home—body podcast

Your Deep Alignment is a Portal /

Mary Grace Allerdice Season 2 Episode 70
mary grace allerdice:

My name is Mary Grace and you're listening to the homebody podcast. Here we explore what it means to practice embodiment, which is practicing home inside our own selves and also within our wider body which is the earth. These spiritually and artfully minded conversations center healing, magic, astrology, intuition, art, wellness, creativity, social and environmental justice as the practices that help us witness more relationship, meaning and purpose. We are here to approach life as a conscious process. And my hope is to enliven you, encourage you to hone your intuition, connect to your own center. So together, we can cultivate more wisdom and self trust and be dynamic agents of beauty. People who are fully awake, and with our power and tact, we're here to be more intentional as we approach the creation and caretaking of life. And we are here to make room for inquiry, sensitivity, and joy. Thank you for listening. Greetings, beloved beings. Thank you so much for being here. I'm really excited to be with you today as we get into this episode, and I'm hoping that Solstice went well for you that if you saw the great conjunction happening in the sky, I'm still kind of sitting in the solstice moment personally, like I shared in last week's episode, The Celts. And I believe in the Nordic tradition, as well, at the 12 days after the solstice, they believe the sun stood still, which I think is the origins of the 12 Days of Christmas idea. And so I'm still kind of sitting in that sunsense Sun standstill moment in my own practices personally. So if you're new here, there has been a lot of shifting going on energetically in the world that is mirrored and co related with the sky, the stars in astrology. So if you're nude, I would definitely go back and listen to the past couple weeks episodes. I mean, you could also binge the whole thing. But definitely the past two weeks to kind of catch up on some of what these shifts and transitions are how the stars are helping us narrate and describe this moment that we're in, as well as get a feel for what we're up to on the podcast and in this community. Today, I'm continuing a bit of a miniseries of solo episodes to dive a little deeper into some of the concepts and philosophies that are really close to my heart in these times. And as we walk through this moment of a big transition, I think that is full of possibility in a lot of different directions. Today, I'm going to talk about deep alignment, which is I mentioned, I think on the past couple weeks, it's been coming up a lot as I'm describing things. And so I thought I should do an episode just talking about what I mean by that. So for me, deep alignment is what happens when we're connected to our center when we're able to receive and live into our higher callings or our purpose, and where we're able to connect to our inner life, the blueprints in our heart, and we're able to connect that through a channel to our outer life and how we experience the world. So I'll share some of my perspectives on what that means. Why what you love is so important, why pulling this love into your body is so important in how our deep alignment really helps us live with our soul and with our heart in our body instead of you know, outside or adjacent to our body, which is I think really important for our personal power and what it means to be alive. And I think a lot of our healing journeys are human journeys of transformation. All of these are the foundation, I think, for our impact here on planet Earth.



mary grace allerdice:

just some small things like that Not tackling any big concepts at all. If you listen to the podcast of all you know, that's definitely not true. So a couple of announcements before we dive into all of this. The first one is I am officially getting off of Instagram, I have been feeling really, really called to do this this year, primarily for mental health reasons, but I was just feeling scared to do it. But they released their new terms of use their new data policies this week. And basically by continuing to use the platform you are consenting to these new policies, and I have read to them and I do not consent. So I have other reasons. So those are part of my reasons to get off. So I'm sure I'm not the only one who has, you know, felt scared to get off of this platform. For how necessary, it has inconvenient, really, it's made our life in so many ways. similarly to how we talked last week, when I was reviewing the some of the policies and reading them over, just, you know, they're being instituted as things that are helpful to us. And we're here to help you, and we're here to help you. But it's actually just reading as you know, they're really just doing more surveillance in the name of capitalism. And I'm not really here for that. So we've, you know, we've been so conditioned over the past 15 years, we included really to, like need these platforms for our visibility, we've been trained that especially if you work for yourself, or you're an entrepreneur in any way that you have to like, be a boss at social media and like good at posting and get tons of followers to have a successful business in the digital age. And in order to have impact, that's what you need to do. And that is just simply not true. The fact is that these medias, they really force you into enslaved content making, right you work for them for free. And then they can hack your phone and pretty much anything else digital that you own. So you know, they withhold the viewing of your content via an algorithm so that you will pay them to get more exposure, I think it's something like only 6% if that of your followers see your content, and it just kind of super imposes an extractive relationship onto people that I am trying to stray from as much as possible. So I think with the rise of surveillance capitalism, which has been steadily increasing with the widespread use of technology with the Homeland Security here in the US, and then now the 2020, stuff that's going down, the new Terms of Use are not something that are surprising, but they are also not something I'm willing to consent to. So I've hyperlinked a copy of them below so that you can read them for yourself and just make informed decisions for yourself on what's best for you best for your business, I think everyone should do what's what's right for them. And I also think everyone should also do what's right for them with full knowledge of what is actually going on. So there's that if you would like more thoughts on the terms of use from my perspective, or if you also want some alternatives, if you're like, Oh, I actually feel like my, my following or my business, or I feel like I've built something on Instagram that I can't just, you know, get rid of, and you want some alternatives, I'm going to do, I just felt really called to do I'm going to do a live webinar on January 5, it's going to be free, we're going to talk about why maybe you don't need as much social media as you think and some ways that you can set up the internet to work for you without it, so that you can not feel dependent upon it. So the and also so that can help you grow relationships and true community instead of simply these exchanges that are built on extraction. So if you're interested in that, and learning some different ways to navigate the internet, with less social media, or less dependence on it, or perhaps without it at all, but you still, you know, it's hard, we can't really get around the internet right now. So you can sign up for that webinar below. If you're interested, it's free, and you'll get the recording if you can't join live, so And also, if you're like I read them, I'm fine with it, I celebrate you, that's amazing. If you want to set up your business to run with some ways that complement that should the terms of use continue to change that you feel like you have some backdoors set up for you should you need them, then you can sign up for the webinar for that as well. And it will be mostly directed towards folks who either have a business or rely on social media in some way for their income. All right, for me, all of this means I will be deleting my accounts on both Facebook and Instagram. By the end of the year, I've already taken the apps off of my phone. So if you'd like to be in touch, that will not be the place to find me. But you can subscribe to this podcast. If you're in iTunes or Spotify or Stitcher wherever you are. Right now just hit the subscribe button, it comes out regularly. It's way more in depth and so much more of my heart goes into it than a social media post. That's one thing that I've been really frustrating for me on social media is I just don't feel like I have the emotional energy to put out every day. And I am a very deep thinker. I'm often not an organized thinker, and it takes a lot of research and energy and work for me to put something together. And it's something that I'm really committed to doing on this podcast. I love this podcast, both the conversations I have with others and also the sharing that I do with you directly in the solo episodes. I'm committed to showing up this way it feels reciprocal, it feels me up even when I'm pouring out. And so if you would like to be in touch and you like what comes together, then subscribe to the show. And if you would like to do something else completely free to help the podcast grow and help the community grow. Then you can also leave a five star rating review on whatever app that you're on another alternative and an A Additional way you can connect is we have a free, private online community where you can share and connect with others. It is not on Facebook, it is not on Instagram. And I would really like to invite you to join us over there. You can make posts, you can ask questions, leave comments interact with others, and I'm really loving how it's growing and burgeoning. Over there it is private, because I am more interested in alignment and relationship than I am and having 1000s of followers or subscribers, I am more interested in impact, I'm more interested in having meaningful exchanges. And just truly helping people more than I am and getting likes on a cute post or whatever. So it's not public, the group you can't search for it and find it on Google folks can only join through invitation. So you can do that there's an invite link at the link below each podcast. Or if you're already in the group, you can invite others who you think would like to join and feel connected. So it's functioning more like an organic mycelial network that is authentic, we're building a biome of relationship that is symbiotic and beautiful. Instead of mining each other for likes and followers, and just free things that are not reflective of our our true capacities to give and receive or digest, I think so. Also, if you miss any of the free gifts from the past weeks, you can grab those below. There's free meditation, a tarot spread for this moment, astrology prompts for this past month, and they are all listed in the show notes below the podcast in a link. I'm also launching a paid membership called kin that begins on January 5, and that's going to be a more structured community within the free community. So I'm going to share more about that towards the end of the episode because I don't want to clog us up too much. So let's get into deep alignment and what we're going to talk about today. So like, what is deep alignment? What do I mean when I say that? I'm going to start with an analogy, because I think sometimes it's helpful to picture things in like a physical, tangible sense. So let's say that, you know, you have shoulder pain or low back pain, or something's out of whack in your physical body. So when I was teaching yoga and pilates full time, I would address these misalignments and movement patterns that were contributing to someone's shoulder pain or someone's lower back pain or knee pain. And something that these principles of somatic movement are based on is, the more in alignment these joints are, the muscles are, then the less pain that you're experiencing, the more efficient your movement is, in some ways, it means learning new ways to walk or sit or stand if we're having to really address the root of where this pain is coming from, we may have to learn to use new muscles that have never been used before. And literally, you know, embody new ways of being in the world that are in service of a greater alignment so that when these alignments, when we put the shoulder where it wants to be it functions better at hurts less, when we learn to use these muscles so that our leg is functioning in a more balanced way, then we have access to more strength. When the joints and the muscles are in their alignment, and use the way that they function the best, they're more efficient, they can access more flexibility, and they have more, they have a longer lifespan, they don't wear out as fast. So as someone who has worked in both physical therapeutic modalities, and also energetic and spiritual therapeutic modalities, these can really be co related, where the misalignments that we see happening in the body can relate to what is happening in the more energetic or unseen bodies. And I'm generally not interested in the chicken or the egg conversation if it's not helpful, so like what causes what I simply know from experience, both in my own life and as a practitioner, that the more we create alignment, the more we create it in everybody in every realm, and the more misalignment we generate, then the more we experience misalignment in all of our bodies in every realm. So I know when I'm working with someone's shoulder or their hip or their low back that when we foster greater alignment in the entire body than we're fostering greater alignment for that shoulder. And when we foster better alignment for that shoulder, we're also helping the whole body's greater alignment. And this is true in our emotional and spiritual realities as well. It can relate and co relate and inform our physical alignment and our physical alignment can inform our emotional and spiritual alignment. So I wanted to take that very tangible physical expression of alignment, thinking about like shoulders and knees, and we can also apply those same principles to our soul alignment or our spiritual or our hearts alignment. That there's a way that a blueprint, a map or a direction in which our heart or our soul was created to operate. And designed to be strong in our direction, it wants to go in a movement, it wants to find a dance it wants to make, so to speak. And we're when we're in alignment with that we can access what is meant for us and what we came here to experience. When we're in alignment with that inner map, or a blueprint or alignment, we can connect to our purpose. And we can connect to the greater truths, and the magic and the power that's available to us as spiritual beings, or as quantum beings living inside of human beings. And when we're not operating in that alignment, usually we know it, we kind of feel it, it may come off, as we're feeling kind of numb, or a lot of times people just say, this feels something feels off, and they can't quite describe what it is it just something is out something is off. Something in life isn't working, or we don't feel connected to life, we're not feeling connected to life or feeling one another. And sometimes how this manifests is that you know, we have an experience, or we have a story about who we are inside. But we're not seeing that actualizing outside of us, it's like, well, I know I'm a powerful, beautiful, creative, amazing being. But I'm not feeling that reflected in my outer life that's not being witnessed back to me, or I'm not seeing that manifested outside of my life. It's almost like we in our life are not on the same page. And some of the ways that can you know, for me, I'll just describe what that happens for me is like the FOMO gets really real. I'm like, wow, I am missing out on life. And then for me, what that translates to is I'll just work harder, and I work harder, and I work harder. And as I work harder out of alignment, I get less and less alignment. Whereas if we're operating in alignment, we actually can work with more ease, there's still work involved, but there is less friction happening. There's no joint on joint friction, so that we can experience more freedom within that work. It's like the difference between planting seeds and healthy soil and planting seeds in soil that's been that doesn't have resources or life inside of it right, we're going to get different results, one's going to require more work to get plants to grow in than the other in our alignment is like that healthy, fertile soil. So I believe as a spiritual reality that our alignment, or our blueprint for our alignment is in the seat of our heart. And if we think about the seat of our heart, and it opens up this way that we can connect to our center. Again, let's go back to the physical reality for a second, we experience our physical center in a lot of ways as our spine, the spinal column, in many ways tells our body what is Center, where is balance, how do we move, not only because it's literally the center of the trunk of our body, but also because it is the central column of our nervous system, all of the nerves coming from the brain are distributed through the spine out the rest of the body, it's like a kind of a train station, if you will. So if one vertebra of the spine is out, then maybe our right shoulder is going to start to be off. And then the more we work with the right shoulder off, without correcting it, then the left hips going to start to be wonky, and then our abdominals aren't going to work correctly. And then our pelvis is starting to get a twist in it. And then we may actually realize all of this simply because one day we have pain in our right knee. And the same is true of our inner realities, or our soul and psychic realities. And it is that complex. And it is also that simple. It is simple in that alignment serves alignment. And that misalignment serves misalignment, they help each other. So depending on who we talk to, you know, we have all these things that happened that we're experiencing is pain in our right knee, but it's actually linked to all these backup steps of maybe this one vertebrae got out in our spine or whatever. So depending on who we talk to, you know, we'll show up with knee pain, someone will give us a bandaid and the solution is just keep buying band aids for your knee that'll fix it. Or we could address the alignment and see where can we facilitate greater healing? You know, what transformation can we facilitate. And often when we embark on a journey of returning to our own alignment, we end up arriving at a place that is even more aligned than when we started before any pain showed up at all. And we see this a lot in society and government as well right where the approach is often like here's a band aid just keep buying band aid, it's easier. It's more profitable and it doesn't require transformation. It doesn't require an adjustment and alignment. All you have to do is buy a bandaid. We see this in the health of the world, right the farther and farther we get from our alignment with nature, the sicker and sicker. We get and stead of offering transformation back to our alignment with nature, our corporate and government solutions are often just band aids kind of piling up on a Festering Wound. That's and, you know, while the band aid making and the prescribed Band Aid prescribing companies, they make a lot of money and they're doing really well, no actual healing is taking place because we haven't addressed the alignment. And again, the inner reality is that complex and also that simple. It is complex in that everything is interconnected and interdependent. And it is also very simple in that if we serve and we've repair the alignment, healing can happen. Often the misalignments in our soul correlate to some kind of trauma or sacrifices or simply a lack of attention in a lot of instances where we've bent to the will and expectations of other people's narratives, or the world to the point where we don't recognize our own map anymore. We don't recognize or trust our own heart. And from an energetic healing perspective, sometimes the soul is literally sitting outside of the body or has shrunk to where it can no longer be heard or seen or experienced. And because the seat of the soul blueprint is in the heart, often how it manifests its direction and its navigating. It tells us where to go and what to do through love. Sometimes we have to get to the peel back layers to get to the really the true foundation of the love what is underneath some of the more superficial layers. The essence of the love is the foundation of the direction of the soul. And because your love is your calling, the desire beneath the desire beneath the desire is your calling. And your devotion to your loves is your calling, you know, we can truly access these callings, which are our loves, we access those through our healing. Our healing is what takes us back to our alignment. Healing can take us to the truly that clear, directed, empowered place where we can hear our center again, and we can act from our center again, we can move our shoulder from the place that it wants to be where we have more freedom, more flexibility, more strength. And it's important to find our center right, it's important to connect to our alignment, it's important to connect to this seat of the heart blueprint because you know, especially for wanting to work with unseen realities and mystical tools and intuitive tools because that's how we receive and understand those realms is through the center. The messages, the insight, the power, the ritual, the magic, is communicated to and from the center. So if our alignment is off, if our souls vertebrae centers off, then our connection to those possibilities, our connection to magic intuition might be off as well. And when we restore our unique alignment, and we can move from the seat of the heart, then we can actually actualize our full potential and we can come to our full expression here in human form. I had someone asked me a few months ago, what's the point of expression? As someone who is an artist and has just lived to express in many ways, from a very young age, I was like, oh, let's never thought about that question. But then I did. And I realized that like expression is truly the reason why we are why we are here why we are embodied at all right expression, or actualization is the most innate component, the most essential component to being alive here in a body. The very fact that we have eyes with a unique color, the fact that we have hair or we don't skin toenails like it's all because at the very core of our existence, there is genetic material that desires to be expressed through the language of toenail eye color, hair, skin, right within the cells, proteins, there's this pure potential and that potential or the map inside of the cells, if you will, it wants to become seen, it wants to become expressed. No one can see the eye color if it stays on expressed, right? It's only once the gene becomes manifest, once it is allowed to express itself, that we're able to witness the beauty of someone's eyes. So at the very base of our existence, is this ever unfolding expression? And for me, I think therefore that expression or actualization is a birthright then we We all have a right to what that is and to be able to live out what that is for us. And so your deep alignment is what helps this expression become reality. Your deep alignment is your connection to the center, where we're connected to all of who we have ever been. All that we will be all that is true. All that is love. All that is potential, although we have ever loved all that we ever will love all of the identities and people that we've been in will be it is where and how that we connect to what is eternal about us, that which is forever about us that which is perfect about us. And so aligning with this center, we connect to where we're moving, what are we moving? When are we moving? How are we moving, you know, in this life in these bodies, through aligning with this center, we connect to our story, we connect to our archetypes that our soul wants to express, we connect to our personal power, we connect to our liberation, we connect to our joy, we connect to our love for this planet and for humanity and ultimately for the human experience, which is what we get in a body. So that is the deep alignment, right? It's this ability to connect to center, it's the ability to, it's the alignment that enables us to have our heart and our soul living fully in our body. And we're able to move from that place connected to a sense of power, and freedom and truth. And that's essential for our truest expression. Right, it's essential that alignment is necessary for our soul to fully express through our bodies or our embodied experience. So how do we get to that alignment, if it's off, right because or when it's off because it is dynamic, I don't think it's like, oh, you went through this healing journey one time. And now you'll never have to go through it again. And now you're in alignment, and you have your center. And it's, it's fixed. It's not it's not static, nothing is static, it's dynamic. So that that is our journeys of healing and transformation. That is what helps us find and recreate our center, and remake our alignment over and over again, when it's time. Healing is how we mend in order to hold our highest alignment. Healing is how we come back to center. And it's how we find our center. And therefore how we manifest deep alignment, when center is on everything else can align into place where it wants to be. A few weeks ago, I did an episode talking about the difference between healing and fixing, I'll link it below in the notes. But I think it would be apt to go back to it just for this conversation that we're having now. So going back to the analogy of our physical body, so if when our shoulder is out of place, or if we have that pain in the knee, we we have to we become victims of that misalignment. In a sense, it's something that we always have to work around. And the more we work around it, the more the compensations we make other places create other misalignments, and then we can start to feel victimized by the misalignment, right. And then we're caught in the sense that like life is happening to us instead of with us. Healing is how we learn or how we really learn over and over again, to cooperate with life and to collaborate with life. It's how we learn. Where does the shoulder want to be? Where does the heart want to be? How does it want to function? What kind of freedom of movement does it want? What kind of stability? Does it need to feel safe? What kind of joy is it asking for? The healing journeys are how we call the soul, hell we call the heart back into the body, so that we're not disconnected from our expression. And when all of these things have happened, when we're able to call the soul back into the body and access the center, then we can access our maps, we can access our North Star, our direction, our purpose, and healing is the process through which we can access those things. It's how we appreciate our individual maps that are unique and important. They are who you are as unique and important and necessary. And we have maps for our physical body, our energetic body, our spiritual emotional bodies. There's a quote by Carl Jung that I like. And he said that until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. And I think there's there's a lot of truth in that. In that awareness and consciousness can be a powerful tool towards our healing and transformation. Simply becoming aware of something is in and of itself, a healing process and I want to clarify by a couple of things, I'm not saying any of this to promote some kind of herbalist idea of healing, right, where if everything is right, then you are able bodied or you don't have pain in your body ever, you never deal with illness. That's not what I'm saying. And if you go back to that healing versus fixing episode, you'll understand that. Also not saying that when you find your alignment, that everything in life gets perfect, you never experienced pain ever, and you get everything you want all the time. That's also i don't think true. The human experience is full of paradoxes, full of opposites and light and darkness. And alignment just enables us to meet life with the fullest and most powerful expression of who we are. In those moments, because we're meeting where we have agency with where we don't have agency. And I also want to say this, about healing and alignment, knowing full well that again, we live within so many oppressive systems, and we live within societies and economies that have no basis in spiritual reality, they are not in service of life. And so to be to strive to be fully alive within these systems can be really challenging. And so because of that, it can be challenging for folks to access the resources, they need to even entertain a conversation that is beyond simply surviving. And I do not expect these systems to change from the top down, I did not expect them to suddenly grow a heart and give a shit about anything except themselves. So to the extent that we are able in each moment, we creatively live our lives in such a way that we can create soil for new systems, more biodynamic forests, more intact ecosystems of communities that are in service of life. Because if we cannot rely on these greater systems to heal us, then our healing must become our communal responsibility to each other and to ourselves. So my alignment serves your alignment, the more connected you are to your center, the more fully expressed you are, the more actualized you are, the better for me, the better for everyone you come in contact with. And the more your creativity can create beauty, the more your creativity can create economies that are in alignment with ourselves with life with each other with the planet. And so this this journey of healing that leads us towards our center towards our own unique alignment towards our own unique map for life. It's not just important for you, but it's important for everyone, because within that map is a secret, something that is sacred that the world needs. So let us put our hearts back on the altar of our own devotion, right? If we think about how we use altars, now we're not like, you know, sacrificing babies to unseen Gods for pure harvest, right? But altars are ways that we focus our attention. They're places where we accumulate our attention, if you will, and our devotion. So what does it look like to put our hearts back on the seat in ourselves, and the altar inside of ourselves. And we were determined to it with that same honor and that same devotion, and the sense of like worshiping your purpose? Do we really worship our purpose? Can we attend to the heart realm of our life, and the heart realm of our truth so that we can even know what it is right so that we can be in service to it. Because inside of our heart inside of that place, of the altar of the heart, that is where our love is, and one of the first things we talked about today is like where your love is, that is where your calling is, there's a reason that you love it. It's because it's calling you. And it's such a beautiful call. When we know where the North Star is, then we know how to navigate when we feel lost at sea, right? If there is wind, or storm, if we can just see that star, if we can find that star, we can know where we are, we can know what direction we're going. Even if we're in like a weather moment where it's challenging to get there or orient in that direction. We can't control the sea, right, but we can orient we can find the North Star we can access our maps, we can know where the center of the ship is. As my husband says all the time, we can't control the waves, but we can learn how to surf. And he's quoting someone who I don't know who it is. But if you do beautiful, but it's the thing that happens a lot in our house. So what is the point of all of this? I mean, besides having a better functioning shoulder or having a heart that feels like it lives more in our body, having a heart that can talk into life and back again so that we can be more in alignment with our center so that we can receive more insight and more power, a sense of being more liberated and more joy being alive. What's the point? You like just like being at sea, this exchange between the inner and outer The map and the terrain, you know, it's dynamic, the exchange is dynamic. And so our center is dynamic, the North Star is dynamic, and most spiritual systems, mystical systems, occulted practices, you know, they're aimed at these maps or utilizing these inner maps, these unseen realms in some way right there about accessing this portal of deep alignment, in order to accomplish something, or impact the outer world or manifest into the outer world in some way. And so when we access the map of this foundational love, we find it in our deep alignment, it becomes a portal, right? Because when we're aligned, the door can open through which we can serve the world through which we can transform the world through which we can access our healing. Our healing serves our deep alignment, our deep alignment serves our healing it is it is complex, and it is also simple. The world is constantly, you know, presenting to us, this narrative of it's them versus us, right? It's us against nature, or it's, you know, this religion versus this religion, or it's democrats versus republicans here in the US, or it's liberals versus conservatives, but actually, there is no them versus us, there's just us. And this, this theater, this political theater of choosing sides, and you know, we have to choose a side to make change, it is simply a theater, and it is a distraction from our own personal power. What is political is how we exist in the world, and how we relate in the world, how we build community, that is our true power, connecting to our divine seat, in our heart, connecting to the forever inside of our deep alignment, moving through the world, with that expanded sight with that expanded knowledge and magic that is really the seat of our political power. So being committed to your own transformation, your own healing, committed to accessing your center, committed to your soul's deep alignment, which is pointing you towards what you love. You know, moving from that place is a revolutionary act. And it is revolutionary. Because when you plug into your healing, which plugs you into your power, then your force, and all of these oppressive systems, you know, they make money, they get bigger, they benefit, they become more powerful when we are sick, and when we are small. So the most anti oppressive thing you can do, the most liberatory thing you can do for the world is connect to your own healing, which is a practice, it's not a fixed thing. It may not even be an accomplishable thing. Because it's always moving. It's dynamic. It's revolutionary, because that is the way through which we access our power and our wisdom that is in our body and also beyond our body. And when we can move that wisdom into our heart and into our life and into our body, then you aren't you are radical and powerful love being and that what you call into the world manifests into the world and into your communities, you're able to create things that serve your relationships, you're able to build new economies. And that is a powerful force. I was catching up on a couple of news items this week, which is always hard, I have to kind of do it on like set days and then not do it for the rest of the week, because it's a lot for me to process. But Russell Brand was made a video highlighting some of the news, the wealth transfers that have been going on all year between corporations and governments and how they've been using the pandemic. And the quote, relief bills passed in this moment to grant millions, if not billions of dollars to corporations to further their own interest. And of course, this is not surprising, but I've linked to the video below if you'd like to watch it. But he said something which kind of summarizes, I think what I'm trying to say that, you know, again, this is not surprising that governments and corporations are doing this. He said it is yet another demonstration that what's required is radical change, and that you and I need to become empowered in our own lives. And think about how we want communities to run and how we want resources to be shared, and not outsource that power to people who have entirely different intentions, motivations and affiliations than we do. When we move from this radically powerful place, and it's radically powerful because it's connected to love it's connected to send her then we can create those communities then we can generate ways that we want the resources to be shared then we are no longer outsourcing our power to others. who may or may not have our best interests in mind who may or may not be in service of the planet? A doctor that I really, really love, not only because he is a very rigorous scientist, but just for his capacity to really look at the whole picture. And it's his name is Zack bush. when describing his recent meeting, he had a meeting with his lab with the EPA, because the EPA was up to approve the use of glyphosate for the next 13 years. And if you don't know what glyphosate It is, it is the poison that is sprayed all over our food by the billions of pounds every year through the industrial agricultural system that destroys our soil, our health, our water, all living things, animals, and yes, even our own, even us. And yes, it is also approved by the EPA. So Zack bush in his lab, we're presenting nearly 100 studies proving beyond the obvious that like ingesting poison would be harmful. 100 studies proving the destructive impact on human health, specifically pointing to these substances. And the EPA rejected the studies saying that they were not in the proper regulatory format. And I was really inspired by his approach because I would personally feel very defeated. And he said, You know, I may not be able to dismantle or change these regulatory institutions within my lifetime, but I can build things that make them obsolete. So what it's I think that models something that I am trying to embody in my life, it's a pivoting of the conversation towards you know, where am I spending my lifeforce? Where am I spending my creative energy? Where am I utilizing my creative power? Is it trying to learn to tango with oppressive systems? Or is it by building other systems entirely that make oppression obsolete? So we can be called a radical radiant community, right? What are the baby steps that we can make to pivot away from extractive economies extractive relationships as much as possible? And how do we move towards that which is regenerative that which is liberatory that which leaves life better and more possible once we have finished, that which truly dances with life, instead of dominates your controls or extracts from life? And getting back to this idea of power, where, you know, when the portal of our center is open, when we're truly connected when our heart truly lives inside of our body, and it's something that we are in alignment with? We are powerful beings. And I think in some sense, there can be a lot of fear with being with accessing that kind of power, at least for me, you know, we've in America anyways, you know, we've been raised by our governments, and historically like puritanical spiritual belief systems to believe that there is someone coming to save us, right, that we're just here to be good, and to be good, and to be nice so that when someone with more power comes along to save us, they will choose us because we're so good. We're so well behaved and so nice and so choosable and it trains us to be perfectionists. It trains us to be concerned with our performance and our appearance. More than we're concerned with our embodied spiritual reality. It trains us to be codependent and reliant upon some core side of like savior complex with our governments with our interpersonal relationships. When Actually, we are divine power, manifesting bodies, we are infinitely creative beings full of potential and beautiful, powerful transformative expression. And it is our revolutionary act. It is our radical, radiant act of alignment with ourselves with our souls with our heart and with the earth. That can really bring the healing and transformation that is needed not someone else, us, you, me, we. And I think that's where I want this conversation to go. The thread of our deep alignment. Why is that so important that we we undergo our healing journeys these we collaborate with transformation to live in alignment with the earth in alignment with our heart to access the blueprints inside of us for how our life wants to be what our soul wants to express what we're here to protect what we're here to defend what we're here to change, or we're here to love. Right? Because it's not just in service of us like feeling better, though alignment tends to feel better than misalignment. But it's what does that alignment serve? What are we more capable of? When we're connected to center? What messages are we more capable of receiving and enacting? When we've strengthened the container when we've aligned to that container we can hold more. And I think that's where I'm going to leave us I'm going to take us to a couple of poem blessings to close us out. But really, this is why I am opening this membership community this year, in the next couple weeks because your healing is necessary, and our communities are necessary and they are revolutionary. You know, when we learn to access this alignment, our healing our centers, and we express is very powerful beings and expression is your birthright as a human. And so that's what we're going to do this year in this community, we start on January 5, each month, we will look at, you know, there will be a lot of different components of it, you can go to the link below and see all that's included, but we'll look at the month astrology so you can know what's coming and plan your month and collaborate with those celestial energies we're gonna learn together, I will teach a class each month, or there will be a guest teaching a class each month on astrology or embodied practices. I'll give you tools so that you can interpret the transits and know how they're going to land in your own chart. Well, you know what the planets say about your North Star. We'll learn energetic tools, mystical intuitive practices, we'll learn from deep ecology, poetry ritual stories, setting up your life within cycles of rest, right, because rest is part of our alignment. I think pleasure is a part of our alignment, I think. So that we can feed our personal healing which feeds our communal healing, which feeds our transformation. So that we can build a strong center through which we can access our personal power through which we can build more regenerative worlds through which we can build more liberatory systems through which we can feel more alive. And because we're setting up intentional community, it's so that we can learn from each other in a five dimensional way. So just me talking to you and you talking back to me We're all unique and necessary and connected and mirroring each other witnessing each other and being a container for each other. Honestly, definitely not trying to foster any sort of like spiritual codependence on me I'm just a would my goal and my heart to simply foster community and co learning where we're learning with and from one another. Because we need you to be in alignment, we need you to be in align with your story, your archetypes, your map your blueprint for this lifetime. Because we all need the beauty and the impact of your life. We need the beauty and the impact of your love into the world. We all need you to live out your calling in this life and your purpose. We need the beauty of that we need the power of that. So if you're interested in joining kin in a couple of weeks, you can find out more about that in the link below. I'm going to leave us with a couple of poems. The first is an excerpt from a poem by Wendell Berry that I've been thinking a lot about it's called manifesto the Mad farmer Liberation Front. I this is not the entire poem is an excerpt and I have a link to the entire one below if you'd like to read it. He says give your approval to all you cannot understand. Praise ignorance for what man has not encountered he has not destroyed. Ask questions that have no answers. Invest in the millennium. Plant sequoias say that your main crop is the forest that you did not plant that you will not live to harvest. Say that the leaves are harvested when they have rotted into the mold. Call that Prophet prophesize such returns put your faith in the two inches of humus that will build under the trees every 1000 years. Listen to carry on. Put your ear close and hear the faint chattering of the songs that are to come. Expect the end of the world. Laugh laughter is a measurable be joyful though you have considered all the facts. Go with your love to the fields light easy in the shade. rest your head in her lap. swear allegiance to what is nyeste your thoughts. As soon as the generals in the Politico's can predict the motions of your mind lose it. Leave it as a sign to mark the false trail the way you didn't go. Be like the fox who makes more tracks than necessary. Some in the wrong direction. Practice resurrection. I love that idea of practicing resurrection just like approaching healing as a practice instead of a destination. This next excerpt which will close us out is by Alexis Pauline Gumbs is from her new book on drowned black feminist lessons from marine mammals. I basically wake up and cry reading this every morning. It's been really good food for my soul. She says I can most certainly remember the connection between my inner transformations and my actions in the world. I can, you can become more than a market, I can, you can remember that the world is round. What we touch how we steer. The roundness is the measure of our purposeful living, the impact is always beyond one species. We are not competing for space on this earth, we are at our best learning to connect towards the possibility of remaining we are at our best generous because we know the planet has already been more generous with us than we could ever earn. Round. The world is round like an embrace, and you touch everything. And I love the ways you are learning reach and reflection. I love the ways you are forgetting our education into enemy status at home. The world is round. Everything comes around and remembers you. I remember you with love. And with that we wrap up this episode. If you have any questions about things that we talked about questions about kin questions in general, you can leave me a voicemail now at the link below and I will respond to them. If you're interested in joining Can you can sign up the link below to get more information we start on January 5, and the doors will also close on January 5, I'm not keeping it open all the time. I think there's a lot of value in having just a closed alchemy container for everyone to get to know one another and transform together. It has three pricing options at a sliding scale it was two and then meditation this week, I was told to change it to three. So we now have three updated pricing options to join. And it's on a monthly subscription model so you can cancel anytime that you cannot join at any time. And as we add classes each month the library will grow and become more robust and more of a healthy human resource that I'm excited about. So I would love to hear how you're working on deep alignment in your own life. What that means for you what practices help you steer towards your own center, you can let me know on the voicemail or easier you can let me know in our free online community at the link below if you would like to share it. I'm sending you love. I'm sending you rest this week. If you're celebrating a holiday, may you have a beautiful celebration and we will see you next week. Peace. Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed the conversation, please leave us a five star rate or review, subscribe to the show and share the episode with someone else who would enjoy it. Be sure to check out the links below the episode and the notes for more information about anything that we talked about on the show, free resources and also how you can join our free group where you could talk about the episode with other like minded folks. Thank you for being here. Peace.