home—body podcast

Sun and Venus enter Pisces + a Message for the New Moon in Aquarius

Mary Grace Allerdice Season 1 Episode 77

The Sun and Venus enter Pisces later on this month to bring some salve to February 2021 astrology. Mary Grace encourages us to widen our consciousness and examine the big picture through a lens of yes/and or both/and. She further explores what it means to have a practice of neutrality; how being human both is and isn’t safe; how taking courage is a necessary part of the healing process. She wraps the episode with a channeled message to remind us that courage comes from kindness and a poem by Lucille Clifton. 

In the episode /

  • (4:48) Sun in Pisces is a move towards the mystical and the poetic
  • (6:12) Exalted Venus in Pisces brings us into “the glamor of the imaginal”
  • (7:30) Sun and Venus mixing with Neptune
  • (10:33) More thoughts on neutrality, Alan Watts + the difference between being a “neutral person” and having a practice of neutrality
  • (15:04) Being human isn't safe. It's brave.
  • (18:56) ... but also being human is safe. We are all already here.
  • (21:41) Channeled message for the New Moon in Aquarius lunation 
  • (26:51) Compassion to hold yourself. Compassion to hold others
  • (30:20) “blessing the boats” by Lucille Clifton

If you enjoyed the episode, check out:
Episode 75: New Moon in Aquarius + Imbolc
Episode 76: Saturn square Uranus

Mentioned in the Episode... 

bell hooks on "brave space"
Podcast episode w/ Ram Dass + Alan Watts
Podcast episode w/ Tami + Selima Lust of iWilla Remedy


~free~ class on How to Not Need Instagram (+ why you don't need more followers)

FREE prompts for February's astrology

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mary grace allerdice:

My name is Mary Grace and you're listening o the homebody podcast. Here we xplore what it means to ractice embodiment, which is racticing home inside our own elves and also within our wider ody which is the earth. These piritually and artfully minded onversations center healing, agic, astrology, intuition, rt, wellness, creativity, ocial and environmental justice s the practices that help us itness more relationship, eaning and purpose. We are here o approach life as a conscious rocess. And my hope is to nliven you, encourage you to one your intuition, connect to our own center. So together, we an cultivate more wisdom and elf trust and be dynamic agents f beauty. People who are fully wake and with our power and act. We're here to be more ntentional as we approach the reation and caretaking of life. nd we are here to make room for nquiry, sensitivity, and joy. hank you for listening. Hello, everyone. And Hi, welcome to this week's episode. Hope you're got the Aquarius New Moon happening today. So


Happy New Moon.

mary grace allerdice:

If you would like to hear more about the new moon happening today, you can go back and listen to the past two, three episodes where I go into some of the transits of this first part of February in more detail including next week's upcoming square between Saturn and Uranus, which is going exact on Wednesday of next week on the 17th of February. And because it's a conversation that we'll be living in, off and on in intensity throughout 21, I would highly recommend you go back and listen to it. Today I'm going to talk about the sun and Venus moving into Pisces during the latter half of February this month. And again, if you'd like to hear more about the first half more about imbolc this new moon and well and again the Saturn Uranus square, the past three episodes have gotten into those in a lot more detail. I also have to share today some annotated thoughts based on some of the most recent episodes including speaking a bit more about the idea of neutrality from last week's episode. And adding a little bit more nuanced a contradiction to something I said on a guest Episode A few weeks ago. And then I'll also towards the end of the episode share a channeled message for this new moon and Aquarius lunation cycles. So be sure to stay tuned for that. No serious announcements today. As always, if you don't get prompts and you would like some to help you reflect and personalize the transits happening for this month, you can grab those at the link in the show notes. And I also have a workshop that I did. I think it was back in November, it was a free workshop I did talking about the moon in your chart and introducing you to some of those concepts and connections as to how the moon is functioning in your chart and some ways to think about the moon and potentially attend to the moon a little bit more. And you can also find that at the link below if you're interested. So with that, let's dive into some of these transits that I'm actually looking forward to on Thursday, February 18, which is a week from today, if you're listening to this when it comes out on the 11th The sun is going to enter Pisces and I think a Pisces is a great sign or a great you know, archetypal expression for holding both sides for containing opposites for dissolving them within the great ocean. That is, you know, all a part of the one. And we talked a lot about these ideas in the past few weeks specifically around the Saturn Uranus square about being able to hold both sides or at least look at both sides from this greater perspective or from this above perspective, and I definitely can see some of these transits through Pisces definitely helping us do that. And that being said the sun in Pisces is definitely a move towards the mystical and the poetic and the imaginal towards the ever shape shifting of the ocean and a connection to wider consciousness. I always like to think of Pisces as a sign of both and or Yes, and there's really no either or in Pisces. It's kind of all the ocean can hold all of it right stress and the beautiful storms and the calm sunset. The ocean is our container for a wide array of vast and contradictory experiences of drops of water and the dissolution of the drops into the entirety of the one. So we may find ourselves potentially more inclined towards navigating emotionally versus all of the there's been so much Aquarian action the past few weeks that is definitely felt more logical, rational, aloof, even or so focused on structure. And Pisces is still interested in the big picture like Aquarius is interested in the big picture. But they go about the big picture in very different ways. Pisces wants the emotional and the spiritual narratives to hold the solutions in the map making and not necessarily just the likes attorney and meetings or structures. And then shortly after that, a week later, Venus will enter Pisces on Thursday, February 25. This is a transit that I am super here for personally. Venus is exalted in Pisces meaning Venus doing Venus things, valuing the things that Venus values is not only possible and Pisces, but it's celebrated and it brings her fame and support and recognition. And a phrase that has been coming up a lot when I've been dreaming of Venus feeling really good. And the Zodiac for the first time in quite a long time is this idea of the glamour of the imaginal or the mystical. It's very mermaid very intuitive, it's artistic and emotional and relational, and potentially even indulgent in some of these areas. What are the ways that we can come together in our spiritual and poetic and aesthetic values and what happens when we prioritize those things or those expressions within the context of our relationships or how we relate and what happens when we allow our boundaries to soften a bit so that we feel more connected to everything in our connections to the one thing or vice versa, or connections to the one allowing us this sort of portal for being connected to the all. Again, Pisces is mutable and very changeable just as the ocean is always changing. So our emotions, our decisions, the ways that we are directing, could feel more Changey more wishy washy what made perhaps want more freedom, perhaps fewer boundaries, the sun and Venus transiting through Pisces will also bring them into the same house where Neptune currently is. So it could also have a sense of collaborating with stories around illusion or disillusion or transcendence, wanting to go out of bounds or get outside of the everyday world or everyday life in order to potentially experience something that feels more special or more transcendent or more spiritual or more blissful even. I do think it is potentially, I mean, very supportive of the Pisces areas of the chart. But also of our more relational desires are poetic pursuits, or artistic or imaginative pursuits and practices as well. And I think it could feel a bit like a sad personally to some of the more not fun transits that had been going on, it could be something that maybe feels a little medicinal, after the


Saturn Uranus

mary grace allerdice:

square happening the week before. I think it could also lend itself to checking out to numbing out and bypassing or doing things to escape in that way. Or it could also aid us in creativity and connection to other worlds that help us heal and transform. And I'm not saying that one is necessarily better or more called for it than the other I'm just saying again, those are maybe some spectrums that we may be walking on. Well, next week, I'll be sharing a really lovely guest episode, I will come back at the end of the month on the 25th actually to talk about the Virgo full moon that is closing out this month as well as start to lead us into some of the things going on at the beginning of March. And so now I want to go into a little bit of some some annotations on some thoughts from episodes that have some thoughts that have come up in past episodes that have been kind of brewing and feeling not completely done inside of my head. And I want to start with neutrality. Last week I spoke briefly about neutrality is a potential strategy for helping us with clarity, being able to suspend our attachment, even if just for a moment to a particular idea about what is good or bad right or wrong preferred, not preferred, etc. My partner recently He shared a podcast episode with me last week, which is a it's like a mix of different cuts or edits from talks by ROM das and Alan Watts. It's like they're sort of positioned or edited in conversation with one another. And at one point, Alan Watts says something that I thought really perfectly encapsulated what I was trying to describe about neutrality. I just hadn't heard it before I recorded the episode for last week. So I'm annotating it on because it was a really helpful picture, or I just thought it was a nice additional description. And he said, you can leave your beliefs and opinions at the door. And if you feel unsafe, without them, you can always pick them back up again, on the way out, I'm not trying to bring you out of your beliefs and opinions, I'm asking you to temporarily suspend or give them up to view what is as if you didn't even know how to talk. Red is not red, blue is not blue, hard is not hard, soft, is not soft, male is not male, female is not female, there is just this jazz,


which I,

mary grace allerdice:

I liked, I thought it was a really helpful prompt. To think of it as an exercise or an experiment of viewing what is as if you didn't even know how to talk, as if we didn't know how to label things and put them in neat little boxes that help us position around talking points and sides and preconceived notions. I feel like these talks that they were editing and positioning in this podcast, you know, they're happening a lot around the 60s. So it's interesting hearing all of the words from that era. Later, I think he says in regards to just listening to that jazz of the what is without labeling it. He says really listen, dig that sound, which is very 16th things to say. I'll post the episode below. I've shared it with a couple of you in mighty networks, because I was like, Oh, I think they'll specifically enjoy it. But I thought it was a great episode. And ROM das in particular has been someone who has been a real teacher for me in a lot of ways. But I think, you know, again, it's reiterating this idea in a more visual way I think of not necessarily being like I am a neutral person, which is different from having a practice where I can access neutrality, you don't have to be like I have to be without all opinions for the rest of my life, this perfect neutral being with no preferences or desires. Like that's not what I'm advocating for, or what I'm even describing. But I do think being able to access the place, even if only temporarily, where we can see what is happening from someplace that is expanded is tremendously valuable and very generative of clarity. And not only generative clarity, but also generative of the experience of freedom, potentially, which is again, I find super valuable. And then I want to go back and clarify something not because anyone brought it up from the outside but hearing myself say it made me thinking not necessarily that I disagree with what I said, but I think it deserves more thought or I felt like it was oversimplified or that wasn't necessarily the place to break it apart. Within that conversation. There was a really fun, insightful episode with Tammy and Salima list of I will remedy a few weeks ago. Again, I'll link it below so you can easily reference it if you haven't already listened to it. When we talked about plants and herbs and healing and forgiveness in general, it's a strong recommend, I really enjoyed just recording the conversation and getting to know them a little better. But at one point in the conversation we were we talked about teaching ourselves through a healing process that we're safe, right that we're safe to be here, like in a body on this planet, which is something that I've had like a lot of existential things to like work through in order to talk of talk myself convinced myself to be here to spiritual way I feel like and


I have more thoughts

mary grace allerdice:

on that, that I want to share around I think this idea that we're safe to be here because I think it is more nuanced than that. And not necessarily more complicated, but I think it's it's got two phases to that. And I think just say just leaving it at that feels oversimplified and not fully true or what I think and I also want to thank Michael Morris for pointing out the talk by Bell Hooks where she talks about instead of safe space but creating brave space. And I'll post that video below so thank you Michael for bringing that to my attention. It feels like over a year ago. And but it's had me thinking ever since that potentially the opposite of unsafe isn't safe, but the antithesis Have unsafe isn't said brave or being able to access bravery. And in thinking about what I said about being safe to be here, I think there's actually two truths that can stem from that idea that potentially contradict one another. The first one being is that actually it's not safe to be here is a thought that I have, or an experience I have like, it's actually not safe being human, right? I think on an existential level, being human is a traumatic experience, right? We live in a world that's full of sadness, and grief, and pain and suffering and loss, in addition to also being full of beauty and joy, and love, and all the most amazing experiences of pleasure and bliss. And like, I'm always like food and trees, is very like physical, beautiful things. Things that we can only experience in a body. But actually, I think safe is not the core word for that experience, right? Like, we're all going to die. And that is just true. And anything can happen at any moment. And safe is not exactly the word I would use to describe that. And we feel or I feel those contradictions within every experience, right? It doesn't feel safe when I'm experiencing beauty right? Instead, for me, at least is pang of impermanence, behind the fact that everything comes and goes, everything will come and go. And it brings it can bring a sense of sadness behind a feeling of joy or a sense of this shadowy grief, along with a really beautiful moment, when we experience how it is so fleeting, so short, and just this moment, which actually isn't safe at all. But in fact, to engage with the healing process, and to show up to life fully knowing all of these things, that life is full of the pain and the sorrow and the suffering and also the bliss and the joy and the pleasure to say, you know, to fully show up to life, knowing all of that, and to engage with healing anyway, even though everything is going to come and go that which is fun and not fun. To show up to life anyway, is actually tremendously courageous and brave, it is not safe, but it is heroic, or she ROIC and or everything in between. And I don't know that we can show up to life safely. But we can show up to life bravely and courageously. And in recent years, I really, really fallen in love with the word courage, with the root of the word courage being the Latin word core for heart. So to have courage literally means to be full of heart. And I've been talking a lot lately about alignment. And I'm sure I will continue to do that. Because there's so much waiting for us there. But aligning with the heart so that we can access the channels in the center and the maps within the heart so that we can access the heart fullness, and live from a place of heart fullness, which is actually our courage to show up with courage is to show up with our heart. And that is what healing allows us to bravely do. Healing does not allow us to show up safely. In fact, it might even be more risky to show up with your heart than to show up without your heart, I think. But if we numb ourselves from the shadow side of life, then we also numb ourselves from the more joy side of life. We have to participate all the way or we don't get to participate in that way. So we show up bravely, we show up with courage and we get to eat it we get to eat our life. And our courage to do that potentially instills courage and others. And the healing process doesn't necessarily teaches that we are safe. But it teaches us that we can, in fact, show up with courage gives us that access or that key to our heart that enables us to show up with courage as who we are. And now I'm going to contradict myself and say, but also, there are ways that we can think about it as safe. Because we are already in space. And we are already everything that the atomic matter that makes up the universe that makes up everything from stars to soil is also what makes up our physical bodies that we are already everything. And we have been so many things. And we are already here. And so there's nowhere to go. Another thing that Alan Watts said in the podcast, which really helped me get words to this idea a little more clearly was they said something to do. He said something to the effect of we're already in heaven. Heaven is space and we are on a spaceship called Earth. And so there's no need to fear because we are already in space. And something to that effect. And this idea that we are within this system of transformation and transmutation and Alka maizing and coming and going that's always happening at least in my personal beliefs that exists within a system that is generated by energy that we understand. Love where we experience this love. And so in that sense, we're already in heaven because we're already in space, we're already on a spaceship. And in that sense, I think there's something we can lean into potentially and heal around. That actually, there is something we could learn about safety or brave safety around, being alive. It's just that safety and clinging are not the same thing. And safety and having everything the same forever are not the same thing. And safety and nothing painful ever happening are not the same thing. And if that is too much to lean into, right now on like a spiritual level, that's totally fine. It's also totally fine if you disagree with everything I'm saying. But, you know, I think that is what we're leaning into, when we can whisper to our bodies, it's safe to be here. Or we can teach our nervous system, it's okay to come out of fight or flight. It's okay to heal from this thing. Thank you fear for what you had to teach me in that moment, or from what you protected me from in that moment, but we're okay now it's okay to calm down. It's okay to turn on your parasympathetic nervous system. It's okay to breathe deeply, you're safe because you're already here. And so when I sign all of my emails, the past like year and a half, take courage. That's really what I mean is all of that. And so now I'm going to move into I'll share a live channeled message for the this lunation cycle of the new moon in Aquarius, and then I'll close us out with a beautiful poem by Lucille Clifton, and let you get on with your day. Have kindness on yourself as you open


it's like seeing

mary grace allerdice:

yourself as one globe of a spacious world. And within that globe, or that spacious world, there is a column of light that is a portal and a bridge to every other world. It's the channel it's the center in the middle of the planet, which is you. There's a part of you that's also within the planet of you walking, searching, journeying, backpacking. And if you feel like you're searching all around the globe of you, the planet of you for this center for this channel, this portal that already is within you. The backpacker of you searching for the portal on the planet of you. Look with kindness on the backpacker, the journey or look with compassion on the backpacker and the journeyer that you are doing the best that you can What is it like to experiment with looking out from the center with looking out as the portal of light onto the version of you who is also the backpacker searching, journeying, you coming to the center of you? How can you look with grace upon the you who has journey and not judge them for feeling lost or for feeling tired or for feeling confused? or feeling unsure or for waxing and waning through moments of certainty and uncertainty? How can we look out from the gaze of the center of ourselves onto the seeker of ourselves and look with grace and acceptance and compassion that both are you both are Your experience these exchanges, these glances of acceptance, and kindness are all happening on the realm of the planet. That is you the globe of your energy, the sphere, of who you are as holding all of this. That you are both and. And that one does not negate the other. You are not the center, the portal, the channel or the seeker, the last one the journey or who's figuring it out as you go. You're not either or. But you were both and at times, you can look out through the eyes of the seeker for all the joy and the wonder the adventure. And at other times you can look out from the center onto the seeker you can look at both at once you looking on to you. And you are also the globe, the sphere, the planet holding all of them. They who you are is indeed vast and who you are is a network of bridges and connections and portals, all talking, all connecting all braiding in and out of time and now operating in and out of different modes and identities and desires and shapes. Can we upgrade the compassion? Can you be a lesson of your own compassion with which you can then turn and hold others in compassion as well knowing that they are also the center and the seeker and the globe. They are also all of it as you are all of it. And we are up and we circle and we gravitate. And we dance so to speak all around each other and through each other's experiences a great dance. Can we practice looking out with kindness as we open kindness as we move more and more aware of that exchange happening? between i and i, you and you we and we it and it look with grace upon yourself look with kindness upon yourself. It is possible to look with clarity and with truth and also with kindness. They both need each other. Just like you need all the parts of you. And just like we need us to not feel guilty for flailing for falling. Do not feel guilty for a thrashing or frustration to not feel guilty for guilt. Look upon yourself with grace. Hold the hold of the both be with yourself with kindness. And in that container of kindness, love it also breed compassion for others for the world that we live in, for the things that we need for the things our heart wants. And from the place of kindness, which breeds compassion is where we can access the courage to show up to live with our backpacks on the show up to life as the channel of light in the portal and the bridge in the center to show up to life is the planet dancing around all the other planets as the stars twinkling amongst all the other stars. Kindness is where we Get our courage from Be kind to yourself as you open.



mary grace allerdice:

This is a poem called a blessing the boats by Lucille Clifton at St. Mary's May the tide that is entering even now the lip of our understanding, carry you out beyond the face of fear. May you kiss the wind, then turn from it certain that it will love your back. May you open your eyes to water, water waving forever and may you and your innocence sail through this to that. That poem brought me so much joy and thinking about all of these piscean Adventures coming up soon. Thank you so much for joining me. Be sure to tune in next week for our delightful guest episode that I can't wait to share with you. And if you have any questions, thoughts, things that you would like to talk about further guarding the podcast, you can join our free our private mighty networks group below and then start a conversation or ask a question around it, be sure to get your prompts below. Or if you're interested in the moon workshop that I did, you can grab all of that as a gift below. And I wish you a good week, I wish you access to your courage and that you are able to show up with heartfulness in whatever way capacity you're able to in this moment. That is for the the best transformation available to you right now. Be at peace and be well. Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed the conversation, please leave us a five star rate or review, subscribe to the show and share the episode with someone else who would enjoy it. Be sure to check out the links below the episode and the notes for more information about anything that we talked about on the show, free resources and also how you can join our free group where you can talk about the episode with other like minded folks. Thank you for being here.

