NEU Podcast
New England Urban (NEU) Church Planting's mission is to help church planters build sustainable, diverse, and gospel-centered churches in New England's urban neighborhoods. Visit neuchurchplanting.org to learn more.
Podcasting since 2019 • 18 episodes
NEU Podcast
Latest Episodes
Meet Matt Anthony
Matt Anthony joins NEU Church Planting as Director of Staff Development. Hear about Matt's journey, what he will be doing, and how you can stay in touch with him.

7: Should I Plant Where I Don't Fit?
Should I Plant Where I Don't Fit? Why does NEU look for a missionary mindset? NEU's Managing Editor, Todd Rains, talks with Tim Zulker, Executive Director for NEU about his philosophy of church planting, the question of fit, and sustainable chu...
Episode 7

6: Morgan Proudfoot: Escaping the Streets, Returning to the Streets
Tim Zulker and Todd Rains are joined by Morgan Proudfoot to talk about Grace Harbor New Bedford, his own story, and how that relates to the work of church planting in poor urban neighborhoods. From the show:
Episode 6