home—body podcast

Astrology + Energy Forecast for Full Moon in Leo + Imbolc

Mary Grace Allerdice Season 2 Episode 75

Full moon in Leo on January 28, Mercury's upcoming retrograde through Aquarius, Imbolc and the New Moon in Aquarius on February 11.  

I also discuss / 

  • Leo full moon and serving from a place of sovereignty
  • Aquarius stellium, finding your YES and committing to the work of saying ‘yes’ 
  • How Mercury retrograde can facilitate internal research and renewal in a culture that overemphasizes external progress
  • Why remembering is valuable as we build a future in service of Life + Robin Wall Kimmerer
  • Imbolc and its patron goddess Brigid
  • Ideas for Imbolc ritual 
  • Channeled message for this current lunation under the Leo Full Moon
  • A poem blessing by Mary Oliver


Jupiter + Saturn in Aquarius (podcast episode)

The Great Conjunction (podcast episode)

Astrology of January 2021 (podcast episode)

Lindsay Mack podcast episode


Robin Wall Kimmerer talk

"Morning Poem" by Mary Oliver


~free~ class on How to Not Need Instagram (+ why you don't need more followers)

FREE prompts for January's astrology --> February prompts dropped on the 1st!


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mary grace allerdice:

My name is Mary Grace and you're listening to the homebody podcast. Here we explore what it means to practice embodiment, which is practicing home inside our own selves and also within our wider body which is the earth. These spiritually and artfully minded conversations center healing, magic, astrology, intuition, art, wellness, creativity, social and environmental justice as the practices that help us witness more relationship, meaning and purpose. We are here to approach life as a conscious process. And my hope is to enliven you, encourage you to hone your intuition, connect to your own center. So together, we can cultivate more wisdom and self trust and be dynamic agents of beauty. People who are fully awake and with our power and tact, we're here to be more intentional as we approach the creation and caretaking of life. And we are here to make room for inquiry, sensitivity, and joy. Thank you for listening. Hello, everyone, greetings, and thank you for being here on this Leo Full Moon, which we'll talk about. In a moment. I'm your host, Mary Grace, and I'm so glad that you're here and today on the episode I'm going to be sharing with you a bit of an Astro energetic forecast looking at the beginning of February leading up to the new moon in Aquarius, which is on the 11th in this episode also include a channeled message oriented around this current lunation happening under the full moon in Leo. And I'll also talk a bit about imbolc, which is a festival which has a floating date. But in our current calendar, we tend to think of it on February 1 or second and some of the folk practices that are the predecessor to our current Groundhog Day. And as far as Scottish Celtic calendars, or Gaelic calendars was considered the first day of spring. So excited to get into that. Next week, I will dive a little more into the latter half of February and what that holds for us focusing mostly on this upcoming square between Saturn and Uranus, which is a key aspect for not only this month, but also a recurring theme in our narrative of 2021 as a whole. And as I've been writing about it and preparing materials for our our membership community, I think it holds a lot for us. And so I want to make sure we give it plenty of time to digest and look at it three dimensionally and see what invitations and what's coming up there. A few announcements before we jump into some stars, be sure to get your prompts. If you don't already get prompts in your inbox. For each month, you can go to the link below. And every month I create these, these questions, these prompts for reflection that coincide with the astrology of that month. So it's a way to personalize what's going on. And integrate some of the dynamics as food for thought as things that can help you look within and also without, with the support of what's happening in the stars. So they're my gift to you. So make sure you go below and get those if you don't already get them. I also have a class that I taught recently on, you know, basically some setting you up for some practices that help you not need Instagram for your business, if you have a business or if you're a freelancer or you have a side hustle or a cause that you are fundraising for or creating an audience around. So that I taught a free class on, you know, basically why you don't need more followers in order for that to be successful. And I'm creating more classes and content on that coming soon. I'm just feeling like there's a we have a lot of rhetoric. And this is as my friend told me this week that we have a lot of rhetoric and learning around like doing good as we create economies and support ourselves, but not a lot about like feeling good. And I think that they can be both and I think that they can be teachers and I'm actually yeah, I think I'll say it I think I believe that it's necessary that it feels good if it's going to create systemic change in our life and also in our communities. So you can get that class as a starting point. And also I now have a voicemail link. You can leave me a voicemail, either ask questions that you would like answered on the podcast, feedback or suggestions for guests or people that you would like to see there's a link to leave me a voicemail below. So be sure to do that. Also remember, if you have feedback that is constructive, happy to hear it, just remember that I am a human being, and a person. And just as I would reach out and speak respectfully and kindly to you, I would hope that you do that for me as well. Alrighty, so we are going to jump into this month. Today is the Leo full moon, and it is Thursday, January 28. And that's happening in the afternoon around 2:15pm. on East Coast time in the US, and the moon in Leo is nurturing the self, the individual, the individual identity and the sovereignty of the individual, beating heart. And if you've listened to this podcast for a while, you know that I am in no way opposed to this or, and I also don't think that it's selfish. In fact, I think that it is necessary, I think are communal and individual identities. They are intertwined, and they are equally important. And each of us has different actions and practices that are needed in order to experience that kind of back and forth wobbly balance between the individual and the communal. We have no responsibilities to our individual life, to our desires and blueprint, but an end we also have those to the community. So from the interactions that I have with many of you that I see in sessions or experience in groups, it seems that we, it seems to be that we have a collection of very sensitive people, empathic people, generous people who perhaps tend towards the thinking of the other towards the collective, very naturally, sometimes at expense of the self. And so we may experience judgment or judge ourselves when it comes to actually honoring the individual self for the sake of its own royalty. However, I think that's really important. I think there's a big difference between serving life as Cinderella and then serving life as the King. And the Leo paradigm is honoring the individual life as the King, the individual form and the heart and elevating it to this place of sovereignty so that we can serve from a place of sovereignty, which is very different, as I said, of serving from a place of Cinderella, right, as we're serving as the King, we are connected to our own power and our own insight and resources that can actually be really helpful. And so this full moon can create an opportunity for us to look at this exchange between individual and collective and exploring those tethers the connections and the movement that are kind of inherent in the the going back and forth. Between that bridge. This Moon is also squaring Mars and Uranus and Taurus and so it's also opposing Jupiter. And so, inherent in this combination, I think, speaking mostly to the Mars and Uranus square is, you know, an experience of the decisions necessary or the actions necessary, and the demands for liberation that are necessary. Where is our choosing in this moment? What is the courage that we need to make the decisions to honor ourselves and how, you know, there may be moments where we have to choose ourselves in order to serve the whole? And how honoring our bodies, choosing our sovereign heart and choosing the blueprints within it? And how can you give yourself attention? How can you nurture your creative expression on this moon does not have to be or feel beautiful, necessarily, in order to be creative in order to be worthy of your attention, because you are worthy of your attention. And I think it is just the starting place from which all of your other work flows, that it's necessary to know how to look at yourself with yourself into the true nature of who you are into that true sovereign heart of who you are. And there's a big connection to power there and touching into your own monarchy, if you will, to where you can really reach in and access your blueprint and serve the world from a more powerful place. From there as we move into February, February is a month where we get a large dose of Aquarius as we head towards the new moon happening in Aquarius on the 11th. So on that new moon, there will be six of the seven traditional planets in the zodiacal sign of Aquarius and that's a lot so keep in mind that traditionally the sun the moon were considered planets even though now we call them something else. So the Aquarius part of our chart is getting highlighted in a big way both personally and collectively. I think of each planet transiting through here is a different set of eyeballs like each personality and perspective is going to give us different information on the same terrain. So each one sees something different than the other. They can Indicate in a different way or they communicate something differently about what they see. And so we're getting a lot of input and insight and multifaceted experiences on Aquarius itself, but also on what Saturn and Jupiter wants to do and Aquarius, and what this is going, what is going on in this part of our chart, what it's holding in our life, and what structures want to be born here and both the individual and the collective level in this kind of Aquarian personality. And also what's going on wants to happen in this kind of new air epoch or era. If you missed the episodes I did back in December where I talked a little bit more about the Saturn and Jupiter shift into Aquarius and then their conjunction which starts a new era of air then I will link those episodes below so that you can go back and listen to them. But together all of these planets, I think they will let us know what this map is starting to look like and what the plans are. And so we'll have the the Sun Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Mercury all in Aquarius, and which will leave out poor Mars who was just not having the best time as they journey through the sign of Taurus. Last month, Mars entered Taurus, which is where your honest also is. And so with that, we saw a lot of disruptions and attempts at revolution and also the subsequent defeat of those attempts by bureaucracy as was expected. And also happening very timely in coordination with those transits. For instance, we had the the capital right here in the US, I think the day that Mars entered Taurus, and then the former president was then impeached the day that Mars completed their final square to Saturn. So we have this, you know, the beginning of a story as well when Mars conjunct Uranus last month, and we'll see that start to play out as we go through the year. I think that conjunction coincided rather closely with some large protests happening in Russia against the current government administration and its corruption. So again, we'll see some of those themes play out as we go on through the year. But all that being said, Mars is not having the best time and tourists they're feeling weak, they're not able to move the way that they want to probably trying to disrupt the gathering of planets happening in Aquarius and feeling left out that their perspective isn't happening, but I'm sure causing some trouble, none of the less. And However, it's not likely to be any sort of successful long term trouble or disruption. So we'll have some other stories are cycles begin this month, as the sun moves through Aquarius, it's we taking these other planets in and out of its beams, making them invisible as they get close to the sun, and then they're going to emerge visible on the other side as they pass. So planets will be taking turns kind of moving behind the scenes and doing more invisible work for a bit and then bringing their their new identities their new, newly bathed identities with them. And at the very beginning of the month, we have Venus entering Aquarius, and a few days later on the sixth, Venus will also conjunct Saturn and then square, you're honest. So in a sense, Venus is positioned amidst these differences of opinions, these modes and these different modes and actions. And so it's on this field that we're asking questions of relationship and relating and what is valuable and whereas desired. And what do we do about these things? amidst kind of different different needs and demands? How do we look at them? How do we prioritize them? How do we hold them? And if you know what, what are we saying is important and valuable to us as we build a new world? And I think when Venus is here with Saturn, Saturn has been like, well, then what commitments does that make for you? If you say this is important, then? What does that mean about your commitments? What about your responsibilities? So a question I asked in the prompts for this month is with the world that we want to say yes, to what commitments or burdens or responsibilities does that ask of us? And as venus moves into square, you're honest, later that day, it may be how did those structures feel in conflict or intention with a desire for revolution or a more radical need to be free? So we may find that we have interests, demands and experiences on both sides of those ideas about how we're being together, how we want to exist in the world, how do we want to get what we want? How do we make the world that lives around our values and can hold these tensions? It's often not an either or decision, right? But it's some sort of integration or movement of both sides towards some new alchemical Offering. We also have mercury currently retrograde once we move into February. So as of this podcast, Mercury is still direct, though going very slowly. And so mercury will go retrograde on January 30. And on February 8, Mercury will come join the sun marking the midpoint of the retrograde period. And so it will not only appear to be going backwards from our perspective on Earth, but it will also appear to be invisible, sort of pulling us into the heart of our review of our research of going back over things in a way that may feel less visible and less public, and what appears on the outside to maybe be less productive. But I think these times can be really valuable personally, as we evaluate how we're doing things, how we're gathering what we're gathering as far as information and looking at what possible solutions are that maybe we went over more quickly or less thoughtfully, initially, we have so much of our energy orient oriented outwards so much of the time with things like social media and trying to be seen and heard amidst this busy field and kind of congested atmosphere. And in this oval over culture, many of us have these underlying beliefs or experiences, or at least I do around product productivity and visibility. Like we have to always be progressing and moving forward and always visible and moving in general are always making the scene and being seen. And if we're not doing that, then we may get lost or forgotten or left behind. And I think that there's a lot of valuable work and revelation and depth and understanding available to us when we take the time to withdraw and to go back over things to review, to revisit to refresh and just look at problems and solutions in a different light. There can be some unexplored richness to it and new perspectives waiting for us when we surrender to that process and allow those things to happen. And then on February 11, we have the new moon in Aquarius happening at about two in the afternoon again on East Coast time in the US. And as I said earlier, at this point, we have six of those seven traditional planets in the sign of Aquarius gathering, coming together, giving each other audience giving each other input and mirroring back identities and beliefs and values. And I think that it's interesting since Aquarius is a sign that is focused on collective action and orientation. Aquarius is interested in the crowd or the group moreso than the individual experience. And then here we have a crowd of planets coming together in this new moon moment. So for me, we can think of it as a collection of energies and perspectives and archetypes that are to begin a new lunar cycle in this sign. And we can also potentially internalize that analogy to think about bringing all the parts of ourselves and our life together in agreement and in accord to accomplish the dreams and the intentions that can benefit the whole of our life, but also the whole in a collective sense. And I think there is value in all the perspectives here. There is value in what the individual needs and sees there is value in what the collective needs and sees, and what are the ways that we can all be heard and reflect back to one another. what the needs are the experiences, the values and the perspectives. Again, that is both an internal practice and an external practice. I think it was an episode I did with Lindsey Mac back, I can post it below. But she's talking about this kind of having this like legislature inside and just making sure like all the different parts are heard and represented. I thought that was that's a picture that was coming to mind as I was thinking about this. And we can also think of the relationship between ourselves and of course, the rest of the fabric of life, right as well as the fabric of our specific life. There's a micro and a macro interest and voices happening. And they serve one another and inform one another. So I think it's interesting to think about, you know, what is needed, or what ceremony even is helpful to facilitate a chord and agreement and collective intention around the future and the world that we would like to create. Aquarius is air and it's rational and intellectual and ideas and so what conversations need to be had what desires needs to be clarified what explanations to the other parts need to happen so that they can understand what listening needs to happen, what freedoms need room to be appreciated and voiced so that you can live into your full, creative, original expression. And we'll have Venus and Jupiter conjoined for this new moon. And so we have these two Yes, planets, right, these two like I want to help, I want to make it better, I want to do good, sort of overseeing this, this monthly Sun Moon exchange in the dark and wanting to make opportunities possible or work constructively together. And all of this is happening in the domain of Saturn who will say yes, but are you willing to do the work of the Yes, of the whole and the parts that make up the whole, the work of the Yes. I watched a video recently it was a talk by Robin wall kimmerer a few weeks ago. And it was in my emails. And in my writing Lately, I've been sharing a lot about remembering in the site and literally like remembering or putting members back together. And sort of this call to put together our integral relationships with ourselves between who we truly are, which is also intimately related to our relationship with place and with Earth and with other world. So this talk by Robin wall kimmerer had been sitting open in my tabs for weeks, because that's how I do. And then finally, it was just ready to talk to me. And I was like, I'll just play it in the background while I'm cooking dinner. And then I think it was maybe like 65 seconds in and she and I started crying because she's like, remember, remember, and I literally just sent an email out with that being the title and she summarizes and indigenous creation story. And she also threads it together with a prophecy that foretells a moment of choosing, and a time of pivotal choices that will decide how the end of the story goes. And whether it's towards destruction or whether it's towards the rekindling of the great fire. And, again, I will link the talk below so that you can watch it for yourself. It's not very long, and she's just an excellent storyteller. But I mentioning it here, so that I think you should watch it and be but I think that it is a moment that in all of this future looking that I think it will be impossible to build the future that we want by only looking forwards but only looking towards the future. But we must also carry and remember and reprioritize that which is true outside of time, and that our true remembering is needed in order to create with integrity and with joy and fulfillment in order to be in service of life in the future, which we have not been doing as a whole and a future without this remembering holds much devastation if we choose to further sever our connection to life. So I want to mention that as we go towards this new moon in Aquarius and this pouring out in the future like what are we going towards and as we gather in our assembly, in service to collective ideals and future building that we that we really hold the weightiness of these choices as well and choosing and remembering to bridge back to what is already known that maybe we forgotten that will be necessary for this upcoming cycle in this journey. And so with that, I want to briefly talk about imbolc. As I said earlier, we tend to mark it on the calendar is February 1 Eve to February 2 Eve but pre calendars it was marked more by the changes happening in the land when the sun was rising over particular mounds as well as the timing of the moon. And so the date was a little more flexible and fluid. It's also called the Festival of Lights or festival of fire or Brigid's day. And there's a there's several theories on where imbolc kind of where its association with language comes from. But one of it is really like pronunciation of imbolc or bolg meaning for like in the belly. And it was marking the beginning of spring and said to coincide with like when they use utters the ewe, as is in the female sheep, became full of milk again and began lactating. So if you think about this really long, hard winter where all you were eating was mush, and that which you had stored from the fall harvest and having access to fresh milk again for cheese and butter. And this thought of like spring coming back meaning food is coming back and lambs being born It was definitely a cause for celebration and feasting. And it's where one's imagination could begin to turn from just raw survival and into dreaming the seeds and planting for the future food and sustenance and like weather, the sun coming back, being able to actually open the door to your home and let fresh air in and clean the home and kind of also a moment to like take stock of how much food was left in order to get you to the first harvest and get you through the rest of winter because winter isn't over here. It is just a moment to realize that it won't last forever. So, this feast day was associated with Bridget as I said earlier, who has many different derivatives of that name that I won't list them all here who was a three faced goddess really associated with the home and with land and the hearth fire and metallurgy and poetry and healing. And after the christianization of the Celtic region bridgid was just so entangled with the, the ritual of the people in the way of living that the church they just weren't really able to abolish bridgid so they made her a saint. And so imbolc is now like St. Brigid's day or st Brigid's feast day. So they made her a saint and you know, kind of interwove her into a narrative about her being the midwife of Mary and the birth of Jesus and and the feast day of Bridgette, which also became Candlemas. So there's this reiteration of Bridget as associated with the fertility of spring right with birth or associating with coming to life, so, and Brigid is associated with fire and so on this eve of imbolc, she was said to walk through the land, with her white cow to bless the land and the livestock and the grains and the food to kind of double the food so to speak, if you were blessed by Brigid's to get you through the winter, but also to invite back spring others tails talk of her like washing her face in the well to transform from being the hag back into the maiden archetype as she moves from the goddess of winter into the that of spring. bridgid coming back as like as the sun really and walking across the land with this long, this huge green cloak and under which under this cloak as she passes over the grasses and the flowers begin to spring back up. And if thinking of Bridget potentially as the the maiden archetype, and if the cailleach or the hag is the more winter goddess or archetype, be the kind of Groundhog Day is that if the sun was out on imbolc, then the hag or the cailleach who was gathering firewood and so there would be a longer winter if the sun was out on this day. But if the sun was not out, or the weather was super unpleasant than the cailleach was asleep, and so there wouldn't be any more firewood needed because winter was ending soon. So or observing whether the actor snakes Lena left their holes in the ground on that day, these little modes of observation for divining whether or not like how much longer is winter how much more food are we going to need. And mentioning Brigid's association with poetry as well, since we love poetry over here. For the Celts, you know, they weren't It was a culture of oral tradition, they were not writing language. So poets also were associated in this culture as being seers, or diviners. poetry was considered an oracular art of magic and divination. So which is a worldview that I definitely hold and support. And Brigid's association with fire or flame is in there were it was a fire festival. So having lights lighting up the fires in the hearth, and it was a more localized festival than some of the other ones like beltane. But even just using you know, candles, or tending your own bonfire, fire in some kind could be a simple way to, you know, honor the goddess on this day, or putting out butter or a glass of milk, another practice for taking a strip of cloth. And they would take it to a well that was blessed or associated with bridgid and dipping the cloth in the sacred waters with a prayer or some petition, and then taking the wet cloth and wrapping it around a tree. And as the cloth would dissolve, then so would the issue or the request that had been presented there called clootie wells. And another thing that was like, you know, this idea of opening the doors and letting the letting and fresh air in and cleaning in the house, this idea of staining or sain-ing was like sort of like Celtic smudging, I guess. But the household usually with like Juniper or water from one of these wells or using salt as a way of just kind of cleansing the air or the land or the perimeters of where you lived. a practice that I think is really interesting. You know, there was a lot of baking happening like making these these like oat cakes or grain cakes that were usually kind of unleavened and very dense from the ones that I've made, which is fine. But you you know, baking a bannock cake for instance for eating But also for offerings and just walk you through eat your first cake like outside as you're walking around the perimeter of the land and you would throw a piece the first piece over your shoulder as an offering to bridge it or pouring out whiskey over the plow and asking for bridges blessing and or leaving you know offerings of butter and grains and these bannock cakes outside of the home on Imbolc, even a piece of cloth for her to bless and endow with healing powers she is leaving out straw for as she walks through for her cow. We see the Brigid's crosses, I'm sure a lot of people have seen pictures of those woven with these straw or rushes. And they were used as you know things of protection or in blessing as ways to kind of concentrate those requests and partitions placed over beds or over the hearth. And it was a feast there's a lot of baking and churning of butter. And having Can you imagine having butter again when most of what you eat is bread. And for me personally, there are some really kind of simple things that you could do if this is something that feels like practice or something that you would like to honor is simply like welcoming in light, candles fire perhaps it is a bonfire or cutting up some butter or setting out a glass of milk or lighting some candles is there, maybe a river nearby you can cut a strip of cloth and with a prayer you know, dip the well dip the cloth in the water and asked for Brigid's blessing and protection potentially tie it to a tree or somewhere preferably with organic materials so they actually will dissolve or leave the cloth out on the porch or the window sill overnight for Bridget to bless or, or baking a cake and walking around the perimeter of your home or your land and leaving offerings and crumbs as an offering for peace petitions for blessing or Brigid's cross and placing it over your bed or on your altar, finding ways to contemplate fire or meditate on it or with it as a very primal offering and a creative source as a very driven natori element. And fire is in itself I think a teacher for the attending and the containing and the worship as it holds so much power and life giving warmth. And all these practices to me is we think about like syncing up with seasons and with the cycles of the sun and the moon is all of these practices are set into invite in resources right setting apart things as offerings to honor that which blesses your life. Like the with the bannock cakes, not only would you eat it outside and you know, leave some crumbs outside, but you would also save a piece of the banana cake and like put it in the cupboard and with that you would kind of be petitioning or guaranteeing that you would always have enough bread to get you through the year. So it's this idea of reserving things not eat, not eating all of it, right reserving some as an offering, pouring out the first of the milk, and then you make your cheese or creating something that can serve in dedication to as an offering, or an invitation to that which blesses you and that which brings the sun back. And I think it makes a lot of sense with these. You know, we have the Leo full moon and the Aquarius New Moon and really nurturing the fire and the poetry of your creative expression and tending the hearth, tending the fire of the home, the fire of your altar, the fire that is within you, and honoring the resources and the warmth that exists between you and within you and in your community. So I hope you'll find some time to you know, set apart in sacred service to your life and to all of life and to honor the fire that is and also is coming back to find gratitude for that which you have in gratitude also for the provision of that which you need. And with that, we're going to move into a channeled message for this current lunation that we're under beginning with the full moon in Leo. And then I will wrap us up with a poem to close us out for today. So wherever you are, I just invite you to a moment of stillness if you're able to taking a deep breath getting into your body and as always, these this all of these episodes, and especially anything that is channeled is meant in service to you as an offering as inspiration and so but you are still your sovereign over your life in your heart. So take what is helpful and inspiring to you and please leave what is not Take a moment to consider the models you're using to measure yourself. Whether you are growing whether you are successful, whether you are healthy, whether you are happy, take a moment to consider the models with which you measure yourself and your life. evaluate them, are they models that you use on others for others? Are they models that you created? Are they models that you approve of? Are they models that you delight in? Are they models that you love because if they're not no amount of cleaning or rearranging or repairing is going to make them any good. It's going to make them of service is going to make them worthy of your attention. Models are only helpful if they're of service. And we only know if they are of service if we know what is on the altar what is being devoted to. And it brings us back to the question of devotion with what are you worshiping with your life? isn't what you love? Because that is the model that is the measuring stick to what are you bringing your devotion is it what you love. The models for measuring must serve that and not the other way around. You do not need to bend what you love to meet the measuring sticks, the stories about what is true and what works. do not need to bend what you love. But you can break the models to serve you what you love, build your own stories, build your own stories, build your own models to measure to know where you are to know how you are build your own models to measure way of taking stock as a way of checking in. We do not need to bow to rigor as if the harder something is the more valuable it is if we achieve it. Difficulty is not a measure of value. rigor is not a measure of worthiness or something being worth it. It does not have to be hard to be valuable. Build your own models in service to what you love. Because it's important not only what you do, but how you do it. How it feels about how you do it, because that is what generates what is next. We are always generating what is next right now is generating what is next and so how is right now. worthiness is not measured by how hard something is. There are hard things that are valuable, but you do not need to go looking for difficulty. You do not need to seek things out You do not need to choose the suffering You do not need to choose the hardship For the sake of itself, what are you using to measure? Is it in service to what you love? Okay, welcome back. So we're going to wrap up here with a poem by Mary Oliver called morning poem. It's about morning. But I think with all this talk of imbolc, and the sun coming back this idea of dawn, make sense. This is morning poem by Mary Oliver. Every morning The world is created. Under the orange sticks of the sun, the heaped ashes of the night turn into leaves again and fasten themselves to the high branches. And the ponds appear like black cloth on which are painted islands of summer lilies. If it is your nature to be happy, you will swim away along the soft trails for hours, your imagination alighting everywhere. And if your spirit carries within it, the thorn that is heavier than lead. If it's all you can do to keep on trudging. They're still somewhere deep within you a beast shouting that the earth is exactly what it wanted. Each pond with its blazing lilies is a prayer heard and answered lavishly every morning, whether or not to have ever dared to be happy, whether or not you have ever dared to pray. I love that so much as I've been thinking a lot how, in the past here how I've, you know, I take the sun coming up every morning for granted like, doesn't have to. And I love this idea of you know, each pond with its blazing lilies is a prayer heard and answered lavishly every morning, and taking the moment and taking this imbolc time taking every morning or whenever it is to really have sit in gratitude for perhaps the sun coming up as a prayer that we forgot to pray that is being answered lavishly each day. Thank you all so much for being here. Be sure to check out the links below for any episodes that I mentioned or other resources get your props for the Leo full moon and enjoy them as a free gift. I hope that you will use this time to tend to your fire and take courage and we'll see you next week to talk about what vain aspect for February and the big one for this year which is Saturn square Uranus be well, and peace. Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed the conversation, please leave us a five star rate or review, subscribe to the show and share the episode with someone else who would enjoy it. Be sure to check out the links below the episode and the notes for more information about anything that we talked about on the show, free resources and also how you can join our free group where you can talk about the episode with other like minded folks. Thank you for being here.

