects of Organic Trace Mineral Source on Animal Bioavailability and Performance
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Phibro's Dr. Angie Boyer to discuss how organic mineral sources continue to grow in popularity in the poultry and livestock industries, but with so many types and options available, how do we...
Season 2
Episode 37
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Zoetis' Dr. Kevin Eggers how to discuss howIleitis is a common and costly disease in grow-finish pigs. It is estimated that nearly 94% of herds with no clinical signs of disease were found to...
Season 2
Episode 36
Negative DCAD Diets Improve Transition Period Health in Dairy Cows
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Church and Dwight's Dr. Joel Pankowski to discuss how the transition period is one of the most important determinants of productivity and postpartum health, and ultimately sets the stage for ...
Season 2
Episode 35
Identifying Barriers to Maximal Milk Fat Production
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Elanco's Dr. Darren McGee to discuss how dairies are paid for their milk varies across the country. One constant is the value of milk components, and in particular, milk fat. Toda...
Season 2
Episode 32
Heifer Development
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Diamond V's Dr. Gavin Staley to discuss how a dairy farmer knows when to breed virgin heifers. On many dairies the decision is entirely based on if the heifers look “big” enough, reach a cert...
Season 2
Episode 31
The Real Impact of Oxidation on Feed Quality and Animal Health
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Kemin's Vanessa Iseri to discuss how when we hear the term “oxidation”, many of us thing about rusting metal or corrosion on our cars. Oxidation goes well beyond that in the feed indust...
Season 2
Episode 34
Nutritional Considerations for Health Challenged Pigs
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with ZInpro's Dr. wes Schweer to discuss how feeding healthy pigs can be challenging enough based on the changing environment and health status of the pigs. Today we will discuss how to appr...
Season 2
Episode 27
Today's Advancement in Pet Nutrition
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Alltech's Kami Grandeen to discuss how companion animal nutrition has become more refined, mostly driven by well educated pet owners. There are unlimited choices when it comes to dog an...
Season 2
Episode 29
Sustainability in Cattle Production
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Merck's Dr. Grant Crawford to discuss how today’s consumer is more interested than ever in the way their food is produced. As a part of this, consumer concern exists regarding the use o...
Season 2
Episode 28
Yin and Yang
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Biozyme's Dr. Lynsey Whitacre to discuss how “Gut health” is a term that is being used increasingly in scientific literature, health magazines, and blogs, and is even making its way into ever...
Season 2
Episode 27
Improving Feed Pelleting Efficiency
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Kemin's Jerilyn Hergenreder to discuss how the advantages of pelleting swine and poultry feeds are well documented. However, the costs associated with making highly digestible, durable and lo...
Season 2
Episode 26
Transition Cow Management
On today's episode, John Ratzenberger sits down with Diamond V's Dr. Kelly Reed to discuss how dairy producers work to efficiently produce nutritious products for the consumer. When running a business, the healthier the animals are, the more pr...
Season 2
Episode 25