On Top of PR with Jason Mudd

How to use personality analytics to better hire, engage, and develop employees with Dolly Penland

September 29, 2020 Dolly Penland Episode 13

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Learn how to hire the best individual for your company, lead them to their highest potential, and remotely manage them during the pandemic all through personality analytics. Dolly Penland is the CEO of a talent optimization consultancy and has had years of experience helping companies scale.


Use personality assessments to build the best team for your company and optimize them to their highest potential

Five things you’ll learn from this episode:

  1. How to better manage your clients and employees?
  2. How can a company minimize turnover?
  3. How personality analytics help you hire the best talent for your company?
  4. How can you manage individuals with different personalities?
  5. Is it effective to have a team composed of individuals with different personalities?
  6. How to be more customer focused?


  • “I am encouraging my managers and my leaders to be self aware of their impact on people even remotely because we are still in a working environment, a working relationship.” — @DollyPenland
  • “You have to understand how people are going to be unique and value them for those unique qualities.” — @DollyPenland
  • “We have to understand that just because somebody has a degree or a certification doesn’t mean that we don’t still need to invest time and energy into developing them, training them, getting up to speed on whatever their new workload is.”— @DollyPenland
  • “Success is not a one time event. It’s ongoing.” — @DollyPenland
  • “I like to make sure that employees understand how their little piece is helping the ultimate organization’s big outcomes. That’s empowering for people to know those kinds of things.” — @DollyPenland
  • “It starts with self awareness because I have to understand that I might be the one getting in my own way.”— @DollyPenland 

About Dolly Penland

Dolly Penland, president & CEO of Business Results, a PI® Certified Partner and Talent Optimization consultancy, works with organizations to help them hire and manage their talent to their highest potential. Penland specializes in multiple areas including helping businesses grow sales, reduce turnover, and develop leaders.

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About your host Jason Mudd

On Top of PR host, Jason Mudd, is the CEO and managing partner of Axia

On Top of PR is brought to you by ReviewMaxer

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  • On Top of PR is produced by Axia Public Relations, named by Forbes as one of America’s Best PR Agencies. Axia is an expert PR firm for national brands.
  • On Top of PR is sponsored by ReviewMaxer, the platform for monitoring, improving, and promoting online customer reviews.

- [Announcer] Welcome to "On Top of PR" with Jason Mudd. Presented by Review Maxer.

- Welcome everyone to "On Top of PR", we're excited to have you here. We've got a special guest, Dolly Penland today. Dolly, welcome to the show.

- Thank you. Thank you for having me live and in person.

- Yeah, absolutely. So Dolly is not only a good friend of mine and a good friend of my PR agency, Axia Public Relations, but she is also an important asset to our agency. She helps us do personality assessments for any finalists that we are interviewing, any team members on our team and has been a huge help to me and my agency over, well, candidly for the 18 plus years we've been in business, but more specifically for the last 10 is we've been working together on a personality test, personality analytics. And so Dolly, why don't you give us just the quick intro about who you are and what you do, and we'll dive right into the show.

- Excellent. So thank you for having me. Dolly Penland, my company is Business Results and basically what I do is I help organizations create a human capital strategy that's aligned with their business strategy. So to your point, helping not just sourcing people, but post hire, how do I better manage folks, how do I help keep them motivated and on their game. I always, well, you and I know we both have kids that are about the same age and when we first met, I was like, "Are your kids exactly the same?" No, nobody says that they are, right? But we expect other people's kids, perfect strangers to come into my organization and do what I tell them to do 'cause I told him to do it and it never works. So we wanna make sure that we value each of our work kids for who they are.

- Well, and so the first thing I think is on everyone's mind, we like to keep this show evergreen, but everybody has right now the COVID-19 experience going on, where they're working from home and their employees are working from home. They're having to manage employees, not only remote employees, but be remotely managing them in addition to them working remotely. And you know, you have helped me with this, probably since 2014, where we became very loose and liberal about how encouraging employees to work from home, having staff that worked from satellite offices. And so I always have leaned on you to kind of say, "Okay, help me look at this candidate and figure out are they someone who can work at home, and when they are working home, can they thrive? Or are they someone who needs that social interaction that working from the office brings?" And then correct me if I'm wrong, I was talking to a friend of mine about this recently, but also there's a whole nother level of that person may need a lot of socialization, but some of them have that in their social network outside of work. And then some people are looking for that exclusively inside of work. And so we've run into some challenges where there's people who are relatively extroverted or maybe they just don't have a lot of friends. And so when they work remotely, that creates a barrier to them because the social interaction they have are very dependent upon their coworkers versus a group of friends. So tell me first of all, what are some signs that employers can be looking for when they're managing their staff about their work from home crew? And then we'll get into more about how we can actually use true data to figure that out.

- Oh, excellent. So signs, looking for performance metrics. So one of the things... I mean, you're good at this because you've been working with your remote folks for a long time, but a lot of people, they were thrust into this pandemic craziness, and they lacked the understanding of how to create that clarity that they would have in person where you can have an informal walk by to somebody's office, those kinds of things. So first of all, making sure that we have very good clarity on expectations. How are we reporting our work back together? What do we expect to be done? When do we expect it to be done by? Being even, not micromanaging, but just making sure that we're clearly focused on our expectations, our work expectations and that we're then measuring what those results are. You know, did we get the project at Wednesday at 1:00? Did we focus our energies on the outcomes of whatever it was? So we're making sure that we're looking for those kinds of clues first. And then if we're not hitting our deadlines, if we see people, if we're doing a Zoom meeting, for example, and somebody just doesn't wanna go on camera, it's like, well, is it because they're really introverted and they're shy and are they embarrassed? Are they just having COVID stress? Versus trying to take over the conversation. So let's say you're having a Zoom meeting and they're used to being in control and they're a talker and they like to socialize and you're trying to talk about business and they keep interrupting and going, "Hey, was that somebody's puppy in the background?" Or, "Oh, who's got the..." You know, it's like, those focus energies. It's not that they're trying to disrupt the meeting. What you're witnessing then is one of those signs that they just need five minutes just to have the real personal connection that, to your point, they're missing or would have had in the office. Another thing that I am encouraging my managers and my leaders to do is to be self aware of their impact on people even remotely, because we are still in a working environment, a working relationship. So if I am, for example, very direct and telling, and I know that I have to put the brakes on myself, but I'm under stress myself because of COVID or I'm not taking into account the other, my neighbors, or maybe I'm trying to take care of my family while I am okay, but still trying to work. Well, that's having an impact now on me. So I'm not doing a self check and therefore I will affect, again, the performance of my team. So just understanding what the performance metrics are, what do we expect to be happening? What do we expect those outcomes? And then just looking for those signs. Are they uncomfortable?

- Yeah. Well, that's very interesting. So one of the ways that we work together is like I mentioned earlier, we identify some candidates that we think are finalists, we put them in front of your screener for lack of a better word, and they go online, do a very quick assessment, which I'm always surprised how quick that works. And then from there, you come back to us with the personality assessment. We always share that with the candidate also kind of as a value add for their participation in our process. Very rarely have I had anybody come back and say, "That doesn't sound like me." What they usually come back and say, "There's a few things that make me uncomfortable, but I think it's relatively spot on." There are actual, and I don't wanna misinterpret or miss express it, but there are actual indicators that come back from this personality assessment that tell you about their energy level, about their level of assertiveness, their socialness and their rule following capability. But there's also a way for you to kind of read into how well will this person work unsupervised? How well will this person work remotely? How does that work and what are you looking for in the report itself?

- So as you know, you're giving me way too much credit, I teach my clients how to use this so that they can be the experts at their own offices. 'Cause I don't work in my client's offices every day, but thank you, yes, I'll be the expert here. So clients like you grab the data from their folks. They look at them, and what they're looking at is dominance, extroversion, patience, and formality. They're also looking at how they learn, think and process information. I also do competency-based interviewing with my clients to look at other indicators because to your point, does this person even wanna work at a home at loan? I'll tell you right now what the data I'm seeing is is that a lot of folks who are particularly socially oriented, they need social interactions, are having a harder time with remote working. Not because they don't appreciate getting the work done. So for example, I work out of I'm a remote worker. My company is at home, obviously. Like all of them, but I'm very mission focused. So I get things done because I need to help my clients. I wanna do this, but the social interaction piece, yeah, I absolutely miss that. But I also wanna socialize when I wanna socialize. Where I've got a client who we have done a lot of talking lately, because this individual is not getting the social interaction that they would normally get at their office, their shared space, that kind of thing. I'm happy to be there, that sounding board for them, because I also understand that's their need. So people who are particularly assertive can work strongly on their own if they have a mission. If they feel like they're still making an impact on whatever their work outcomes are, where somebody who is not as assertive or dominant will work at home because the rules say, or the company needs me to do this. Where you're gonna kind of focus your energies is on that extroversion piece. 'Cause if I have somebody who's particularly socially, needing social interaction, I'm gonna make sure I schedule more calls with them. Give check ins. Do more Zoom meetings or Google Hangouts or whatever people are doing so that they can see me. So we're actually having a scheduled time. And then with those folks too, one of the things I'm encouraging my clients to do is do an informal coffee or an informal lunch. So you're at your house, you're having your coffee. I'm at my house and we're not gonna talk about business, or we're gonna take 30 minutes just to kind of do the water cooler chat that we normally would have done at the office. "Hey, did you watch that movie?" You know, "What's the latest thing that you saw Netflix?" or whatever service, Hulu. Because they just need that debrief. It doesn't have to be work, work, work, work, work all the time. For my more introverted folks who are just more task focused, they need social interaction too. Ask them, "Hey, do you wanna just join in on a call for fun?" And sometimes they'll say, yeah. They just need to listen. So you just have to understand there's, what, So at 7.58/59 billion people on the planet, there's gonna be 7.58 or 59 iterations of these behavioral and cognitive abilities that we measure with, so the human capital assessments that we use, plus there's also their social norms that they grew up with and their values and their interests. So you have to just understand how people are going to be unique and value them for those unique qualities. Another thing that we're doing, and I know you and I've had this conversation, is how people follow rules, because if I'm having to do retraining on what the work looks like. So let's say that they're working remotely, or let's say that I've had a reduction in demand, therefore I'm having a reduction in force, even if temporarily. Well, I might have one person doing the work of two people. So what I wanna do is I'm gonna look at my objective job models and map somebody to this. And I just did this with several clients where we've taken their job models pre COVID, the expectations, the requirements, the objective measures of what we need for somebody to be successful in a role, and we're actually mapping people to two roles so that we can look at where the gaps are on the two roles and how to best manage them to their highest performance. And then on training, we're looking at what are those new training protocols. So one of my clients has individuals, everybody has different learning abilities. Some people learn things really quickly. Some people take time. Both behavioral and cognitive data sets go into that of course. And what we're looking at is then what is my investment of time to train somebody to get them up to speed, because I don't wanna lose them. There was a reason I brought them into my organization. And now if I've had to give them extra responsibilities or extra work, or for some, one of my clients, they had some older folks in the workforce who had never done Zoom at all. And so there was a whole learning curve around, "No, no. Here's how you plug it in." And, "Here's how you share your screen." And it wasn't because they weren't getting it. It just it never was part of their job before. So there was training involved. So we have to understand that just because somebody has a degree or a certification doesn't mean that we don't still need to invest time and energy into developing them, training them, getting up to speed on whatever their new workload is.

- So you're making me think of a real life example. Whereas, there's an employee at our company, she's been with us for a long time, probably eight or nine years now. And just somebody who works really hard, gets a lot of work done on a daily basis. And is always agreeable to take on more responsibility. If you want something done, you ask her to do it. And I'll never forget that you helped me understand, by the way, her employment with our company, probably just barely predates when you started providing your services to our company. And so I made it a habit on a regular to recognize her in staff meetings and in group gatherings for her hard work. And then you told me just kind of giving me an overview of all of our staff when we talked specifically about her, I remember you specifically said, "Oh, with this employee you definitely never want to recognize her in public because that'll be embarrassing to her or she won't be glad that you did that, and you'll be well-intentioned by doing it, but it'll make her uncomfortable." And I literally gasped 'cause I was like, "Are you serious?" Because I make a point at least once a week to recognize her in a group setting. And so then I quickly shifted my management or my style around being with her to do it one on one. And kind of, I don't wanna say in private, but yeah, in private basically. Either catching her in the hallway where it's just one on one or popping in her office and recognizing her. And that was eyeopening to me as kind of one of the first anecdotal takeaways from this engagement in this project with you.

- I love that story. And, you know, that's so funny because months later she actually asked me something like, "Did you say something to him?" Because she goes, "He notices that I do good work and he's really taking the time to share it with me." And I was like, "What? No. It's just part of the overall training." How we praise people, how we coach them, how we give them feedback is all unique. I mean, again, I go back to the anecdotes with our kids. Some of the kids want the trophy and to be the loud one and goes, "Look at me, look at me!" And other kids are the ones that are like, "I got this A. Can we have a private talk about how good this was?" Or "Can I share it with you?" We love our kids equally, right? But they're all unique.

- Well, I may or may not have a daughter who can process multiple stimulus at one time, whereas I'm like more one-on-one, this is all I can do. And I might be able to work with some background music. And that's it, you know? Whereas like when she's doing her schoolwork, she's got a video playing, she's got music playing, she's chatting and texting her friends and she's still doing her math or whatever she's supposed to be doing. And I'm just like, "There's no way you can really be doing this right now," but she has the ability to do that. And so I might be in a situation where I'm on a conference call and I'm taking notes and maybe doing something else maybe at the same time. And then she comes in and starts talking to me, whatever. And I'm like, "Hey, I can do one thing well. Maybe two things. I'm trying to do three right now, and you're this fourth thing." And she's like, "I don't understand why you can't do all of it at once." So I'm just not able to do that. So I've had to learn through both people I work with, there's a lot of women in the public relations industry and there's a allegedly, there's a stereotype that women are better at multitasking than men are. And so when I'm working, somebody might ask me a question or I might be reading something or writing something, and they're still maintaining a conversation while I'm trying to do. And I'm like, "I can't." I can not listen and do the work. I need to single task. But there's other people absolutely at my agency who they will be talking to you and talking out loud about what they're doing while they're doing it. And they're fine with that. And I just can't. I'm out. So how do we identify those people and adjust our communication style to them?

- So actually that's a couple of things. That's a great point. And by the way, just for your audience, I don't know, and none of the stuff that I do reveals any of the protected classes. So like, I know you said that there's a stereotype and I've actually heard that before. That's not something that we would validate. I can't even guess that's just, that is, yeah. It's not on the science at all, but there's a behavioral, cognitive, and then competency-based ways that people accommodate those things. So for example, as somebody who is particularly driving and task focused, may be more mission focused. Like, "I gotta think about this before I move on to the next thing," right? Somebody who's gonna be a more demanding or a perfectionist, which you might be a little demanding too there, Jason, similarly would be focused, but for a different reason. Really what's the quality. Quality, quality, quality, right? Where somebody who is very calm, which I am not, might be singularly focused just because they want to take the time, go through, you know, and it's not that they're rushing, they're not a perfectionist. They just are very steady and methodical and systematic about how they tackle their work. So there's different reasons why, and then of course the flip of all of those. And then competencies is, would be learned behavior. So things that people have learned to do to take in all of those different stimuli. So kids, for example, are a great example because they grew up with instant gratification. Technology at their fingertips. Holding their first iPhone or iPad or whatever when they're two years old. So their learning style from those technologies has had an impact, but I've seen adults do it. I've seen, I am more, I like if I'm working on something that I genuinely need to get done, I don't want any stimuli. Like I wanna work on the one thing. But if I'm doing something that's boring or I hate like my corporate compliance or running payroll or any what I call my high D days, my high detail days, I will definitely have music going on in the background or three tabs open. 'Cause I'm reading three different news articles while I'm doing it because I hate it. So therefore I'm procrastinating, But I've got all the other stimuli going on. So people will do those for different things. Now the competencies then we would actually like to interview around. So if I need a quiet work environment where I have a lot of cubicles or for example, back in the day when we actually used to go to office. And we can't have a lot of stimuli and other noises, we might actually interview around that. "Tell me how you like to work." "What is your best work atmosphere?" Those kinds of things. So there's different ways to drive at those kinds of things. I will tell you, anecdotally. So again, not science, younger generations I have seen some of those folks do it, but again, it goes to their unique behaviors and their unique learning styles. So I've got two daughters, one of them wants her head canceling headset.

- Yeah, noise canceling.

- Yeah. With no music on and she's my go, go, go kid. Right? But she puts those on when she's doing any kind of school studying, reading or anything like that.

- Yeah, that's me. Yeah, sure.

- She doesn't wanna hear anything, where the other kid is more like your daughter. All over the place. Again, we just wanna value them. But see, then here we go. Why would we wanna control that? So we as managers, when we're working with different employees who have these different work styles, we wanna make sure that they have an environment where they can have those needs met, right? So we can actually ask them, "How can we create an environment for you to be more productive?" But what we're then measuring is what is the outcome, what is the work I'm doing. Because ultimately that's what we're looking for. Did I get the right campaign? Did we produce X number of widgets within X number of time. So those performance metrics. So the one thing, and I know you're familiar with this, but your audience, they're not. I really focus on what is our strategy, what is it that we're trying to accomplish, what differentiates us from our competition in the marketplace. And then what are the measurable results that we're looking for, hence my company name, Business Results. What are the results that we're looking for? Because we should be able to have ongoing pulse checks for success. Success is not a onetime event, right? It's ongoing. What are our metrics? Not just our 10 year goals, but what are we doing this week to get us toward our metrics of success? If we're accomplishing our metrics very quickly, then are we being too conservative? We should have those kinds of metrics established for our employees. Our employees should know what their individual contributions are, what their expectations are. I do not like, personally, I am not a fan of annual performance reviews. 'Cause I don't think that somebody should wait 12 months to find out that they were doing a poor job. I like ongoing conversations with good metrics for success, where people really understand how they're being, what their performance metrics are, so how they're being judged for the performance. But then also so that they understand the value of their contribution. I like to make sure that they understand how their little piece is helping the ultimate organization's big outcomes. That's empowering for people to know those kinds of things. If there's workflow or team issues, so if I've got multiple people working on a project, they all need to be in agreement on what the project is, why we're doing it, but then the measurables, the deliverables that are unique for the different team members. So I always use the example of a football team. My quarterback has a different job than one of my lineman, right? But they're wearing the same jersey and their goal is the same. So we have to make sure that we're coordinating their efforts into a successful strategy.

- [Announcer] You're Listening to "On Top of PR" with your host, Jason Mudd. Jason is a trusted advisor to some of America's most admired and fastest growing brands. He is the managing partner at Axia Public Relations, a PR agency that guides news, social and web strategies for national companies. And now back to the show.

- We are not a perfect organization by far, but somehow we managed to go 63 months at our agency without any turnover. And a big part of that is what you're describing, is we looked at the person and said, my wife and I just finished watching, binge-watching "The Good Place", right? And so if you haven't seen the show, I'm not gonna spoil it for you. And I'm gonna actually give you a poor description of it. But that is that, it's like these people go to the afterlife, in some way it's designed to be exactly what they wanted it. It accommodates what their ideal situation is. And so similarly, we look at it and we say, "We wanna hire the best PR people we can find." And then we want to surround them with the tools and environment to help them succeed. And we want to embrace that there are things that they do well, that they wanna do. There's things they don't do well, that they don't wanna do. So we wanna take away the distractions, the inefficiencies and the undesirable work experience, delegate that to someone else who loves it. Like you said earlier, you don't like doing the paperwork and compliance, but I guarantee you there's somebody on my team who does, and there's somebody on my team who doesn't. So we try to partner them up and separate the work in a way where, you know, there's believe it or not, there's some people who wanna work in PR who are introverts and don't wanna pick up the phone, but there are other people who will pick up the phone and talk all day. So we try to divide the work in a way that I can take what you do best and optimize your time and talent to give you more of that and less of what you don't wanna do. And so, look again, we're not perfect, but 63 months, without any turnover, a lot of that, there's some credit there. Some of that goes obviously to what you've helped us accomplish and what you've helped us do. And one of the big things is, and I mentioned this to you many times is when I got my personality index from you, my profile, it was very clear to me, it was very validating to me. There were things that I do and challenges that I have that I thought were, how do you say, made me deficient in some way, but instead it was affirming that, yes, that's me and I struggle with this. And now that I know that I can leverage my strength, and one thing I'll never forget that was very revealing was you said to me that I struggle to delegate authority and I pushed back on that and said, "No, I love to delegate." And you were like, "Yes, you love to delegate tasks. You don't quite delegate authority well." And so that was eye opening to me to see where I could shed and give away more than what I was giving so that I could be more efficient in my time. And so through a process of five years or so, I started to really become more astute and interested in culture and developing my team and things like that, that this was part of that process of that eyeopening or awakening, if you will, to the importance of personalities and managing personalities, and putting players, if you will, in the right positions where they'll be happy and successful, not just where the team needs them to be. So, and I think that was one of the best things that has come out of our relationship, is helping me look at people as the assets they are. But as our friend Dwight Cooper says, what's best for you is what's best for the company. And so I've always tried to look at it that way too as kind of what is the best way, what is the best job experience for them, employment, career experience for them so that we can create employees for life and put them in the place, the good place at Axia where there'll be the happiest.

- Oh, I love that. And I'm gonna just kind of reaffirm what you just said, because you just said four key points that I really think that your audience needs to understand. First of all, you gained self-awareness. Everybody. Everybody has their own strengths. And everybody seems to think that they're self-aware, but we don't spend time actually self-coaching and understanding what our strengths are and what our, to your point, deficits. Although I usually don't look at the deficits. I really focus on the strengths. I'm a big fan of the carrots, not the sticks.

- Me too. Less painful.

- Yeah, much! But really it starts with self awareness because I have to understand that I might be the one getting in my own way. I know, for example, that I really don't like the details, you know? So it's like, I do have an assistant that I can tap when I need to, to do some work for me. I do have my accountant who does my CFO for hire work. And I did all that stuff for years because I know I need to control everything, right? But I also don't know what I don't know. So I finally had to say, "Okay, what will I let go? How could I let it go? Because I want my business to be successful." So I like that you said that it was self awareness, and that it took time to develop that self awareness. Everybody's great. I'm great. You're great. All the people in the audience are great. We don't understand our impact on others. So starting with that self awareness piece is critical. And then I liked that you said dividing up the work. So having multiple job models. So I have different focuses. One of my clients, for their project managers we created a client-faced project managers who do more of the client interactions. And then a task-focused project manager who handles more of the inventory management and the deadlines and the scheduling and the work with the individuals, their frontline workers, because why not divide up that work? Make it more successful. Then you talked about teams. Actually making sure that the environment is high performing so that those different contributors can work together, they can share, they can collaborate so that your talkers and your task-focused people both love PR, they both love the work, and now they can work together to capitalize on each other's strengths at a peer level. 'Cause you're not there holding their hands every minute of the day, right? That's not a leader's job. So we wanna make sure that those teams have been coached or developed, that they have good expectations, that they understand where they're gonna go so that they will be successful. And that does reduce turnover, which is amazing. I didn't realize it had been 63 months, so that's awesome. And then culture. A lot of people just don't investigate culture. They don't reward. They'll say we have this culture, but then they don't interview around it when they're bringing new candidates in, or they don't reward culture. You know, those kinds of things. So one of my clients, I recently helped them create culture questions, culture interviewing questions. 'Cause they're doing a lot of hiring right now. They actually see this pandemic environment as an opportunity. So we were creating culture based questions, instead of just saying, "These are our cultural values," we're interviewing around them. We're taking a deep dive to explain not just what our culture is, but to get an example. Does this person believe in that culture? Are they wanting to embrace and embody that culture because we go through so much trouble and effort to create our vision mission values, to make sure that we have the great products and services, so we wanna make sure that that piece doesn't get neglected because when other people interact with those employees, they'll know if somebody actually is embracing that culture. It's like those values. The vendors will know, their clients will know if they're client facing. In any of those kinds of things. We wanna make sure that yeah, we're recognizing and rewarding cultural wins when people exemplify those values and those cultural expectations, and that we interview around it when we're bringing new people in as well.

- Well, we are quickly running out of time. I think we could talk about this all day long. It's a topic that I love. One that's had a lot of impact on me, both personally and professionally. So credit to you for that. But I will just share with our audience that, if you're having difficulty managing certain employees, if you're having difficulty getting your best out of certain employees, if you're having difficulty interviewing well or figuring out the right alignment of position and KPIs and other things, these are all things that we've received a lot of help from you over the years, including just talking to some of our employees who are maybe struggling to articulate and be successful in their role or whatever it might be. And so you've been a really big help to our agency and I know you'll be helpful to our audiences, which is why I asked you to be on this session today. So in closing, tell us how our audience can get ahold of you, and maybe a resource or two you would recommend.

- Oh, sure. So they're welcome to go to my website, businessresultsllc.com. Business, standard spelling, results with an S, LLC.com. There's a lot on my blog, I keep it up to date with good current information. So I really encourage folks to go there. They're welcome to email me if they would like, and I think, didn't you and I write an article years ago that I don't know if...

- Been a while, yeah. Yeah.

- So I would start with my website. There's a lot of good research. One of the things that I like about the work that you do with your clients is you help them create those amazing campaigns, those PR strategies really helping to be successful. What then I like to make sure my clients understand is that you have to have then the people in those client companies that can execute those campaigns. If we're doing a lead generation campaign or awareness, or if we're doing marketing or advertising or something else that, do you have the right salespeople who can sell? Do you have the right research and development people who are able to create the products to perform? Do you have the right customer service people who are gonna take care of your folks? So it never is just one person or a onetime event. The things that you and I do are a holistic approach to creating, again, that human capital strategy that maps their business strategy.

- And a lot of our conversation today has been talking about how to manage the people who report up to you, but I've also been very pleased with using your services to help identify the third party audiences that we're also working with, meaning having our primary point of contact on the client side complete an assessment so that we can better understand how we can communicate well with them and how we can, what kind of feedback do they want? Do they want a comprehensive, detailed report that they can take and read? Or do they wanna hear it audibly? Or do they want short little sound bites summarizing our PR program? And so I think for our audience, that's something to think about too is their supervisor may not be letting off the clues and cues that you need to understand how to best communicate with them because you have very limited interactions with them, kind of thing, and so... Go ahead, Dolly.

- Yeah, so one of the things that I teach in the customer focused selling training is to identify those cues, because not doing the assessments on the client side, but to take that and understand how you're working with the client is gonna be critical. So that's a competency that we teach. Absolutely.

- Absolutely. And sometimes it takes a long time to learn how to read somebody and figure out what they really want. So if you can get an accelerated path to figuring out how do I best communicate and appeal to what this person is most interested in, that would be, that's a great shortcut that can be very valuable.

- Yeah, that's sales training. Yeah. So thank you.

- So it's businessresultsllc.com?

- Or they can email me.

- Yeah. Dolly@businessresultsllc.com.

- Actually I just made it results@businessresultsllc.com. That way they go to the main email, so results@businessresultsllc.com

- Perfect. Okay. Well, Dolly, thanks for joining us today. We're really glad you were here. Hope you enjoyed our session together. And we also wish that as well for our audience, that they found this time to be beneficial and have learned how to create an edge in their leadership and management style or the way they communicate and the way they lead and the way they get the most performance out of their teams. So again, thank you, Dolly. And I look forward to continuing our conversation soon.

- Thank you. And I always love talking to you. I love to talk. You can talk to me anytime.

- That's right. Thank you so much.

- [Announcer] This has been "On Top of PR" with Jason Mudd. Presented by Review Maxer.