home—body podcast

The Great Conjunction: A New Era, Epoch + Element / Lead from your Life with your Love

Mary Grace Allerdice Season 2 Episode 69

This episode brings us to the Winter Solstice and the "Great Conjunction" with Saturn + Jupiter in Aquarius. This aspect initiates a new era, a new epoch and a new element. I speak about my hopes for this world, the opportunities it can create as well as what the new world is calling us to. 

I also discuss...
*Mercury entering Capricorn
*Sun entering Capricorn
*Winter Solstice - a portal for LIGHT
*The Great Conjunction of Jupiter + Saturn in Aquarius
*My hopes + fears of this new era
*The callings in this moment and this new era
*A life-channeled message for this moment
*Poem prayers for this portal in time

FREE Tarot spread for the New Year/Moment/World/
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“The Coronation” by Charles Eisenstein
Oneness vs. the 1% by Dr. Vandana Shiva (book)
For the Wild episode w/ Dr. Vandana Shiva (podcast episode)

Mother Night by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola-Estes (audiobook)
Carmina Gadelica (book)

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mary grace allerdice:

My name is Mary Grace and you're listening to the homebody podcast. Here we explore what it means to practice embodiment, which is practicing home inside our own selves and also within our wider body which is the earth. These spiritually and artfully minded conversations center healing, magic, astrology, intuition, art, wellness, creativity, social and environmental justice as the practices that help us witness more relationship, meaning and purpose. We are here to approach life as a conscious process. And my hope is to enliven you, encourage you to hone your intuition, connect to your own center. So together, we can cultivate more wisdom and self trust and be dynamic agents of beauty. People who are fully awake, and with our power and tact, we're here to be more intentional as we approach the creation and caretaking of life. And we are here to make room for inquiry, sensitivity, and joy. Thank you for listening. Hello, everyone. And welcome. Welcome to this sort of part two, I guess, part two of two episode where we're breaking down the big big astrology coming at you at the end of 2020. A lot of doubles in that sentence. If you haven't listened to last week's episode, yet, it's definitely not a prerequisite. But it could be super helpful to sort of give a context for a lot of what we are talking about in today's episode. With what I'm talking about today, especially with the Jupiter and Saturn transits, I will assume that you're already familiar with some of that, as I'm explaining it. That's what we're going to talk about today the great conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter and Aquarius, which will launch us into a new epoch a new element. And we will also talk about the sun and Mercury moving into Capricorn, the winter solstice and the full moon in cancer, that we'll be closing out our year. Towards the end, I'll share a live channeled message for this next period and close us out with a couple of poems, which are also prayers. So I was splitting all of this up into two episodes so that it wouldn't feel so packed, but it's just packed. It just is, which feels appropriate. I've had a lot of energy coming through the past couple weeks, and it's just in here. It's just what's happening. So I'm telling the voices in my head that I'm too much. And it's too much to see you later. And we're just bringing it and as always listen with your own sovereignty, take what is helpful for you take what is life giving for you. And please leave what is not. Before we jump into all of that goodness, a couple of announcements if you didn't get the Tarot spread from last for last week, it was in last week's episode, be sure to head to the link below and grab it at the bottom of the episode in the show notes. It's a really all I am biased. But I personally think it's a really beautiful spread and really helpful I designed it to be for this moment where we're experiencing a lot of shifts and transitions and change, to help you reflect and map the foundations, the path the medicine for where you're going. And what this moment is holding for you. folks have been using it and sharing photos in our private group that is off social media. And if you don't already join us in there, it's free. It's private, it's off of social. And you can just share and connect with others ask questions. It's just a really beautiful space where we can be more vulnerable and work without algorithms or Zuckerberg spying on us or getting data mined. So all of those things are great. It's beautiful and I hope you'll join us in there the link for the Tarot spread and also for the group are below and I hope that you'll enjoy it and also share it with us if that feels aligned and connect and see what's showing up for others as well. I also make prompts each month to serve as an outline for some of the month's major astrological transits to help you map journal reflect how those are landing in your own life so they feel more personal. And the big transits that we're talking about today are included in that so be sure to download those at the link below. If you don't already get them in your inbox. That could be helpful and I think they would work well with the Tarot spread. And lastly, I am starting a membership community which will be kind of a more focused and structured then The free group that we have the free group is staying. But this is for folks who want to do more learning together go a little bit deeper. And to really dive into the tools and the connections and practices that are necessary to reclaim the world, right, like we love magic, we love ritual, we love intuitive practices, and astrology, all of that is so beautiful. And it's not just for funsies, even though it is fun, right. But these are some of the tools that are necessary, I think, to reclaim the world from the forces and systems that would destroy it. So your ideas are not small, the world needs you. And we need these tools to help us remember who we are, where we're going, and what is the world that we're dreaming into. So in this community, we'll be learning and studying and using mystical tools, embodied intuitive practices, to deepen our own alignment in our life so that we can create worlds that don't yet exist, and will approach these practices again, from a place of purpose. So yes, it's fun and interesting, but not just that. It's all it is does, it feels good. And all that's true and amazing, I support it, but also because the world needs you and needs us and needs us to be connected to all of these channels, so that we can be the brave visionaries and protectors of the earth that we are called to be. The registration opens on December 19, which is this Saturday, and will close on January 5, and then it will it will not open again, I think until somewhere in the middle of the year, maybe May or June, I'm not sure yet. So it's not just going to be open all the time. I am such a proponent of having you know defined structures and containers so that we can do some really good alchemy together. So in there, I'll be teaching a class each month or a guest will be teaching a class will have live q&a. Astro transits prompts really brave community embodiment practices. And I'm really excited about it. And the point is not to overwhelm you to make you feel like oh, my gosh, I have to do all of this stuff and new addition to my life, it's supposed to complement your life, serve your life, it will not be in a way that is overwhelming or too much, because I don't believe in that. And I am a sensitive bunny rabbit who is easily overwhelmed. And if you're listening to this, you might be too. So if you're interested, there is a link to let me know that you're interested. So that I'll be sure to email you about it and let you know when everything opens what's included and things like that. If you don't click the link below or you're not already on that or you haven't already, then I'm not going to email you about it. So and that is just to respect your interest and what you communicate. So be sure to do that. If it's something that you want to at least hear more about. I'm sure it will come up again, in this episode a little bit more about the why in this moment and why I think it's important and valuable. And you can tell I have a lot of energy around it. And I'm excited about it. And yeah, I think those are all the announcements and so we can just jump right in. So today, which is the 17th of December 2020. We have Saturn entering Aquarius, and we talked about that more at length. Last week's episode, more about what that means is an individual change, Saturn returns all of that, etc. On Saturday, Jupiter enters Aquarius. And we also talked about that more in depth last week. And these are big shifts, right. And these are the foundation for other big shifts that are coming up. This week that we're going to get into today. On Sunday, which is December 20. We have mercury entering Capricorn and I'm going to kind of talk about it with the sun I think because it makes sense. So Mercury is right now in Sagittarius and kind of on its way out of Sagittarius it will make a conjunction with the sun. And then they'll move into the new sign of Capricorn and mercury in Capricorn is practical and structured and kind of driven more by goals and results and accomplishments. And I think also measuring these things measuring the goals and the results, the progress, the accomplishments, really astute learning. And on Sunday, the 21st which is the day following. The sun is also going to enter Capricorn and I kind of want to talk about them together a little bit because Capricorn is a sign where we've had a lot of action, a lot of density and push. Wherever Capricorn is in your chart, whatever scenery it is serving for the topics in your life. That is probably a place that is undergone a lot of change and shift potentially dismantling and so you can think of the terrain of Capricorn potentially being a little bit like the rubble after a storm. And then the sun entering here as sort of being this giant flashlight making visible some of the things that may have felt less visible earlier in the year, some difficulties that were made more difficult by darkness. And with mercury in here as well, I think it could be inviting us to think about how do we speak about these things? How do we articulate or learn from the terrain of this year as we now see it with the light of the sun? How do we articulate and understand the difficulty of this year? What has been hidden about this year? And we can really use the the gift of mercury, I think to assess what is left of the rebel. Let's do data collection and assessment. Really take stock and figure out where do we go from here? What measured results do we want to accomplish from here? What lessons did we learn and with the sun and Capricorn is here it's here for responsible leadership, maturity, perhaps getting more perspective on what has happened from the past it's again I love it is really hitting me Listen just being kind of like this flashlight or this giant scope of light, just crossing this terrain that is undergone a lot of dismantling kind of going back over a lot of the cold dark dungeon that Capricorn has been in 2020. The sun here is resourceful it's reliant upon themselves to create responsibly. And when the sun enters Capricorn and also marks the winter solstice, which in our calendar is the beginning of winter and it is the shortest day in the longest night of the year. And winter is the time of the year that belongs to the Crone are the hag to the Kyla, the old wise woman whose association with death and with winter is also understood as the source of her intuition or knowledge. Because she's close to those things. She is connected with the prophecy and the understanding and the intuition and the wisdom that comes from those realms. It is the time where we witness the rebirth of the oak king who will reach their Zenith at the peak of summer, and it is where we witness the yearly death of the holly King. Many of the things we do this time of year that were later adapted and co opted by the Christian church, of course, but they have very long old histories beyond their christianization. So the holly the IV, the evergreen tree is the candles, the feasting, the gifts for children from folks wearing furs and flying through the night sky, whom often an old pagan lore was like a witch in a structure of reindeer bones, the mistletoe, which was an important plant for the druids. And the Nordic tradition, we had winter goddesses or sun goddesses, you know, fly riding with flying animals through the sky, which began the call back to fertility and the green of the land can begin to come back for spring. And these actions, these plants, these symbols, they're very old and very beautiful to be a part of, regardless of what beliefs you're bringing to them. But the human dependence and the worship of light is as old as humankind, right, we depend on the light for our survival. And so on the solstice we have the peak of darkness, and it is from this peak of darkness that the sun is reborn. And so we decorate our homes with evergreens and with light and candles to remind us that there is a promise of green again, and that the light will once again return. The yule log was often a gift that, you know, they would put in the fire and they would light the log with what was left from last year as lug. And the Celts believed that the sun stood still for 12 days at this time. And that's when they would light and burn the log for those 12 days. And it was for conquering the darkness and banishing evil spirits and bringing luck for the coming year and just really filling your home with light and life during this time in warmth. The ashes were then used to plant in the soil in the seed for the coming spring. So it was literally a practice of the ash of winter becoming the soil for the springs, fruits and abundance. And so this time historically as people who rely on the land for survival and for flourishing, it's a time to form ritual and gathering around the fire and the light and the Evergreen for the offering and the request of fertility and life and provision and making marry with each other before the worst of winter sets in for most of us. The coldest days are yet to come. But even then the sun is on its way back. And the sun has a very important role in Legends. And myth because of its obvious importance as a life sustaining force, right? It is life giving, we wouldn't be here without the sun, nothing, none of what we see right now would be here without the sun. And it was also, you know, the most obvious marker of the passage of time and the change of seasons. In New Grange there is a great tomb that like a mount are great to mount that is positioned just so that on December 21, or on the solstice, which is sometimes the 22nd, it catches the first few minutes of the Rising Sun only at that time. So the sunrise passes directly through this slit in the roof of the burial mound, so that the sun illuminates the whole chamber for 17 minutes on that day as the sun rises. And to me, this is such a beautiful example of the portal or a portal for this time of year and for this season. And for the salsas, I love the winter solstice, as you can already tell, it's a literal depiction of like Earth that houses the dead that sits dark the rest of the year. But it's so oriented to receive the sun and the life on this day, which is the darkest. So this tomb invites the life in the light back in it orients its face to look up and open to the portal of the sunrise on the darkest day of the year. And if that is not a metaphor, or a positioning of hope, I just really don't know what is in the darkness, it looks up and it says yes to the light. And because of this conscious architectural alignment, it can say yes to this portal and be a bridge and receive the light in that way. The Kelton most Earth based religions that I've looked look into is, you know, they can't help but be this poetic, right? Because it also this poetry in the structure in the space just makes practical sense. Like how do I know it is this day where the sun starts coming back? Oh, because the light landed on this rock or this mound where the sun rose perfect. And so we have all these stones structures or circles or things that were or pyramids that were aligned with astrological aspects or with the stars so that we could know where we were in space and in time. And of course, it can't help but be connected to the poetics and the beauty of land and life because it's just is when we're interacting with these things. And we're understanding our life in the context of these things. So I think with some of these images in mind, how can we open on this day? How can we orient the tombs of our life, to look up to receive the light of the sun and the welcoming of the sun? into the truth, which you are, which is you are a manifestation of light? Where's the tomb of this past year? And can you make a slit in the roof? Instead of trying to keep it dark in there? Can you just open up the roof so the sun can come in? Can you stand inside of it and look up to catch the first rays of the sun and just invite its light back into whatever dead and dark spaces exist on this darkest night of the year? When we receive the light and we you know we bask in the warmth in the beauty of all that is we're basking in our own beauty and our own loveliness and our own lifeforce that is resonating. So how can we respond to that portal of light which is our own light on this solstice. So what elements and practice engage you with that light? What brings that to mind remind you of that truth? Is it fire? Is it evergreen? Is it lights or candles in the darkness, the Evergreen nature of your resilience, the discipline of hope, what connects you to the mythic beauty and the poetry of being on a planet in a system where there's a sun that shines on us all equally? And how can we be more like the sun and it's neutral and life giving shining on all that it gazes upon and all that it touches. And I'm excited to hear about how you celebrate that how you create a portal how you open to the portal that is this really special day, which is the salt winter solstice. And as if that in and of itself wasn't super special and beautiful, which of course obviously I think it is. Also on the solstice we have Jupiter and Saturn making a conjunction in Aquarius, and that's happening at about 1:20pm on eastern standard time on the East Coast here in the US. So that means that when there's a conjunction that means that these planets are occupying the same degree of the same sign, and this is huge. It's called the Great conjunction and it is quite a big deal. Jupiter and Saturn in general only conjoined Every 20 years. So the last time they did this at all was in May of 2000. And that was in the sign of Taurus, which is an earth sign. And they've been conjoining it earth signs only for the past 240 years, the exception of that in 19 8081. So for 240 years, Jupiter and Saturn have been conjoining in earth signs. So this conjunction happening in 2020 marks the beginning of a new era, where Jupiter and Saturn will can join only in air signs for the next 240 years. So we're changing elements every 20 years now for the next 240 years, Jupiter and Saturn will join in air signs. And because this is such a long cycle, right, like we don't live 240 years, at least not now. Not everyone gets to experience this kind of shift within their lifetime. So like I mentioned last week, these slow moving planets, they have a great impact on our more long term trends and developments that we see in our wire culture in our society at large. Historically, it's considered an era of new kingdoms and religions and rulers. And I think some versions of the new era as ideas have already been creeping in. And we will see the seeds for the next 240 years begin to show themselves in the next coming months and years. And again, I talked about the personalities, the particularities of Jupiter and Saturn and their individual movements in last week's episode, so I'm not going to reiterate that here. The last time that Jupiter and Saturn were in this air cycle, this 240 years cycle was the Middle Ages, I think it was I think it was like the late 1100s to like 1405. I did not write that down. So don't quote me, but I'm pretty sure it ended in 1405. So we will see it's been a long time. So we'll see changes in governments and ideas. And since it's an air sign, it will be very concerned with humanity. And with humankind's activities. That doesn't mean it is inherently oriented towards things that are good for humanity. It is just about the activity of humans. So during the cycle, I think we're likely to see social and educational transformations and revolution. Some of that we can already kind of say like, Well, yeah, that's already happening, more technological innovations that change our ideas about what travel looks like, what currency looks like, what society is how society functions, we'll see changes in world governments and culture will see more community which we're already seeing around ideas rather than gnash nations or nationality, where we're more citizens of the world, or citizens of our particular clan of ideas instead of by individual countries. And like, everyone, I'm sure I have my own hopes and fears around what some of this shift can hold. And without going into all of the practicalities of what could be amazing about, you know, space travel becoming normal, what could be weird about it. Same with like automated cars, and AI and digital currency. You know, there could be pros, there's pros and cons to all of it. Which, you know, we'll have a lot of time to talk about it. So. But some of the more philosophical things, I just want to outline because it provides context, I think for what we're being called to do right now. Some of my fears for what this shift could bring, is that we could so let go of the value of earth that we forget our bodies, and we forget the earth and the truths, the beauty, the rhythms that the earth holds about how to experience life on this planet, that we could continue to be so oriented towards the religion of the new and the convenient, the young, the fresh, the pace of that, that we forget to look at what we're sacrificing, or what we're compromising to have the new and the fresh and the convenient. There is a fear that this alienation from our bodies in the planet would continue to breed a culture that is actually anti life in order to make the shot short term compromises needed in the name of our false security, or that could have long term consequences. I have a fear that there are Imperial it's not a fear there. these are these are also grounded in facts. I'm not just making things up, but I'm approaching them from a philosophical place, that there are Imperial interests that are masquerading as philanthropy and philanthropic ideas, and technocratic dystopian futures, surveillance, capitalism, masking under slogans that say they are here to save us. That big money, Big Pharma, big tech big They're all like, we're here to save you, we're here to help you with this new brand new helpful thing, their new ways of doing things, their easier way of doing things, their convenient, new techno forward way of doing things that are actually paths towards things that are destructive, and dystopian and anti life. And we already see some of these destructive cycles with these corporations, that actually they rule the world behind the government's actually they pay for they pay for people to run campaigns to get elected so that they can buy legislation in their favor. Big AG, for instance, let's just use that as an example of what this cycle could look like. If oriented towards destruction, big ag makes sure that they that you know people who are food, like where do I even start with this big ag makes sure that they sell so that it can be sprayed billions of pounds of their product, pesticides poison on our soil, in our air in our water every single year. doesn't just kill weeds, it doesn't just kill bugs, it kills absolutely everything that it touches, that makes us alive. And so of course, nothing can grow in that poisoned soil and in that poisoned air. So then those those farmers they have to buy the special GMO seeds. The big ag also makes these seeds can survive all of the poison that you spray amazing for like a season or so they can grow in dead soil. And then those things grow, then they'll stop growing, they'll need more seeds up the weeds come back now you need more pesticides, and you got to keep spraying which means you ruin the soil more, which means you need the seeds. So the more sick and dead the soil is, the more things like weeds and sick plants show up, which means we need the more pesticides, more herbicides, the see as the cycle continues, because that is how they make money, you keep needing their chemicals in their products, we see the same cycle in our bodies. When we're poisoned by this food, in the air in the dirt in our water and we get sick, Big Pharma is like life isn't safe, because life is dirty. microbes are the enemy. Let's spray everything down with bacteria side, sanitize everything. Big Pharma says you know I have a drug for you when you do get sick, because we've destroyed all the microbes in our immune system. And instead of repairing our immune system, Big Pharma is like I've got something easier than that, I've got a drug for that I've got a new chemical for that. And when you get the side effects from that drug, they've got another one to modify the effects of the previous drug and the chemicals so that when your system is so compromised, that it makes you sick, they're like, here's a plastic bubble you can live in in the sanitizing spray you can have in your plastic bubble, because we've created behaviors and conditions in which that would be the only way we can survive. So this is what happens when we as beings of Earth and this creatures that are part of nature. This is what happens when we would step outside of the domain of life and the domain of earth. And I'll link below to some pieces that talk about the big picture, I think really well in regards to some of this, and I'm not going to try to recreate their work. One is an article by Charles Eisenstein that he wrote back in March called the coronation, which I highly recommend everyone read. The other is an episode of for the wild with Dr. Vandana Shiva, her book oneness versus the 1% is a lot of what they talk about. And it's a very important episode, I think. And it also is her this woman's perspective and her activism work is really important. So those are some of my fears. And here are some of my hopes, which is what I'm living into and the lens through which I am looking through life orienting myself in my work, and also, you know, building the community that I spoke up earlier. My hopes are, that humanity will come together and realize that we are all in this and we are all in life together and in service of life on this planet. My hope is that we will come around each other to be in service to one another in service of humanity, animals, plants, the planet and life in general. My hope is that we will have the morality to meet all new advances in technology so that all of our innovations actually bow to life, instead of the other way around. That our technologies bow to the wisdom of the mother and nature and the conditions of life, being abundant on this planet. My hope is that we will have greater access to the conditions of compassion, so that we can live vibrantly as divine beings here in bodies, so that we can be in CO flourishing with the earth and become actualized abundant aligned beings of love. Those are my hopes. But this is a future That will only happen if each of us rises up in our own integrity. This can only happen if each of us connects to our own courageous and brave heart and truly live lives in service and devotion to these things. This future will only happen if we stop letting big money, big AG, big tech, Big Pharma propagandize our needs so that we continually submit to their profits and their anti life agendas. We cannot simply trust whatever we hear, nod our heads and go on with our innocent lives. We must be the wise old winter hag, we must be the Crone, the chi lac to so tuned into the natural world, to the unseen world that we know what is good, and what is not what is true and what is not. For this world, to happen, each of us must become leaders. If not others, then at least of ourselves, we must be people who can lead ourselves and come together compassionately people who can lead themselves well in service of life are invaluable and necessary and needed. And that's you, we need you. The planet needs you. The animals need you the trees need you, the oceans, the whales, the elephants need you. Sorry, I just got like really teared up. We need your love. And we need you to love what you love with all of your love. Because no one is looking out for what you love except you. That is why you love it because it is your calling. It is calling you to love it with your life, which is what devotion is. And that calling to love, what you love, is a call to leadership, if not of others than at the very least of yourself. And leading your life, instead of being led is a courageous, brave and absolutely necessary act. You are supported here on the planet by all that is alive, the elements, the trees, the rocks, the wind, the ancestors, who have made your life possible. The books, the art that has made your life possible, the walks the forests, the love the communities, you are supported by all of these things. It is time to be a self leader and to step into your sovereignty. It is time to step into your queen hood, King hood monarch and be the gracious Sovereign of the Kingdom of your life. And that which you came here to fiercely love, because that is why you came here. And my hope is that we step into these identities that we rule our lives with grace and with dignity and with nobility and that we lead our lives and learn power with one another. And all beings instead of power over. We must stop following the rules of these crumbling empires of these insidious agendas of the money behind the thrones. And we must step into our sovereign power. And in order to do that, we must make a practice of consulting and communing with that which supports us so that you can live from your own deep alignment, which is the foundation of your leadership and your sovereignty. I'll talk more about deep alignment in next week's episode. But the way I'm using the word is that it is that empowered place where you know yourself, and you know what is inside of you. And you also have the capacity to channel that inner life, that inner knowing so that it becomes the life that you also live outside of you. It is the space in which you are connected to everything you've ever loved. All of your lives, all of the accumulated wisdom of your soul over many lifetimes the oneness of the multiverses and this deeper life is absolutely necessary for you to be you and for you to create the worlds that you love to see the worlds that you love to live in love in the world that we hope for, and that we work for in this new coming era. And it will not happen without you, it cannot happen without you because we need everyone. No one person can do this on their own, make this on their own, just like the honeybees that we've been learning through learning from through also works. The past few weeks, we need everyone to build the hive, we need these mycelial networks and connections, we need the accountability of our practices and our focus, so that we can keep heart and have courage and continue to see clearly the world that is coming the world that we can build together. And we can see that which is false, and which is a lie. So that we can be powerful, strong, wild, fierce. Together, we need each other and we need you. And yeah, I don't know how to drop off of that. That's really why I'm building community. I feel that strongly about it. I feel that strongly about this moment, I feel that strongly against about the agendas that are opposed to that world. And that is why I'm building community and prioritizing it in this moment. Let's jump to this full moon on Tuesday, December 29. We have the full moon in cancer. And I mean it just feels yummy. Talking about it something in me is like oh my god, I cannot wait for how good this could feel. It's the last full moon of the year and the moon rules cancer and so the moon is very happy in this sign usually. However, for the past year plus it's been a little challenging to be in this sign, especially in 2020 because it's cancer is a cardinal sign and there's just been intense activity happening in those placements in the Zodiac. So the moon in cancer is not able has been not been able to be comfy cozy, it's felt more like getting assaulted in your house when all you want some peace and quiet or feeling limited and constricted and heavy. Or like someone sets your house on fire while you were in it. That's a little bit what it's been like for the moon to be in cancer, we've also been having eclipses in cancer. So every time the moon was coming into cancer on a full moon, it was also having an eclipse. And that's not happening now. Which is really beautiful. So the moon can just be in cancer, its own home, the place that it loves the ocean, the home the cozy, and just enjoy it. And hope that you're able to do that too. As I've been seeing a lot of we all have a cancer part of our chart and that part of our chart is probably very tired. And so for all of my tired, tired cancer babies, you know, this full moon is for all of us. But I hope it's it's nourishing for those areas of our life that feel tired, and feel like it's been hard for them to get nourished. I hope that this full moon helps give you access and support for that. I think it is just a delightful, full beautiful moon, in cancer where it's happy where it can get its physical and emotional needs met where it's bundled in tightly with the home and the folks with whom they feel safe and secure and cozy. Take this moment I hope to bask in the glory of the moment in the present and to worship the water. The emotions, the home worship the home, worship, what sustains you worship what nourishes you allow yourself to attend and ritualized the ordinary of what is cozy, what feels good. And as you can tell, I'm really excited about it. And I'm personally trying to figure out how deep into the woods I can get or how deep into the bathtub I can get. And I hope that whatever ritual you come up with, however ordinary it is that it is equally nourishing and life supporting and giving. And I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's been quite a year to lean into astrology and be narrating some of that with you. And it's also been an honor, and where that's the last of the 2020 aspects that I'm going to be doing. And the next time we talk about the Astro we'll be talking about 2021 So with that, I'm going to go into a space and channel, a message that will serve and compliment this moment that we're in. And when we come back, we will close out with a prayer, which is a poem you did not incarnate to not be brave, in this moment. You did not take on a body, follow the rules, of destructive games. You took on a body, to create worlds. in service of life, you took on a body to be a bridge to be an intersecting point. that life can walk through and walk upon, and through which all life can connect. And the language of life is love. every choice that we make, is either in service of life, or it is not. Every piece of policy everything that we agree to everything that we obey, is in service of life. Or it is not. Where is the heresy in your life? Where can you live into being a heretic, against systems of destruction against agendas that are destructive? Where can you be more rebellious against things that are not in service of life, not just your life, but all of life. And when I speak of live, I'm also speaking of death, because death is a part of life. And how do we honor these things and support these things as if they are one because they are one just like you are one. You did not take on a body to follow the rules. You took on a body to create new worlds in service, of humanity of plants of animals of the mother of the planet. We're already in the system of support of life and of love. We will not create new worlds we will not create new systems by following the rules by following the plans that are conveniently laid out for us by political systems or agendas or parties. That is not how new worlds get made, it will not happen from inside those systems because those systems are machines have destruction and power and hate. And it will always be a machine for that. And so, if we want something different, we cannot rely on the machine to be different or create anything other except that which is power hungry and hateful and destructive in service of itself only. The more you feed it, the hungrier it gets. We cannot look to this machine. To create this world for us. It will not identify the line, the channel, the opening through which you connect to life affirming, life giving to the expansion of love identify those channels. And it is through that channel, those channels those communities that we receive the wisdom and the information the paths needed. In order to create the worlds yes we must create the worlds The machine will not create the world the machine is actually trying to block any world that would not feed it. We are the ones we are the ones and we are one. We are the ones there is no one coming to save us there is no politician that cares enough, there is no party, there is no vote, there is no election that will be enough to save us to save it to reconnect us to the framework and the network. That is life affirming. The very nature of the system of that system can never produce such a saving. And so it is up to us to do the saving where there is need of saving and is up to us to speak up. It is up to us to love that which we love fiercely to love that which we love with all of our bodies to love that which we love with our work and with our economies to love that which we love with our voice from here from now, right now. Now there is only now and when I say now it is expansive, it is not urgent, there is no urgency in capital T time there is no urgency. It has nothing to do with hustling. It has nothing to do with what we should have done five minutes ago there are no shoulds because there is only now and now is never ending now is expansive you cannot reach or touch the edges of now. Now is forever, this moment. And it is the moment the only moment ever that we have. Do not play by the rules of a system that would seek to destroy you in service of itself. Lead from your sovereign heart. Do not let others lead you. Lead from your sovereign hearts. Do not let the system lead you. Lead from your sovereign heart lead from that which you love with your love towards life. It's not about writing things down on a list. Or identifying what you want to manifest what you want to call it. It's about getting in line aligning with your own channel and your own sovereignty. So that you are connected to the ever expanding now which is your power because the now can never be destroyed. You which are part of the now can never be destroyed because you are eternal conscious being and when we connect to that expansive self that we can never be destroyed, then there's nothing to be afraid of. And we see how small and we see how petty we see how violent anything less than that is as you take deep breaths in, but those be invitations to expand into right now the capital in now. The ever expanding present moment that is at all times. All spaces and all voids all non spaces all non times. You are a sphere with your energy you are not a direct line you are a vast, unexplored landscape. So look within and not without for your sovereignty. Look within and not without for your saving for your healing and for your transformation. Look within and not without within because your energy is a sphere it would be like if you were to set sail on the ocean, looking for the edge of where you begin and where you end and you would not find it you would simply go around finding yourself where you left your left yourself. What is the unexplored, vast wilderness that is beautiful and hungry for your attention, for your divine gaze to unlock its power for transformation not only of yourself and your own life which it has the capability to do, but of the world. And because you are an infinitely powerful visionary and creative being it is increasingly important that that power is directed and aligned and treated as something that is valuable beyond all measure which it is. You cannot be destroyed. You cannot be destroyed. Fill up your life take up all the space in your life and in your body. If you do not take up all of your life force and eat it for yourself with your life with yourself. Then something else will like unused parking spots on a vacant lot Park all the cars and a lot. use up all your energy connect to all of your life for us eat it. Eat it like the most delicious savory fruit, consume your life. Connect and consume your life. Your life is not scarce Your life is infinite. You cannot eat it all. You cannot eat all of your life. So get to feasting on it get to the abundant feasting of your life. There is no end to your life get to feasting on it. Not because it is urgent but because it is abundant. Not because it is scarce. But because it is delicious. Not because it is limited. But because it is yours to enjoy and to create to be powerful. Only you know who you are. Only you can explore the infinite globe that is inside of you. So get to feasting. Thank you for sharing that with me. I'm going to close this out with a couple of poem prayers that I'm really in love with and that have been very sustaining for me. The first is from Dr. Clarissa pinkola list is from her audio book mother night to bring us home. Let this be the prayer then, in every heart, like the ancient woman of elde. No matter what appearance we take, no matter what form no matter how large we are or small. Let all be honored who carry in their own hearts. That which no matter what else, no matter other details remains immaculate in love for all let the memory have true home be in us ever. And let us all be found, be freed to be brought home to a place of love. At every kind of border, let the gates be opened and let us pass through. May someone always an angel, a person, a creature, always come looking for us when we're lost? May we never be stranded. And may our sufferings be a message of worthy, even a wobbly struggle to others who see us and watch us as we struggle. May we be an example of grace in some way under fire? May we stand right under eo open, standing open right under the beat of the Immaculate Heart. This prayer for all others on this day and always is said in praise and in supplication by the soul who in this lifetime is known by Mary Grace allerdice. And so May these blessings beyond you in you and have you and may they be for me as well and so may they be for all of us. Amen. This next one is kind of a combination of a couple of prayers to the sun from the Carmina Delica. Hail to the sun of the seasons, as they'll traverses to the skies aloft. The steps are strong on the wing of heavens, that aren't the glorious mother of the stars, that Elias down in the destructive ocean without impairment and without fear. They'll rise just up on the peaceful wave crests like a queenly maiden in bloom, pouring upon us at each time and season, pouring upon us gently and generously, glory to the vow glorious sun, glory to thee thou son face of the God of life. And I think that wraps up what I have to bring today, I hope you have a beautiful solstice. I hope you enjoy the Tarot spread or whatever maps or rituals you were using to make as we look at this new era, this new epoch this new element, I hope you will take part in any of the gifts below that feel like they are helpful to your journey. Be well be brave. And if you're interested in joining us for brave, deep alignment and community I hope you'll join us when the portal opens for our private membership community on the 19th. And I will see you next week. Thank you for being here. Peace. Thank you so much for listening. 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