home—body podcast

A Guided Meditation for the New Year

Mary Grace Allerdice Season 2 Episode 71

Today I share about your expansive divine nature and guide you in a meditation to help you access your own grace + center your heart.

I also discuss / 

  • a poetic summary of deep alignment inspired by our listeners (you!)
  • giving + receiving our own grace
  • a guided meditation for your light-being, for centering your heart and feeling the expansiveness of your true nature.


~free~ webinar for how to build a business without social media (or with less social media) on January 5
FREE Tarot spread for the New Year/Moment/World/
Get FREE prompts for January’s astrology
YES! I want to know more about the community membership (KIN) - last day to join is January 5!
Sponsor someone! Give the gift of personal + spiritual development -- tools to navigate a rapidly changing world. 

Book a 1:1 session
Purchase a gift certificate
Return to yourself program
Astrology Sessions
Spirit Healing Sessions
Guidance Sessions


“Praise Song for the Day” by Elizabeth Alexander


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mary grace allerdice:

My name is Mary Grace and you're listening to the homebody podcast. Here we explore what it means to practice embodiment, which is practicing home inside our own selves and also within our wider body which is the earth. These spiritually and artfully minded conversations center healing, magic, astrology, intuition, art, wellness, creativity, social and environmental justice as the practices that help us witness more relationship, meaning and purpose. We are here to approach life as a conscious process. And my hope is to enliven you, encourage you to hone your intuition, connect to your own center. So together, we can cultivate more wisdom and self trust and be dynamic agents of beauty. People who are fully awake, and with our power and tact, we're here to be more intentional as we approach the creation and caretaking of life. And we are here to make room for inquiry, sensitivity, and joy. Thank you for listening.


Hello, and Greetings. Welcome to today's episode, I hope that

mary grace allerdice:

you have been able to find some rest of this week, this winter. And how about that big a beautiful full moon in cancer we just had, I must say it felt really good to me really healing, it brought some much needed energy to a part of my life in my chart that is, you know, felt rather intense and inaccessible the past year or so. And I couldn't sleep but it was very on but it still felt very the energy of it felt very nourishing. And so I hope that that is true for you in some way, as well. For today's episode, where it's going to be short and sweet compared to the past a few weeks, we're keeping it brief. I know we're in the middle of shifting from one year to the next one era to another sort of gathering what even went on in 2020. And for us as individuals and thinking about how that fits into what's been going on in the collective, and maybe even, you know, gathering how we move forward or how we keep going as we go into 21. So today's episode is mostly focused around a gift. Several a couple of gifts actually that I'm really excited and happy to leave for you. Next week, I'll be diving back into our more regular episode structures. Look at the first half of January's astrology, which will be introducing us to some of the major themes and personalities and topics that we'll be spending a lot of time with in 2021. So be sure to tune in next week for that. And then all will be back to hosting some really beautiful guest conversations that I'm super excited to share with you that I've been sitting on for a while. If you haven't listened to the past few episodes, I've been deep diving into the astrological and energetic shifts going on right now at the end of what for many of us has been a very unprecedented years. So episodes 69 and 68 are going to cover some of those shifts more in depth in a big way. So I'll have those links below for easy access. And before we stay before we jump into today's sharing, be sure to stay tuned for towards the end I've made a guided meditation that is intended to help you feel into your heart space and align with that part of you when it's you know for me anyways, when it's a time for planning or setting intentions or spell work or looking ahead I find it's really important to set myself up to be doing those things from a really centered place because it's not just what we do, right but it's how we do it. So the meditation in today's episode is really designed to help you get into that space so that when you're creating or you're setting intentions are kind of thinking about the the portal of transition of this year that you're you're able to do so or you have some tools to help you feel more centered, more aligned and more expansive awareness


around it.

mary grace allerdice:

So that is really what most of today's episode is centered around. Before we jump into that I have a couple of announcements The first of which is our big one which is kin on January 5, we is five days from now, which is Tuesday coming up, we kick off kin. And kin is an occulted membership community for folks who are ready to activate more of their deep alignment, their body myth and their healing so that they can dream a better world and create a better world. So if you've been listening to any of the episodes from the past few weeks, you'll know that we're in a very pivotal moment that the maps of the world are changing. And this can be destabilizing. And it can also be an opportunity to create lives and communities and economies that are more just and more regenerative. more liberatory more beautiful. And I don't know about you. But for me, 2020 has laid bare many things, many issues and justices and heartbreaks that I would like to see repaired and made obsolete. And so we need new blueprints for how we make community for how we build justice for how we share resources, what health looks like what food systems look like. And I think inside each of us our desires for the way that we want to be in the world, how we want to feel in the world, how we want to relate to others, you know how we want to feel resourced how we want collective needs to be met. And when we're desiring these things, in a sense, we're desiring something that we cannot see. Right? If we could see it, it would be here. And so from last week's episode, we talked about deep alignment and the awareness that's inside of you that is something particular some sacred secret that you are here to love that wants to birth itself into this world through you. And only you can truly know what it is only you can access that particular sacred secret of love and bring it forth. And so how do we do that? How do we access worlds that are not yet in existence? Or that we can't see yet? How do we dream them? How do we practice them? How do we love them into being we access them with the tools of that which is unseen, learning to listen to our bodies, channeling our sacred secrets, ancestral healing, the mystical tools, the embodied tools, we learn it through receiving our wise and divine hearts at the center of our alignment, the center of our channel, the center of our decision making the center of our being. And that's what Ken is about, where you've set it up as an occulted community where we can focus on learning the tools of the unseen, so that we can step into our unique personal love powers and really call forth the worlds that we want to love into this world. So each month we'll be learning from astrology, deep ecology, poetry, magic, ritual, mythological rhythms, for designing cycles of rest, and you know, accessing your powerful creativity, and revisioning what it could be like to relate to money and resources in a regenerative way. And so much more we've got I've mapped out the year I'm so excited I've so am that's a lot of why I'm not sleeping a lot to just be curating such an integrative, expansive and generous program. And I'm really excited to host it and I hope that you'll join us. Because no one else can create what you can create. No one else has the dream DNA that you have no one else possesses the beautiful alignment that is your particular life, your particular bridge between worlds that you are. So in this community will practice co learning and the transformation, the healing necessary to live into our fullest expression, and the creative potential so that we can accomplish worlds that we can only build together. So the door for this portal closes on January 5, and that is also the day that we begin. So be sure to head over to the link below. You can check out sliding scale options and ways that you can collaborate with this, this radiant and emergent community. So I really hope that you'll join us if it's not for you. And you're feeling like that is actually not in alignment for you in this moment. But you have access to resources, we do have people who want to take the program who are also in need of financial aid. So if you would like to sponsor someone and make a gift out of this to someone who needs financial assistance, there's also a link to do that below. And there are definitely folks who would be tremendously grateful. And in other news on January 5, I'm also hosting a free webinar on how to run your side hustle your business, your creative projects without relying on Instagram. You can hear more about Some of my personal choices and thoughts on it. Even if in last week's episode, I talked about that a little more in depth. Even if you're like totally excited about Instagrams new data policies, even if you're totally in love with Mark Zuckerberg, there's still some helpful info and structures that you could implement into your world that could make your life feel a little bit easier or relate to the people who want what you have who need what you have in a more robust and holistic way. So there's a link for that below and you can sign up it is free, and other free goodies. I have your prompts for January, January as astrology starts tomorrow. So I've pulled a couple of tarot cards, I've laid out some prompts to serve as a beautiful guide to help you personalize some of the transits of the new moons full moons coming up in January so that you can get those for free at the link below. So be sure to grab those. If you already get an email for me on Thursdays, yours will be in your inbox very soon. If it's not already.



mary grace allerdice:

I don't really want to say much in this episode, I feel like I've been saying a lot the past few weeks. And I'm a fan of simmering and integrating in a really big way. We have like a private group that you can join for free if you'd like where we just we can discuss the episodes and things that are coming up for us. And just in response to last week's episode, I asked folks, you know, what does deep alignment mean to them. And there were some really beautiful responses. Some of the things that came out were the words like authentic, having one's daily life, reflect their personal value systems. Even if there's no like not having to answer to what someone else says is true or proven or accurate. There was an amazing picture someone posted of a man just like laying down on some moss in the forest, I was all for that picture. The word synchronous and synchronicity, feeling connected to all things. And a moment of grace was something that came through. And I thought all of these were just so beautifully shared. And it made me think of the Shakti pot, which I know I've talked about on the podcast before, but I honestly cannot remember where it's a Sanskrit word that translates to the fall of Shakti or the fall of this actionable energy of the Divine. And it's related to this idea of awakening. It's it's an act that it includes the receiver, the being who's receiving the fall of Shakti. But it's also an act of grace, right? It's an act. It's a beautiful gift that happens outside of any ideas of deserving this or morality, like it's happening because you're good, or you deserve it. It's, it happens simply because good gifts are bestowed. And it can come to anyone at any time. And the Shakti pot is like a gift of seeing things differently in a way that creates change in our being and experiences. It's like a gift from the divine or perception or message or mission that helps us change our experience and who we are in the world. A bit of a Gupta puts it, I mean, he basically expresses that in this act of grace, it is gracing yourself. Because your ultimate nature is that you are a grace bestowing divine power. It's a profound moment of just like turning a corner at a deep level of your being or at the deepest level of your being, I believe is how he puts it. And I think that this point is to and helps us also understand this purpose of alignment, right? It's us bestowing grace to us, it's us lining up so that we can be the giver and the receiver of this godlike active energy. It's not so that we can control all outcomes and manipulate them so that they are always desirable. And we get everything that we want on our manifesting list. And our experience is always perfect, because there's no such thing, right? That's not why we're here. That's not the world that we're in. But the deep alignment is the work that we do, the practices, the magic that we do the listening to the intuition so that we know the place to be the time to be there so that we can line up more with the grace so that when the grace falls, we have something to hold it with and we have something to drink from it with. We can drink from the cup. And so with that said, I think I want to leave us there. If you're driving or doing something that requires your attention, you can just listen or hit pause and then come back to This later when you have more attention, and if you're able to now you can create space that feels private or sacred to you in some way you can create a candle or access something quiet, even if it's your car, where you can be uninterrupted and really just engage with yourself and just really set yourself up to, you know, be the giver and the receiver of your own grace bestowing divine power. So, I invite you to join me for this meditation it's really on experiencing yourself as a being of light and for centering your heart and for feeling, the expansiveness of your true nature. So with that will commence.


Find yourself a comfortable seat. Perhaps it's in a chair or on a pillow or seated on the floor. Do you need to support your back your spine so that you can sit up tall. Thank sure you can find the comfort in whatever posture you're choosing and begin to connect to your breathing. notice your breathing. Notice this pulsation of contraction and expansion inside your body. This force of given take and now as you continue to pay attention to your breath, begin to deepen your inhales allowing your belly to expand and lengthen your exhales. Drawing the belly back in closer to your spine. And again, inhaling, expanding your waistline your belly at the top of your breath, hold it for just one moment as you focus your attention at the space between your eyebrows, the space between your ears. And then exhaling slowly following the breath back down, drawing the navel to the spine and hold the breath out briefly. And again, inhaling riding the wave of the breath up the curvature of your spine towards the top of your head pause with your awareness at the very center of your head between your ears behind your eyes and exhaling slowly back down through your spine. Pause at the bottom and we'll do that once more inhaling fully long, deep soft breath and exhaling and now allow your breath to return to normal or let it be what it wants to be. And allow your skin to soften. Allow your body your muscles to relax. Feel yourself sitting safely in this moment. bravely in this moment. relaxed and feel how you can be safe and relaxed at the same time. allow your body to absorb that reality. Relax your face and the tops of your shoulders. Cuba's nice strong spine, it's almost like your muscles, your skin, the rest of your body is hanging suspended from the strong, tall curvature of your spinal column, your tree trunk of your spine. And now begin to become aware of your whole body almost as if you were pulling your eyes or your awareness out of your body. And you were looking at yourself sitting in the room or the place where you are. really see yourself three dimensionally on all sides. And as you're looking at yourself, from above, from around from all directions, see this body become more transparent. Almost see through. See the light waves. In this transparency, the light waves that make up your body dancing was the fluidity of this movement of light that makes up your being a colors are they and keeping this transparency stands on the light awareness. Pull and intention into your body staying relaxed, stay open and soft, transparent dancing lightwaves. Perhaps the intention is to feel more at peace. Perhaps the intention is to feel more courageous. Perhaps the intention is to feel more embodied. Whatever it is, it is correct. connects to the desire of your intention. Let your desire tell you what the intention is. And then see the intention manifest in some way whether it is a shape or a color. an archetype a plant can manifest in any way that you can observe in your mind's eye. See it manifest and then remember how you were watching your body from above. Pull that watcher back into you seated in the room. Now you are sitting inside this transparent body of dancing light and not just watching it but really being in it. still seeing whatever the manifestation of your intention is, whether it's a shape or a color, a word. See it's sitting in front of you. And then in your mind's eye, take that intention over the top of the center of your head so it's hovering just over the center of your head and just see it drip down, drop down through the porous lightness of who you are. Beginning with the top of your head and falling like water down your throat and your spine through all four sides of your rib cage, your waistline feel it pouring down through your organ systems. Your nervous systems, let it fill you are up against the container of your skin. Feel it trickle down through your legs and your feet. absorb it through the entirety of your being. So that now you are aware and radiant being of light absorbing this intention. take this moment to check in with your body Are you still relaxed and feel how your relaxation is connected to your expansion. How much bigger you are when you relax. Bring your awareness back to your breathing. And imagine that your whole body is participating in the breathing so that when you inhale you're taking in air from your toes, your eyelashes, your fingernails, your teeth and you exhaling through your whole body as well so that your entire being is pulsating. Receiving, giving yourself breathe with your back with your belly button. your collarbone breathing your throat, your eyebrows. The back of your head. Feel this embodiment of light of breathing dancing light that you are pulsing pulsating with the contraction and expansion. That is the universe and mirrors the universe. Take a few more breaths with your whole body. Breathing with your throat, every pore in your body, your cells, all your organs and then let your breathing returned to normal. And again feel yourself relaxed, expanded, embodied and light. Again, noticing that you're capable of being safe and being transparent, being safe and being relaxed, being safe and being expanded. Give yourself permission to feel this way. Now I want you to draw your awareness to your heart, to the organ of your heart in the center of your chest Can you feel its rhythm? Its pulse. It's dance. see it as something solid and beautiful. In the middle of your transparent light body and as you listen to its rhythm, its paces dancing. Listen into it as well. What would your heart say for you in this moment? Do not judge whether you hear something whether you feel something whether you suddenly just know something or see something, whatever it is, however it is. Don't judge it. Just say thank you, except whatever it is with gratitude. And now see this, Oregon, this beating heart in the center of your light body. Become a sphere of energy a circle and slowly watch the circle the sphere expand until the sphere is Not only outside of your body but beyond your body. Allow this fear to continue to grow until it is beyond your reach. And then hold this sphere, in your awareness be inside of it. And again, notice your body. Allow yourself to relax. Soften your muscles, soften your skin. Soften the space between your eyebrows, and just sit inside this sphere, this radiant sphere of your heart. And feel how expansive it is. How magnetic it is. If you can keep your breaths, soft and fluid, keep your body relaxed. And then when you're ready, bring this fear back in until all of that power, light radiance and beauty is not smaller, simply condensed, more dense inside the organ of your heart, the center of your heart, the center of your chest, destroying this fear back in almost like you're wrapping it into a gift so that it can reside inside of you. And take a moment to feel the gratitude to express gratitude. For that gift and for all that is packed inside of it inside of you. When you're ready, take another full deep breath in feeling this gratitude, this relaxation, this expansion and exhale. And one more time as you inhale, watching the breath, travel up your spine, back to the space behind your eyes between your ears. Hold briefly at the top of your breath. And then exhaling back down the curvature of your spine and hold the breath out. Good last breath deep breath in through your nose. And this time as you exhale softly out through your mouth. And then take one or both hands to your heart and lower your tension towards your chest. Just say thank you When you're ready, you can lift your chin and open your eyes. Okay.

mary grace allerdice:

I hope that that was beneficial for you feel free to use it as much as it feels helpful. Again, if you would like more tools like these to support your center and help you expand into who you were meant to be so that you can create the worlds that you longed to love and see in the world, then be sure to check out kin in the link below. And I hope to see you in there this year. The portal to join closes in five days, which is January 5, and it will not open again until the middle of the year. So be thrilled if you join. If this has been helpful for you in any way, feel free to share the episode with someone who you think would also get a lot out of it or enjoy what we've shared here. And I hope you have a reflective evening on the cusp of this new calendar year that you're deeply nourished. I hope that you are met and fed and all of the ways that you need right now. And I'm going to close this out with a poem by Elizabeth Alexander


called praise song for the day.

mary grace allerdice:

Praise song for the day by Elizabeth Alexander. Each day we go about our business walking past each other catching each other's eyes or not about to speak or speaking. All About Us is noise. All About Us is noise and Bramble, Thorn and din each one of our ancestors on our tongues. Someone is stitching up Ahem. darning a hole in a uniform patching a tire repairing the things in need of repair. Someone is trying to make music somewhere with a pair of wooden spoons on an oil drum with cello boombox harmonica voice. A woman and her son wait for the bus. A farmer considers the changing sky. A teacher says take out your pencils begin. We encountered each other in words, words spiny or smooth whispered or declaimed words to consider reconsider. We crossed dirt roads and highways that mark the will of someone and then others who said I need to see what's on the other side. I know there's something better down the road. We need to find a place where we are safe we walk into that which we cannot yet see. Say it playing. The Many have died for this day. Seeing the names of the dead who brought us here who laid the train tracks raised the bridges picked the cotton and the lettuce built brick by brick, the glittering edifices they would then keep clean and work inside of praise song for struggle. Praise song for the day. Praise song for every hand lettered sign the figuring it out at kitchen tables. Some live by love thy neighbor as thyself.


Others by first do no harm

mary grace allerdice:

or take no more than you need. What if the mightiest word is love, love beyond marital filial national love that casts a widening pool of light, love with no need to preempt grievance. In today's sharp sparkle. This winter air. Anything can be made in a sentence begun on the brink on the brim on the cusp praise song for walking forward in that light. Thank you for being here. May you be well. May you have peace and we will see you next week. Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed the conversation, please leave us a five star rate or review, subscribe to the show and share the episode with someone else who would enjoy it. Be sure to check out the links below the episode and the notes for more information about anything that we talked about on the show, free resources and also how you can join our free group where you can talk about the episode with other like minded folks. Thank you for being here. Peace.