home—body podcast

Mars stations Direct, Scorpio New Moon + Sun into Sagittarius / Bring Back Honoring

Mary Grace Allerdice Season 2 Episode 64

In this episode, I discuss some of the major astrological transits over the next couple weeks including Mars stationing direct, Scorpio New moon, Venus entering Scorpio + the Sun entering Sagittarius.


  • Jupiter conjunct Pluto
  • Mars stations direct
  • Scorpio New Moon
  • Venus entering Scorpio
  • Sun entering Sagittarius
  • Channeled message for the next couple weeks
  •  A poem

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When the Light was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through, 
A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry

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mary grace allerdice:

My name is Mary Grace and you're listening to the homebody podcast. Here we explore what it means to practice embodiment, which is practicing home inside our own selves and also within our wider body which is the earth. These spiritually and artfully minded conversations center healing, magic, astrology, intuition, art, wellness, creativity, social and environmental justice as the practices that help us witness more relationship, meaning and purpose. We are here to approach life as a conscious process. And my hope is to enliven you, encourage you to hone your intuition, connect to your own center. So together, we can cultivate more wisdom and self trust and be dynamic agents of beauty. People who are fully awake, and with our power and tact. We're here to be more intentional as we approach the creation and caretaking of life. And we are here to make room for inquiry, sensitivity, and joy. Thank you for listening. Hi, everyone. Welcome to the podcast this week. I'm super glad that you're here. And today we're going to get into the astrology of the next couple weeks including the Scorpio New Moon coming up this weekend, we have Venus moving into Scorpio soon, and then the sun moving into Sagittarius. So if you made it through US election last week, I'm sure that was not a fun week for anyone hanging on all of that it was definitely slow and slow and slow and slow all over. As we expected it to be we had definitely slowness on the schedule. And I imagine that we will still see some conflict and renegotiation and recounting and things around it in some of these upcoming weeks. So before we jump into the astrology and a channeled message for the podcast, we've got a few announcements to kick us off. first of which is that I am really diligently working on creating more intentional community and platforms that we can be together and have a more constructive conversation and relationship around. I'll share more about what that looks like in the next few weeks. But for now, we do have a free group at the link below where you can ask questions or offer suggestions. I've got some great suggestions for upcoming podcast guests. from that group, it just like dialoguing and meeting with others. So I just personally feel increasingly, it's just really hard for me to be on social media, I'm really learning I just I get a lot of anxiety from it. And it's just not. I'm trying to see if I can renegotiate that relationship earned and how it needs to change. So I'm still on there for the time being. But in general, it's pointing me to where I feel like I really didn't want to create internet space apart from social media so that we can build more authentic relationships that just aren't on those platforms. So I think community is important and learning together is important. So I am putting more and more energy around that. So if you'd like to, there's a free group below and I will be increasingly putting more time and energy into making that more robust. Also, this month's group healing circle is on November 28, which is a Saturday coming up in a few weeks. These are monthly remote sessions that are built around energetic healing for the particular group that signs up. I do keep it small, just so that it can be a little more potent and directed. And each month, I just get messages back after the session about how potent it was or how the messages that came through were really on point for folks. And I just it just really feels my heart that it is work that is connecting with you in with this format because I really enjoy sharing the space with you in this way. So if you sign up for this month to group, if you do it by November 15, which is Sunday, you can save$10 on the registration. And you can also you can join the session live via zoom, which I'll send out the day before or you can also just you know, be doing whatever it is that you're doing and watch the replay the following day. So you can sign up for that or simply find out more information about it at the link below or by going to mg allerdyce comm slash calendar and the link will take you there, so. And then I think lastly, if you want more resources for working with this month's astrological transits, and also some Tarot that I pull for the month, you can get free prompts to help you self reflect with these planetary shifts, you don't have to know astrology in order to work with the prompts. That's the whole point. It's simply a tool to offer different ways of time lining, and making some of this weather reporting more personal for you, as you can relate to it in a more personal way. So it doesn't, it brings it out of the abstract and a little more into the body and the lived experience. So be sure to grab those below, there's a link for them if you don't already get them. And let me know how you like the episode. If you have questions pop up or feedback, you can totally send me a message below. I also have my email listed below, or you can holler at me in the free group, I'm super open to that, and just excited to you know, have two way conversations. And so I think on that note, I think we're jumping in, we have in general overview, I'm still kind of mapping out how I want to do December because there's just so much big shifting happening in December. And so we have some smaller shifts, or some wrapping up happening in these next couple of weeks, I think that are leading us to what will be more grand or paradigmatic shifts happening in December. So, on Thursday, November 12, which is today, if you're listening to it on the day that this podcast comes out. It's starting with the Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. So this is the third out of three conjunctions between Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn. So the first one was on April 5, the second one was on June 30. And then this is the third and final pass. So we can expect, I think, to see moves or exhibited desires to exert greater power, greater influence, perhaps even in covert or subversive ways. I think we can also expect to see some large amounts of money being moved around, whether that's in the stock market, or through the government or other kind of systemic structures. The way that we've seen also, this here, really, you know, exaggerated extremes and wealth made even more evident and made even more extreme this year. And so this is, you know, we're able to see that there are things going on behind closed doors, that are making these gaps wider and wider and wider, perhaps even like increased concentrations of power, things like that. So since this is the third of three conjunctions, in this series of aspects, this will likely be some kind of like proposed solution, or resolution, or some sort of combination of these topics and stories that came up around these earlier dates this year. So for ourselves as individuals, I really think examining the ways in which we desire to have influence and exert it with others. What are our impulses? What are our relationships to influence and power? And, you know, what powers are we associated with? Or are we advocating for? And if we have power, how is that something that we can wield in a way that benefits others and the planet as well as ourselves instead of just ourselves? So and then also what additional power needs to be distributed so that the systems can work better for society and how we want to move forward? How do we start to close some of these extreme and really exaggerated gaps? So and then I think, to something that's been coming to mind a lot with this aspect is that what concentrations of power or influence are we tolerating, just for now, or just for the moment that could potentially have longer term consequences. And then tomorrow, duh duh duh... Friday, November 13, we have Mars stationing direct which is, you know, a big deal, at least to me, it feels like a big deal in a big way. So it will also be Friday the 13th, which is something to note. And then part of me is like, of course, it is stationing direct on Friday the 13th. I don't think that's necessarily bad, but I do think it's interesting to say the least. So Mars has been in Aries for a really long ass time since the end of June, and Mars will continue to be an Aries until January 6. So when Mars goes retrograde it is it makes for a really long transit or trip through a sign. So now that Mars is going direct, there will be some movement here. And Mars has been retrograde since September 9. So kind of going back over this territory and Aries and in the video that I made for patrons talking about this shift, I used an analogy of like a steam engine or like an old train, and how there's like a fire inside of a train that week feeding it coal so that it creates heat so that it creates steam so the engine can move, right. And so there's a fire inside of the train that generates heat so that there can be movement, and Mars wants to move, it has so much energy in the sign that it really needs to move and find ways to exert its martial energy. So it's not to be an excessive force. But in retrograde, the fire is still happening, but the train isn't moving forward. It's kind of like constipated fire, instead of it. Initiating movement is just blowing up and accumulating heat. So when the train is able to move forward, again, it has all this access heat that's built up while it wasn't able to move. So I imagine that we will see some bursts of what this accumulation of fire has been storming up, as we also start to witness some forward motion in the Mars ruled parts of our charts, namely Aries and Scorpio. So the train can get moving again. And eventually the ratio of heat to movement will hopefully become more balanced. But I imagine with this station, it will initially be weather out of balance. So I think there could be a potentially a tendency to like invade or generate conflict in order to get some of that fire out, potentially just overzealousness or conflict in some way. And we can also watch for that tendency in ourselves, right? Particularly in the Aries and Scorpio, Aries and Scorpio parts of our charts, like what are some ways that we can plan to effectively manage and channel this heat and energy so that it doesn't become an over consuming or destructive, right? So are there places where you feel pent up and like you need to get that energy out or expressed in some way, because it will express right like fire will express it's just a matter of if we're expressing it consciously or not in with any sort of agency or not. It's also important to keep in mind that just because a planet goes direct doesn't mean that it's back to full speed. So Mars will be moving slowly. For the rest of this month, really, it's still not going to be back up to full speed just because it stations Direct. So it's just kind of changed direction or changed its intent or its plan of its plan of attack or plane of movement. And then on Sunday, a couple days later, November 15, we have the new moon in Scorpio. So that's it 1207 here on eastern time, or Eastern Standard Time, I honestly just like never with the time change. I never really know what we're on on the east coast of the US currently. So the date will likely switch based on what time zone you're in. Like for instance, if you're on the west coast, it's the the November 5 14, probably. So this is a new moon in Scorpio, which is ruled by Mars who as we just talked about stationing direct in Aries. So I definitely think that we will have it will have an intensity to it and a desire for a clear, pointed direction. So these last couple lunations that we've had, we had a Libra New Moon, we had the Taurus Full Moon, those were ruled by Venus. And so we were focused on Venus issues and values and preferences. And this moon is less interested in how we are going to be together and cultivate harmony. This Moon is more interested in how we are going to persevere and how we're going to meet challenges and how we're going to, you know go deep and how we're going to emerge victorious through areas of conflict or transformation. So I think we may see some quite dramatic attempts at, you know, in the outer world of folks trying to overcome one another with displays of power or strategy or information weapons. I think individually, this new moon could help us take action or stand up for brave decision making. In areas where we've potentially felt stuck or stagnant. We may have a strong desire to cut away things or separate from things that feel like they're holding us back, or keeping us from moving at the pace or with the clarity that we want. Or we may potentially feel an impulse to distance ourselves from things that keep us from acting courageously, or things that keep us from feeling strong or resilient. This new moon is it's kind of making a baby wink to Jupiter, which it's an aspect a sextile aspect, and that just means that the new moon can see Jupiter and Jupiter is a more well intentioned planet. And while Jupiter is it's a rather weak relationship between the new moon and Jupiter, it does present us potentially with a small opportunity or the possibility of making an opportunity for ourselves that supports our life. force or supports the cutting away of unnecessary structures or the cutting away of things that limit our life force or generosity, or simply accessing the resilience that we need to move forward. And on the 20th, big news, Mercury will be out of its shadow phase. So mercury went retrograde and has been directed on the 20th mercury will be all the way out of the territory through which it retrograde so it will be all new territory from here. And on that Saturday, that's November 21. We have Venus and the sun changing signs on the same day. So some shift in tone for sure. Venus will move into Scorpio at around 820 in the morning, again, eastern time here. And Venus has gone through the rock rocky road of Libra, which is normally her peaceful, loving haven. But because it is, you know, Cardinal and Cardinal signs are where we are seeing a lot of tricky action this year. It's like she's jumped off that ship that I talked about a few episodes ago, and into the deep waters of Scorpio. And Venus waking up in Scorpio is like wanting to have a feel good party where everyone's dressed nicely and getting along. But all you have to you know, but all you have to throw this party are like pointy objects, right? So to me, Scorpio really is a sign that embodies the rock and the hard place in a lot of ways. in Scorpio Scorpios totally fine with that. It doesn't mean that only bad things happen here I have a stellium in Scorpio. So it doesn't, it just means that it's hard for Venus to accomplish the comfort and the harmony and the diplomacy and the sensuality that she normally likes. It's hard for her to to accomplish all those things in this sign. So she may be writing through deep emotions or expressions of emotion potentially interacting intensely with relationships or relating more intensely in general, not that intensity is inherently bad situations of relating that may be require us to transform. And you know, transformation is often uncomfortable at first. So I think venus in scorpio also has a higher wall for folks to get over before they get into this inner circle of intimacy and their needs. There's a sense of loyalty or proving one's loyalty that becomes something that can play a part in that story. You have to kind of like earn your intimacy a little bit with venus in scorpio. And so how do we navigate intensity in our relationships or resilience in relationships in a way that upgrades our strength or creates more of a deep sense of faith in humanity or in one another? So where are we being called to exert our willpower or accessible power in situations where we want to see more peace and more justice? And what transformations are being asked of us around our relationships and what we value and those may be uncomfortable? Sometimes when we have to engage in transformation or intense conversations, you know, we're interrupting the cocktail party and the niceties a little bit. But how does that reorient us to what we value and who we value and how does it reorient us around our relationship to peace and justice. And again, if you want more prompts for working with some of these transits below, you can get them at the link and moving on to the sun in Sagittarius. That's happening later on in the afternoon, more around 3:30pm so and here with the sun and Sagittarius The sun is motivated to really move and expand and explore and have an adventure. Sagittarius wants to find an opportunity for optimism, pursue a bigger story or a grand truth or the big picture. Always a new frontier always another horizon is kind of never it's always like what's next. So this potentially the sun moving through Sagittarius this year may potentially feel less expansive and uninhibited than some other years just because Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Jupiter still not having a great time. And it's feeling a bit contracted whereas Jupiter wants to expand. It's kind of under in Saturn's house where it's only allowed to be so big. So it may not be able to accomplish as much movement and exploration as it wants to. But there's still a motivation for this and an impulse towards this. And I think it's important to find ways that we can honor that impulse in ways that make sense for us in this moment. Fall is dissolving into winter, the seasons are changing and how can we get outside How can we explore within limitation or structure and in the Sagittarius is a center it's this half horse half human creature that is wild and contemplative, and is an archer. So there's this potential for a meaning and possibility that I think is energy that would behoove us to access. At this time. I think it's inviting us in a search for meaning, a sense of inhibition after a year of mega inhibition and limitation. And there's a lot of different ways to do that. It's inviting us to find confidence, I think. And if that feels shaky, or impossible, which I totally get, I'm not saying, you know, find confidence and inhibition is like a spiritual bypass mechanism. I'm not saying pretend I'm not a Yeah, we're not really pretending to do that. But what are ways that we can invite doses of that in potentially taking up a gratitude practice or something that was something that which is creates expansion in our system, and in our mind, like starting your morning with a deep breath, and just writing down or speaking out loud, like five things that you are generally genuinely grateful for? And not just being like, I have coffee, I have a house, you know, like really feeling the gratitude resonate in your body. And that may take, you know, five minutes, you know, but really dedicating some time to expand in that way. These expansive Jupiter things right now, I feel like will only be successful if we do them in a disciplined, structured way. So because Jupiter again, is in Saturn's house, it's like controlled expansion or structured exploration or disciplined optimism, right? Like the optimism is not just going to land in our laps in a way that we suddenly feel totally liberated and free and excited about life. Right. But what is what does the discipline of optimism look like? Or the discipline of hope? What is what are the structures that support us feeling more expanded in our life or exploring things that we're unfamiliar with? So I think those are some ways that we can access that energy in a, in a way that's aligned with how things are actually moving right now in this guy. And like I said, you know, we have some really big shifts coming in December. And I keep meaning to just like, hint at them more in a more structured way in these podcasts. But I think it's just going to have to be December, and boom, we drop all of it in 2021, is going to be another very active year. So this, I've seen like posts and thoughts from folks being like, Oh, my God, we just got to like, hold on till January. And then it's a new year. And it is a new year. But I think it's also important to remember that that structure of time is something that we've created and imposed upon reality, it is another year, and it's another year of not normal. So it'll be different, but it'll also be not normal, not necessarily bad, just not normal, whatever normal means. So I think the more that we can step in take part in this moment, instead of waiting for things to be perfect. How can we micro dose expansive energy? How can we micro dose optimism in a way that is disciplined and structured and is serving our imagination and keeping us aware of a bigger truth and a bigger story. And the willingness to endure that story or where it is that moment, if this moment is hard for you, and what that looks like. So as I've been doing for the past few weeks, I'm going to share a live channeling just for this particular audience. And I really appreciate those of you who've taken the time to just send me a message or offer feedback like this is related for you that's super meaningful. It's it takes a lot of courage on my end, to be that vulnerable and share from that place. And so I appreciate, you know, feedback in again, opening that gateway of to a conversation, it really means a lot. And again, as always, if things that I shared a land for you, and you're like that Not feeling that you don't have to take it. I'm not here to shove anything down anyone's throat. I'm just here to offer things from my own observation from my own heart and from my own. What is the word? channel? I guess? So again, take what feels helpful and totally leave what doesn't. You are your own sovereign being and you get to decide what lands in your system and your story and what's true for you. So with that all said, we're going to shift into that message and then we'll close out with a poem and which is a prayer. Take what you have, and stop owning it. Release the obsession with ownership. with owning your story, and owning your possessions and owning your home and owning your land, there is no security in ownership. There's no security in ownership, there is only security in relationship and knowing oneself in relation to the land, to the elements to that which is unseen in relationship to the fabric that is actually holding up the world supporting the world and your life that which is supporting your life is unseen. And our security can only come from collaborating with cooperating with and knowing in relationship that which is unseen, that which is seen is controlled by systems. That which is seen as a controlled image shown to you by those who are very powerful at controlling their image and what they want you to see what they want you to believe about your life and who you are. And what is possible. liberation does not come from this controlled image. liberation comes through connectedness and relating to that which supports all things. And it is only through relationship that there is change, whether you are working in ancestral realms, it is not about a special prayer or a fancy magic or a beautiful spells that other people relate to or even see it is about the actual dynamic of relationship between what you can see and what you cannot see. That is your strength, and that is your stability. And we live in a time where trusting and only what you can see in that controlled image is limited, is not as powerful will no longer get the same results that it used to get that it used to achieve. They will no longer accomplish the end to which you are seeking and journeying. Seeing is a creative act. When we see something we are forming it and conforming it. The fact that we see something means that we have made it exist to some extent that we are sustaining its existence by continuing to see it the fact that we exist means that we are seen and witnessed seeing as a creative act as a sustaining act. So what are you seeing, what are you choosing to see and not see what is worthy of your gaze? What are you choosing not to look at, or to over look, to maintain the controlled image. Because that is a creative act as well and is that creating with what your heart wants, with the world that you believe in is that creating what your imagination wants to bring through into this world for the good of all humanity and all beings, all things that are alive, which is more than humanity. We've been conditioned to only see things that look like us. And this comes to race this comes to color this comes to gender orientation and sex and belief. We've been conditioned to only see things that look like us and to erase the discomfort of seeing things that do not look like us. And that is a creative act. And so what is that creating? What are you creating by overlooking uncomfortable truths. We're also conditioned to see the things that have two legs and two arms and two eyes are the only things that are alive are the only things that deserve justice and they are not. We've become I'm so egocentric and narcissistic. In creating our existence, that our lives cease to acknowledge that which supports that existence through its life. We must bring back, honoring the animals we must bring back, honoring the soil, and the food and the vegetation and the flowers and the water, we must bring back honoring the sky and the trees, we must bring back honoring the fire and the water and the land, we must bring back honoring the air. The reason we are sick is because we have ceased to honor that which supports us. It is not a punishing act, these energies are neutral that which supports us, the sun shines on us and it is neutral. Whether you are good or bad, or anything in between the sun shines, and it doesn't care, the sun is neutral. The sun dispenses its light and its warmth. So it's not a matter of punishment. It's a matter of reciprocity, it's a matter of exchange, it's a matter of cooperating with the rules that sustain life. And when we cease to honor that, which sustains life, the air, the water, the soil, we get sick, and nothing will make us healthy. Except honoring these things, nothing, everything else is a cover up. Everything else is a mask, everything else is an excuse to not get back to this work. It is uncomfortable to hold how far we've come from seeing the earth as our wider body as an extension of who we are, as we are an extension of it. It is quite possible that that empathy that that feeling has shut down because it is too painful to look at. But we must start looking at it and not overlooking it because overlooking is a creative act. So where can we restore this relationship? With that, which doesn't look like us? But which is woven into the fabric of life? Where can we really see it? Where can we see it? Where can we see it? Where can we actively look for it? Where can we actively look to restore the honoring of that which does not look like us. For when we build worlds and relationships around this honoring. We are creating worlds that support life, all life. Your Spirit already knows how to do this. It just needs to be given room to speak. Which means we need to give it room we need to listen. Your Spirit already knows how to do this. We need to give it room to speak which means we need to listen not to the news not to social media, not to what your preferred political party tells you is actually going on and what it is that you need to believe. Your Spirit knows and we need to listen. That needs to become the loudest voice in your head. Your Spirit knows and we need to listen. Your spirit and your body are not separate. Your body is a part of your spirit and your spirit is a part of your body. They're one and in this form, they're the same and we must listen. It needs to become the loudest voice in your head. The more we orient towards this part of us this which is us which knows how to honor and create in cooperation With all of life, the seen and the unseen The more we are in partnership with ourselves and with the world and with others. This is not narcissism, because it is dangerous. It is orienting towards that which is eternal and infinite and connected to everything, as opposed to orienting towards that which is only interested in personal survival in this moment. And you should trust nothing more than that. Nothing gets trusted more than that. Nothing gets trusted more than that. Thank you all. I wanted to round out this episode with a poem, which I just I think it's a love poetry and I think it's just a lovely way to hold a lot of images at once. A good way to close us out. This poem is called Indian singing in 20th century America by Gail Trembley, it's from a new anthology of native nations poetry called when the light of the world was subdued. Our songs came through and it's edited by Joy Harjo was the main editor of it, there were a lot of other kind of sub editors and contributors. It's a it's a big, beautiful anthology of poetry and I highly recommend that you that you get it for your library if you're able to do that. And again, this is Indian singing in 20th century America by Gail Tremblay. We wake we wake the day, the light rising in us like sun, our breath, a prayer brushing against the feathers in our hands, we stumble out into the streets. patterns of wires invented by strangers are strung between I in sky and we dance into worlds inevitable as seasons in one. Exotic curiosities in the other, which rushes headlong down highways watches us from car windows, explains us to its children in words that no one could ever make sense of. The image obscures the vision and we wonder whether anyone will ever hear our own names for the things we do. Light dances in the body surrounds all living things. Even the stones seeing all their songs are infinitely slower than the ones we learn from trees. No human voice last long enough to make such music sound. Earth breath Eddie's between factories and office buildings caresses the surface of our skin. We go to jobs, the boss always watching the clock to see that we're on time. He tries to shut out magic and hopes will make mistakes or disappear. We work fast and steady. And remember each breath alters the composition of the air. Change moves relentless. The pattern unfolding despite their planning, we're always there singing round dance songs, remembering what supports our life impossible to ignore. Seems like a nice collection of images, kind of hold some of the the mutability coming with the sun moving into Sagittarius, and then we begin Eclipse season at the end of the month. So I think that's going to wrap us up for today. I really thank you for listening and for joining me today. If you are interested in booking a session with me before the new year or around the New Year, now's a good time to do that. We do have a lot of shifts happening over the next few months astrologically energetically, and it can be helpful to have a heads up on the major energies of 2021 I'll be finding some ways to do that on the podcast as well. And, you know, knowing how these may affect your chart specifically because not every trans is equally potent for every chart at all times. And I've heard a lot of rhetoric around I think God will be 2021 and a new year and all of that and 2021 is is is a new year, but I don't know that it will be a walk in the park. So that is all that I will say about that. So we want to be aligned and centered and directing our energy where it's going to be most useful and have the most impact. And, again, cooperating with Saturn here like how can we plan to look ahead and strategize long term and find this inner stamina and endurance in ourselves and let that inform what steps we take today what steps we take tomorrow. Saturn loves that. So whether you want to dive into your natal chart or get a more refined sense of timing for next year, or you want to know what to do with your chart once you have it, or if you want a channeled session or energy healing session that is totally curated for you and around what you need. I love dueling that space for people and with others. So I would be honored to do that in service of you and your heart's journey if that's what you need right now. So I have links below for checking out one on one sessions, you can do one off sessions. Or you can also work with me more regularly over a particular period of time to get more sustained support, if that's something that you need. And I'm really grateful for those of you who have trusted me with that space and for also sharing this conversation in this space on the podcast with me now. So I leave you this week. Take courage, take heart and really nourish yourself and connect with the life that's all around you. I'm sending you love and peace. Thank you. Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed the conversation, please leave us a five star review. Subscribe to the show and consider sharing the episode. I would love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to tag me on Instagram or send me a DM I would love to meet you and hear what you thought about the conversation. And we'll see you next week.