home—body podcast

Saturn square Uranus: February 2021 Astrology

Mary Grace Allerdice Season 2 Episode 76
mary grace allerdice:

My name is Mary Grace and you're listening to the homebody podcast. Here we explore what it means to practice embodiment, which is practicing home inside our own selves and also within our wider body which is the earth. These spiritually and artfully minded conversations center healing, magic, astrology, intuition, art, wellness, creativity, social and environmental justice as the practices that help us witness more relationship, meaning and purpose. We are here to approach life as a conscious process. And my hope is to enliven you, encourage you to hone your intuition, connect to your own center. So together, we can cultivate more wisdom and self trust and be dynamic agents of beauty. People who are fully awake, and with our power and tact, we're here to be more intentional as we approach the creation and caretaking of life. And we are here to make room for inquiry, sensitivity, and joy. Thank you for listening. Hello, everyone, and welcome to the homebody podcast. Today, we're going to spend most of our time talking about the key Astro signature for this month, which is Saturn square, your honest while it is a main narrative for this month, which is February of 2021. It's also a dominant narrative for this year in general. So I think it's worth spending some time on getting clear about that way we can easily refer back to it some other key junctures during the year, we will have a total of three exact Squares Between Saturn and Uranus this year. And so it's a conversation that I think we'll be visiting many times or in an ongoing way, sort of like the squares or like little landmarks that are marking the spaces that we're living between and through this year. And while it may not be the most fun transit, I think, you know, having Pluto increasingly out of the mix will be very helpful, which was a big intensifier last year. And I don't think that I don't personally think that these will be as intense as last year. But within this year, we will also have periods in which the benefic planets, Venus and Jupiter are much better positioned than they were last year. And this means that they will be able to offer help and assistance and help us make things more constructive and potentially generate opportunities for us to come together and work together. Before we dive into that, I have some free prompts available. So if you would like some questions to help you reflect and personalize some of these transits for yourself, and to really sit with how some of these themes and signatures are landing in your own life, you can access those as a gift for free below. And then I'm also doing a giveaway right now that ends on February 14, basically, when you share our work, when you share the podcast, you get entered to win a free session. So you can enter to win at the link below. It is at no cost to you. And that hopefully is should not take very much time either. And this is a very free way to contribute and help make this work more sustainable. So if you enjoy or you benefit from the podcast or other things that I offer or put out, this is a super free, beautiful way that could really help make it more sustainable. And in the long run. And hopefully you will get a gift in return. And I also want to put out that I'm going to be opening a five week workshop that is designed to help you set up your business in a way that is intuitive and also digitally friendly. And it's set up for a couple different kinds of folks. So I know a lot of people have had to radically shift their business in the past year. And they may not feel super confident about some of the structures that they're using or how they're operating more on the internet. Maybe it is working but not super well or they don't feel clear about how they're working or why they're doing what they're doing. or potentially you just feel like you're winging it all the time, maybe it doesn't feel good or maybe it feels confusing. So this workshop is designed to help you get really clear on what the essential components are, and help you get clear on what you're doing, who you're doing it for, and how to set up best practices that will help you work more efficiently so that you can create an economy around you that actually feels good to you. That is in alignment with your purpose and also empowers a new way of being in the world. Not only for yourself. But also for others. So I'll have more about it in the announcements next week. So if you would like to be in the loop about it in a more personal way, click the link below, let me know that you're interested in it. And I'll make sure that you get all of the details. If you don't click the link below you don't let me know that I won't email you about it. I try to be really, I try to really be very consensual and honor people, people's boundaries with their inbox, so you letting me know that you're even curious or want to know more about it helps me to do that better. Okay, so Saturn square, you're honest, this is happening on Wednesday, February 17, about mid afternoon, and they've been closing in on this square all month. I was joking in the forecast videos for kin that it's like, I would say that because these planets are so slow, and they've been closing in on each other all month. And I'm like, well, it won't be a surprise, except that one of your rear honest is kind of core personalities is that it's surprising, so maybe it will be. But we have Saturn very strong in their own sign just emerging from the rays of the sun. And we have your honest who is making a very long transit through the sign of Taurus. And both of these are multi year transits through the science that they're in. This year, we have a concentrated energy between the two of them. In Greek mythology, Saturn, or Cronus, and Uranus were Titans. So before the gods of Olympus like Zeus and Hara, and Mars and all of these, there were Titans who were also in a narrative that was struggling for power over the other. So I think there's a sense that we could think of these as Titan energies or Titanic in some sense, and that they are big, they're structural and elemental, and they affect the world at large, the powers at large, how that power interacts and how they're held together. Similar to last year, like the end of last year, we had an ongoing series of squares between Mars and Saturn during the second half of 2020. Similar to that Saturn and Uranus also have very different goals, very different ways of doing things, different things that they want to achieve different values and different worldviews. So they want these they want different things in different worlds to come out of their behaviors. And so these exact aspects because of that can bring about external events in the wider collective in the world at large, that are disruptive and uncomfortable, potentially, we have Saturn Who is this archetype or this principle of structure and limits authority, the gravity of the past the bureaucracy, the rules, the responsibilities, and then we have Uranus who is more of a principle of rebellion of disrupting the status quo of freedom, and is not afraid to go about that or potentially can use shocking or surprising strategies to achieve those things to achieve more freedom. Uranus can also embody technology or innovations are these things that are designed to sort of help free humanity in the sense that like airplanes, or space travel or things help us free us from the limitations of gravity or some of these boundaries that help us understand what it means to be human. And so while we tend to associate in our key, or these kind of disruptive things, with violence and chaos, I think actually anarchy is based more on this principle that, you know, people are inherently good and that government should be localized and in the control of the people directly to govern themselves. And I think personally that the violence and chaos for the sake of violence and chaos would be a more Mars Association than a Uranus Association. Though in the past month, we have had Mars and Uranus present together in Taurus. So we have at a taste of these kind of mixed together. And as Mars continues to journey around, we may continue to have some dialogue between those dynamics. In his book cosmos and psyche, Richard tarnis actually describes your honest, and what your honest stands for through the lens of the myth of promethium that I find really helpful. I'm going to read just a little bit of it briefly. I'm quoting here. Richard Turner says remarkably, however, all of the archetypal qualities associated with the new planet do fit another Greek figure in Greek mythology with extraordinary precision. promethium The Titan who rebelled against the gods helped Zeus overthrow the tyrannical Kronos then tricked the new sovereign authority of Zeus and stole fire from the heavens to liberate humanity from the Gods power. promethease was considered the wisest of his race and taught humankind all the arts and sciences. In a later tradition, Prometheus was the creator of humankind, and thus held a special relationship to humanity's fate from the beginning. Every major theme and quality astrologers associated with the planet Uranus seems to be reflected in the myth of Prometheus with striking poetic exactitude, the initiation of radical change the passion for freedom, the defiance of authority, the act of cosmic rebellion against a universal structure to free humanity of bondage, the urge to transcend limitation, the creative impulse, the intellectual brilliance and genius, the element of excitement and risk. So also permit the Asus style and outwitting the gods, when he used subtle stratagems and unexpected timing to upset the established order. I think something else that Richard tarnis points out, which I think is important to remember is that while we're talking about these principles, and these planets is like, very separate things is like cubicles things right, like Saturn lives over here, this defined space, and your honest lives over here in this defined space. But they're not acting separately necessarily they are interacting. And so sometimes when they are interacting, the concepts can get kind of bundled together or conflated or intermingle in some way. Again, when I was setting up the the forecast for kin this month, I use the example of Donald Trump and the Mars Saturn squares from last year. So here in the US, the former president, Donald Trump was is in very many ways embodying a very Mars person or a very martial person, right? Even the language of like, you know, always thinking about winners and losers and like, you're a loser, you're fired. I'm winning. I'm the best everything is a competition. But also, Trump was it also embodying the Saturn ideas by being in a position of the institution and the powers that be and the authorities so for instance, after the riots that followed the murder of George George Floyd here last summer, Trump was also using a lot of rhetoric around law and order, right and law and order a very Saturn ideas. However, Trump was instituting this law and order in a very marzi way, right, like tear gas and tanks and armed forces and things like that. So I just want to use that as an example of how these concepts can intermingle. And they're not necessarily always operating in very distinct ways where we can have multiple parties embodying different characteristics of each archetype. So I think that's important, too, to complicate or to untangle the idea that they're always acting separately, because I don't know that that's how it is. I think it's also important to untangle them from our idealized perceptions about certain political parties, like this party is obviously sad or this party's obviously, you're honest, I think, and obviously, untangling them even further from these ideas around good or bad, necessarily. So I just think it's messier than that, though, of course, I think there will be some quite literal illustrations of what this dynamic is. And describing this dynamic. I'm quoting Richard tarnis. Again, just because the language is already really helpful, and they've done so much work around mundane astrology. But he says that the he describes the dynamic between Saturn and Uranus as the exacerbation of tensions between authority and rebellion between order in freedom, Structure and Change and often the two principles combined and interpenetrated in contradictory ways, such as repressive revolution, or a radically unpredictable authority and so forth. Sometimes especially frequent with this cycle, where crises and crises and the sudden collapse of structures, crashes and accidents, grim awakenings, and sudden breakdowns whether political, economic or psychological. He also describes them as violent schisms in the body politic, and uses the example of the Bolshevik Revolution as an example of how these Saturn ideas and these Uranus principles can become entangled. And he says the emancipatory impulse is intricately interlocked with the impulse for authoritarian control, which engendered one of the most rigid political structures in history, yet was heralded as a new bulwark of freedom and defended in the name of revolution, the erection of implacable barriers to keep citizens firmly liberated, that ubiquitous censorship to ensure the propagation of only truly revolutionary ideas, the totalitarian dictatorship to realize the ultimate freedom of the people. The suggests the uneasy and unresolved integration of the two opposing principles. And I just thought that was really helpful to think about and illustrate like how we have these kind of opposites become entangled and sometimes some confusion between what things are saying their intention is and then what are the embodied or actual felt effects of what is happening? In general, I emphasize the virtue of clarity here of looking through clear lenses listening to our bodies, listening to our intuition, your honest is also bringing this like trickster aspect potentially saying like, look over here, look at all the good I'm doing over here. But in actuality, there may be more structural things going on that are, that look less appetizing that may be more important. So we have this first square happening this month on February 17. And it's happening at seven degrees of Aquarius, where Saturn is, and seven degrees of Taurus where Uranus is. So the fixed signs are really taking the brunt of this aspect. So if you have personal planets in the first kind of third chunk of Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus or Leo, then this may be something that you feel a little more personally, as far as the discomfort or disruption of it, we may experience some ongoing tension or friction or conflict between the Aquarius topics of our chart and the tourist parts of our chart, you know where these things are, they're just not cooperating and we're forced to kind of alchemize them in some uncomfortable way throughout the year or potentially a disruptive way. So we can find a new way of behaving or acting in regards to these things. We may feel the weightiness of authority and that feeling in conflict with our desire to innovate or the the feeling like the rules are going against our desire to be free. So again, whether or not this shows up as a very personal story for you depends on a lot of things that I can't say, because I can't I'm not looking at everyone's chart right now. But it's definitely going to show up in the collective story nationally and internationally. Saturn in Aquarius, you know, in back to this harkening back to this idea around clarity that Saturn wants us to do our research and take responsibility for our actions and understand the gravity of our commitments to the future, and understand the responsibility of our beliefs. So that's something that I've been thinking a lot about is this idea of doing our due diligence, and not just responding to what people are saying, but also what people are doing. And I've been reviewing a book that was published back in 2007. It was called the Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein, where she really just unpacks disaster capitalism. And I think if you're honest, and Saturn collective action, you know, could have a phrase, I think Shock Doctrine could be a very useful name or a useful concept to think about. But the book basically unpacks how, in times of crises, we have this desire for things to be fixed immediately, or at least apparently fixed immediately. And that kind of takes advantage of our, our sense of feeling shocked, is used by those in power to sort of go beyond the disaster response. And then to do things that disproportionately benefit those who are already rich and powerful, and to also benefit the advance of capitalism. It's like always finding a new frontier, after the law kind of catches up, we have another disaster and other crises some way that we can. And one of the common themes around this is that is almost always a way to get public money into private hands or private corporations. I've Naomi Klein is a super talented journalist, I think, and I if you can find her work on the independent news outlet, the intercept, I've been really trying to be more. I don't read the news all the time, I try to stay involved. But I find if I'm just too immersed in all of it all the time, it really takes me off my center, which is not helpful. But when I am reading the news, I found that I'm really appreciating independent journalism more and more of the intercept is one of them. Just being able to hear about perspectives and research about what's going on that isn't corporately funded, I think, is important. And I'd highly recommend it. I think I found the headlines are quite different a lot of the time. And if you're interested, I can link some sources below to some different news outlets that are more independent and not, you know, corporately, funded below if you're interested in that. Some of the things that Naomi Klein lays out in the book Shock Doctrine is that and these are just a series of quotes that I've put together. And she says in moments of crisis, people are willing to hand over a great deal of power to anyone who claims to have a magic cure, whether the crisis is a financial meltdown, or as the Bush administration would later show a terrorist attack and moments of crisis, people, you know, we're sort of shocked out of the way or some inconvenient ideas or some values that are potentially in the way of capitalism growing. Those are shocked out of the way at these key political junctures. She also says the the widespread abuse talking a lot about the use of torture in the war on terror after 911 here in the US, the widespread abuse is a virtually full Prove indication that politicians are trying to impose a system, whether political, religious, or economic, that is rejected by large numbers of people, they are ruling an indicator of a regime that is engaged in a deeply anti democratic project, even if that regime happens to come have come to power through elections. So I just think it's important to ask these questions, for instance, the, you know, and she talks about in regards to the widespread use of torture and violence in these these different American interest projects internationally. Some key questions are Why is it happening in whose interests and I think it's a very good set of questions to keep on the front burner? Or as I said, back in December, who benefits from me saying yes to this are just some helpful things to help us kind of filter through what we're seeing what we're experiencing in the service of clarity, I think when we have alarming rates of joblessness, and homelessness and violence and suicide, and yet the s&p 500 is outperforming its expectations, I think that is highly problematic and shows is just blatantly showing that there is a lot of profit and money changing hands right now. And, you know, when we have a structure like we have at least set up here in the US, you know, the legislation and the government structures follow the profit of their corporate friends. So regardless of what political party is in power, that's not something that's unique to one party over the other. So I think it's helpful to just be in a state where we are clear enough to ask these questions like Naomi Klein suggests, why is it happening and in whose interests or who benefits from me saying yes to this, and using that to help us distinguish between like what someone is saying that they're doing, and then what is actually happening, which is often different. So that being said, this dynamic is going to have us really experimenting with these things, the dynamic of shock and doctrine, the dynamic of authoritarianism and freedom. And these two principles disagree about where they want to be on the spectrum, or they can collaborate on where they want to be on the spectrum. And so can we so we'll see where they land on that spectrum, as we sort of hash out their story and their disagreements and their conflicts. The other two times that Saturn and Uranus will exactly square each other is again this summer on June 14, and then on Christmas Eve, December 24. And so because these planets move slowly, the weeks around these dates will also be kind of emphasizing or building up to a combination of this narrative. And so what do we do you know, whether or not this is a super personal transit for us or not. Some of the things that I'm suggesting are grounding, and practices that help with clarity. So I may do an episode on grounding soon. It's a conversation and some questions that have been coming up a lot lately. So I think it would be helpful to talk about so if you have questions about Grandin grounding, you can send them to me in a voicemail below, there's a link where you can do that, just leave me a short voice memo about any questions you have about that. And in general, you know, finding these ways or interacting with these ways that can calm your nervous system, so that your body can come out of fight flight, freeze trauma, stress space, and into a space where it can restore where it can regenerate, where it can digest what is coming in. And I can't remember who said this is just now coming to me, but I think it was Mahatma Gandhi, but I might be wrong. I'm probably totally wrong. So don't quote me on that. But was this idea, you know, when we get busy, that's like, you know, our days where we have that are super PACs, that is the day where we usually like forego our meditation practice, or whatever our personal practices are, that help us ground and be connected to our spiritual identity. And whoever said this, I will look it up and have it in the notes is basically said that those are the days that you should meditate twice as long or do whatever you're doing twice as long, right? So in moments where it feels potentially disruptive or uncomfortable, that's not the moment to also leave ourselves vulnerable, even increasingly vulnerable, by disconnecting from our center by disconnecting from our sense of grounding, or that's not the moment to not take care of ourselves, right. It's the moment to maybe step more into taking care of ourselves and whatever that looks like for us. Even if it's as simple as like taking deep belly breaths, giving yourself a foot massage, going outside, whatever those things are, so that we can digest so that we can integrate so that we can understand that we can connect more with our intuition, with our channels with our heart wisdom and with our bodies. And the other thing is, you know, practices of clarity. This idea of cleaning our glasses through which that we're looking at the world I think is a really helpful emotional and spiritual practice. And I've been thinking a lot I was about to say lately, but really, it's been the past like seven Yours about what it means to embody neutrality, it's something that I've been learning a lot about working on. And for the past seven ish years and neutrality, not ness not meaning that I am this like blank slate of a person or that I don't have opinions or beliefs, like, obviously I do. If you listen to the podcast, that's probably obvious, but experimenting with being less attached to them as like, as markers of my identity. So experimenting with the space in between and attaching to them, maybe the practice of suspending belief for a moment, or suspending opinion for a moment, and knowing how to get up into that neutral space, and so that I can ask better questions or that I can be more receptive to answers or to information. And it's a space of not pre deciding outcomes or pre deciding what I already know, I think especially we have this, this Gemini north node action going on where it's like, truth is being really mutable. As we get more information, the stories change. And when we can operate from a space of neutrality, it's where I can ask these questions really clearly, like why or simply like, Hmm, that's interesting. And then when I form things, in this space of neutrality, I can really move, I think more from a space of action instead of moving from a space of reaction, which I think generates a little more agency and personal power. And it's also prioritizing your intuition, your gut and what your heart is telling you. By literally like giving that neutral, that suspension of belief for a moment, the suspension of opinion for a moment, that can just hover before deciding or before taking action. And I think both of these are about attending to your practices, all of us, you know, whoever's listening to this, however, many of us are participating in this conversation. That is how many different and diverse ways that we all take care of ourselves. So again, whether or not these are happening super personally, for you or in with you, I think it's important to do these things because we're all connected to one another and that we are not separate. So for me, I'm, you know, I have been actually buckling down on my personal practices lately, making sure that I'm eating in a way that I know supports my gut and is good for my system, eliminating the habits that put me into overwhelm or mental health reactivity, like social media was a huge trigger. For me, I'm just too sensitive, too porous. It's just it's too much. And so getting off of that, what was for me a roller coaster, it was really helpful and helped pull me out of this constant state of reactivity, and feeling dysregulated and anxiety. And for you, that may or may not be the case at all, so that's fine. So for me, though, that's what I need to do to be better equipped to handle what's going on in the world, things that are not like Easy, breezy, or going super smoothly, right? That's what I need to do to be clear and more grounded, and more agile or more perceptive. And the third way I want to contribute so grounding and clarity. And the third one is community like actions and conversations that are community centered. And I don't personally think that, you know, when we get into this kind of Hurricane of echo chamber on social media, I don't think that necessarily counts as community. But I think what can we do to form real conversations or practice real conversations, for real relationships and practice vulnerability where we practice being in that state of neutrality as we listen to someone else? And I think that's where we're able to create community. I know before I got off social, I was trying to actively have people I checked in on what they were saying. And I knew that they had very different opinions from me as just a practice of like, listening, and can I listen without reaction or without automatic reactivity to where I just, I stopped listening after five seconds, like, how can I hold that space or practice that space? And I think so much can happen. When it feels like you know, we're fighting amongst ourselves, and that's taking up all of our time. And then we have this idea of disaster capitalism, the you know, the cream of the crop is just reaping the benefits of our divisiveness because we're distracted by our petty disagreements, when actually we have so many things in common and things that we you know, I think that we can agree on how we want to feel in the world. But I think we break down destructive systems when we practice community. And when we learn to at least be in that moment of neutrality, and my thing, I'm like, so perfect at this and that I'm always feeling neutral. nonreactive like anyone who knows me or interacts with me on a regular basis will know that that is absolutely not true. But the skill of being able to connect to that even if just for a moment, where I can see that every one is my teacher, everything can be my teacher. It doesn't mean I have to agree with them, but I can learn from them. And it doesn't mean that I don't hold back boundaries, we do need to hold boundaries for ourselves. It means that we can get into a space where we can ask questions and think what is this teaching me? What can I learn from this, and why and I think that those are can be some really valuable approaches to this. And that is personally what I am doing to navigate some of this more uncomfortable territory. As we go later on into February, I'll do some more. Another episode kind of diving into the end of February as we get towards the Virgo Full Moon, but we have the sun entering Pisces on February 18. And then we also have Venus entering Pisces on February 25, towards the end of the month. And in particular, I think the sun and Venus moving through Pisces together can help us with this learning to hold opposites learning to see teachers everywhere, and also creating opportunities to come together and to find agreements are things that we can agree on. And then we'll also have mercury stationing direct on February 20. So that the the mercury foibles or miscommunications or conversations will now be navigating perhaps the geography of solutions are the geography of problem solving. And then we'll have the Virgo Full Moon at the end of the this very short month on the 27th, which looks like a kind of lovely full moon on my end that I'm personally looking forward to as well as this Venus transits through Pisces. But again, I'll get into that in a later episode. But I'm excited about those. And to close this off, I want to share a couple of poems today one is by Adrian rich, and the other is by Alice Walker. So the one by Adrian rich is what kind of times are these there's a place between two stands of trees where the grass grows up hill and the old Revolutionary Road breaks off into shadows near a meeting house abandoned by the persecuted who disappeared into those shadows. I've walked there picking mushrooms at the edge of dread. But don't be fooled. This isn't a Russian poem. This is not somewhere else. But here, our country moving closer to its own truth and dread its own ways of making people disappear. I won't tell you where the place is the dark mesh of the woods, meaning the unmarked strip of light, Ghost ridden Crossroads leafmould paradise I know already, who wants to buy it, sell it, make it disappear. And I won't tell you where it is. So why do I tell you anything? Because you still listen. Because in times like these, to Have you listened at all, it's necessary to talk about trees. I love this idea of keeping things to ourselves. And this idea of like the, the value of just knowing something that you know, and of insisting on the imagination, insisting that we speak of trees, not only when things are easy, but especially as she says in times like these. And the other poem is called the world we want is us by Alice Walker. It moves my heart to see your awakened faces the look of aha shining finally in so many wide open eyes. Yes, we are the 99%. All of us refusing to forget each other. No matter in our hunger, what crumbs are dropped by the 1%. The world we want is on the way, our own Dottie and now we are hearing her breathing. That world we want is us united already moving into it. As one of my teachers says often we are the ones we've been waiting for. And so what practices help you remember the you that you are waiting for? And where can we when we're connecting to that imagination of what we're waiting for of the world that we want? Where can we create that in ourselves so that we can be the vehicles and the instruments for bringing that world to pass in our life, in our attention. In our work, if we have a business and our businesses and our writing and the things that we stand for in our relationships, I think it is valuable and powerful. I think it's the most power we can have when we're truly embodying already the world that we want so that we can bring the world that we want to pass. And on that note. As we navigate these things, I hope that you lean into what nourishes you, what grounds you what facilitates clarity for you. And what generates authentic relationships are connects you to community or connects you to the tapestry that is all living things that we are all connected in that we are not separate and If you have questions about this episode, I am sure this topic will be coming up throughout the year. But I wanted this to serve as an introduction and laying some of the some foundation ideas for how we have the conversation. And if you have questions about it, let me know if you have questions about the episode or questions about any of the practices I talked about, or questions about intuitive business, then let me know at the voicemail below, I they come to me as an email, I read all of them. And when I get like five that are echoing the same thing, then I make sure that I create something that is in response to those and giving them attention. So be sure to check out the links for references, enter the giveaways you can get a free session out of it and I hope you have a good week be good to you be a peace be well. Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed the conversation, please leave us a five star rate or review, subscribe to the show and share the episode with someone else who would enjoy it. Be sure to check out the links below the episode and the notes for more information about anything that we talked about on the show, free resources and also how you can join our free group where you can talk about the episode with other like minded folks. Thank you for being here. Peace