home—body podcast

Virgo Full Moon 2021 / Ceremony in Community, Digestion + the Lie of Isolation

February 24, 2021 Mary Grace Allerdice Season 2 Episode 79
home—body podcast
Virgo Full Moon 2021 / Ceremony in Community, Digestion + the Lie of Isolation
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How can we devote our attention to practices that serve our individual and collective well-being? Mary Grace discusses the Virgo full moon and how it illuminates the mutable areas of our charts to practically serve, find unity + digest our lives. She also  reads + discusses ceremony in regards to a passage from from Braiding Sweetgrass from Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer and she shares a channeled message about our perspectives on isolation and holistic integration. 


Mentioned in the episode /

Oneness vs. the 1% book by Dr. Vandana Shiva
Future of Food: Dictatorship or Democracy? talk by Dr. Vandana Shiva
Vandana Shiva | Ecofeminism and the decolonization of women, nature and the future
The Future of Food + Farming in a Pandemic World, Vandana Shiva
Big Tech + Agriculture: short summary
Navalny Protests in Russia  
Farmers Protesting in India
Braiding Sweetgrass book by Robin Wall Kimmerer
“Widening Circles” poem by Raine Maria Rilke 

If you liked this episode, check out /
Last week’s Episode w/ Yarrow Magdalen
Episode on the Saturn - Uranus square
Episode on Sun + Venus in Pisces

Free Resources /

~free~ class on How to Not Need Instagram (+ why you don't need more followers)
FREE prompts for February's astrology
free webinar on the Moon in your Natal Chart 

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mary grace allerdice:

My name is Mary Grace and you're listening o the homebody podcast. Here we xplore what it means to ractice embodiment, which is racticing home inside our own elves and also within our wider ody which is the earth. These piritually and artfully minded onversations center healing, agic, astrology, intuition, rt, wellness, creativity, ocial and environmental justice s the practices that help us itness more relationship, eaning and purpose. We are here o approach life as a conscious rocess. And my hope is to nliven you, encourage you to one your intuition, connect to our own center. So together, we an cultivate more wisdom and elf trust and be dynamic agents f beauty. People who are fully wake and with our power and act. We're here to be more ntentional as we approach the reation and caretaking of life. nd we are here to make room for nquiry, sensitivity and joy. hank you for listening.


Hi, everyone. Welcome

mary grace allerdice:

to this week's episode. I'm really delighted to be with you. And as this episode comes out, Venus is entering Pisces, which I'm feeling really great about and excited about. Venus is exalted in Pisces celebrated treated like a queen. And I'm pretty sure Venus is really ready to have somewhere where she feels good for a while. It's been a minute since she did that. If you go back to the previous solo episode I did a couple weeks ago, I talked a little more extensively about the sun and Venus moving into Pisces. And last week, I had a really beautiful conversation with Yarrow magdelena, focusing on finding the simple ways to enchanter everyday life, move through difficult emotions and celebrate enough, which was just such a needed message for me, and all filtering through the practice of ritual, which is the focus of their book and a lot of their work. I honestly cannot believe we're moving into March so soon, it's felt, I mean, I sort of can, it feels like it's been such a full year already in two months, but moving so quickly. However, I am personally really looking forward to getting moving out of this Saturn Uranus square, which has just been kind of dis regulating, and a bit of an asshole transit on my end. So I'm excited to be moving out of that


it's made a lot of

mary grace allerdice:

my day to day feel really difficult. We've had some warm days where I live lately. So I've been out in the garden, talking to all of my baby seeds and sprouts or every inkling of a sprout that is even thinking about growing, which is just been felt really rewarding and amazing. I've really missed being in my garden. And I'm really ready to get out there and all of that back care and attention. It's just our way that really grounds me and I love


to spend my time.

mary grace allerdice:

As far as announcements go, just be sure to grab your prompts for the full moon. They are links below in the show notes. As always, if you don't already get them and when you do that, you will also be on the list to get them for March which I will send out on the first so you'll find your links below as well as any other ways that you want to stay connected or booking no more information about how to book a session. If you want to dive into your own chart a little bit more or receive more personalized guidance based on what's going on in your life. Right now you can find all of that in the notes as well as any kind of external sources that I mentioned during an episode. I always try to include those at the bottom, so be sure to check them out if there's anything that you want to double click or do a little more research on. Today, we're mostly going to talk about the Virgo full moon and do a brief recap around some of the Saturn Uranus things that I kind of feel popping up around the globe. And next week we will dive more into marches astrology for the first couple of weeks, including Mars changing signs and going into Gemini, which is happening on the third. Towards the end of this episode, I'll share a channeled message for this lunation and its cycle and where we are right now. And if you're hearing this later, don't worry we hear things when we need to. It doesn't matter if it's falling under the moment when it initially came through. And that being said, Please take what is helpful, what isn't inspiring and healing for you and just sort through what doesn't which is kind of a theme for what's coming through right now. Which makes sense for Virgo just you know, digest what's helpful discard what's not. And I'm hope that we're all making space to filter through what is in alignment for us. And that includes this information here. I think I want to start by just reviewing a little bit of some of the the Saturn and Uranus square events that have been happening around the world, because they're just less fun. And then we can move into the Virgo Full Moon, which feels a little more fun. Speaking of Uranus in Taurus, which we've been talking about a lot lately, I've really been that Uranus and Taurus is going to be training this full moon that's coming up. And so it has been very much thinking about finding freedom in our earth or our bodies and our material experience. And I've been diving a lot more into Dr. Vandana Shiva 's work lately. I mentioned her on the podcast a few weeks ago, and I will post some videos of her in conversation below if you'd like to follow up or learn more about her work. She has a book that came out recently called oneness versus the 1%, which I have strongly recommend. But thinking of this Uranus Taurus transiting through Taurus as both the disruptions that are needed to secure freedoms, things like protests, or disagreements or disruptions, to the status quo or to orders passing through society or laws in regards to things like land and food and earth, and also potentially this Uranus going through tourists the introduction, or the intrusion of technology into a lot of these processes, for better or for worse. For instance, in India, we have farmers who've been protesting in New Delhi, I think since September, and they're protesting new agricultural laws that really further make their lives difficult. It makes their living nearly impossible, more further marginalize them, they're already committing suicide at astounding rates. And it also further centralizes the power and the control of food, agriculture and supply chains, to people who are posing as philanthropists, but who are actually just like trying to think of a nice way to say this, but then I'm like, Why do I have to be nice about this? People posing as philanthropists, but who are actually just billionaires looking to have even more power and control than they already do? So and for me, it demonstrates some of the that particular story and demonstrate some of the dynamics that we have on going through this, the Saturn Uranus square where we're having like technology and disruption and freedom and chaos and authoritarianism and centralizing power and the battle against it all these kind of tensions and topics rolling together and conflating in some ways and in these complex ways.


We have

mary grace allerdice:

these moves as Dr. Shiva has worked points out that you know, we're big tech is infiltrating big ag or merging with big AG, in an attempt to displace farmers with the use of technology are displacing actual food with GMOs, displacing soil with stripped dirt that has absolutely no life or nutrients left in it, because it has been so overused, with glyphosate and other poisons that we were like, oh, they're just pesticides. No, it's actually just poison. And so we see a lot of moves right now, where big tech is moving into big Ag and you know, with their World Economic Forum happened a few weeks ago, which is just code for billionaire collective, which was very acquired that stellium and Aquarius vibes for me kind of



mary grace allerdice:

really focusing around on this idea and around these ideas, which they have for a few



mary grace allerdice:

now. So it's not surprising to see these moves happening. There's been protests in Mayan Mar, protesting a military coup that happened. What were the current leader who won the election is now under house arrest. And that's an interesting story, because there was an article that was reiterating that this demonstration they were saying kind of echoes back to some that were happening in August of 1988. And then I looked at the astrology for that moment. And that is actually when Saturn and Uranus were together in Sagittarius. And so now as we have Saturn and Uranus squaring each other, we're seeing some progressions or some reiterations or continuations of these kinds of stories. In Russia, there's the protest against the navali arrest and again, if you missed the episode I did on the Saturn Uranus square, which is a theme for this year, then go back would go back and listen to it. I think it's been interesting to follow some of these stories around the world interesting as a very general term and disheartening in a lot of ways too. Because it just basically training my eyes anyways for themes and how to look at how these Things are manifesting and where they might potentially want to play out closer to home even



mary grace allerdice:

on the US likes to be more sneaky about these things. Yeah, I think that's all I want to mention about those. For now, there's been all the progression of all the the Trump impeachment and the acquittal and all of that, but I'm just so like, bored with that story that I just don't want to,


I just don't even want to talk about it. So

mary grace allerdice:

I'm not going to let's talk about the Virgo full moon with the move into Pisces with the sun, and then this beautiful Virgo full moon that we have. It's happening sort of away from these tensions between Saturn and Uranus, so to speak, it's bringing some energy back into the more mutable areas of our chart, the signs that like to move, disperse, spread out and shape shift. Whereas we have had a lot of energy in the more fixed signs, and a lot of tense dynamics happening with the fixed signs, such as Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio, and Leo, we're all probably a little very aware of those parts of our chart right now, especially if we have personal planets in the early degrees of any of those. But this Virgo Full Moon is happening on Saturday, the 27th of February at 317. In the morning, at least, that's on East Coast time. So it may be late in the evening on the 26th depending on where you live. And it's illuminating the areas of our chart that are more immutable, that are less fixed. And it's demonstrating this sort of peak of revelation or a combination of some kind. And it's happening sort of outside of or out of sight of those more tense pressures and dynamics that I was mentioning a moment ago, which I think could have leave the opportunity for it to feel a little bit nice. And and we're having a kind of a dispersion of the some of this heavy duty Aquarius energies as of a couple weeks ago, and we have the new moon, we had six of the seven visible planets in Aquarius, which is a lot, there's a lot of Aquarius, energy all constantly eating together. And now we're starting to see that spread out more and move about and some new cycles beginning to develop. And so I think it can serve as an opportunity with this moon to find places for unity and agreement and relationship. As I said previously, with Venus moving into Pisces, the sun and the Venus are both looking at the moon right now. And Venus is so close to the sun that she's not really visible, because it's kind of hidden under the beams of the sun. So it makes her more covered more covert or invisible potentially. And so maybe these opportunities for agreement or relationship are coming together maybe things that we have to find or make for ourselves or engage with behind the scenes. Like we find it find excitations behind the scenes, for some reason the image is coming to mind is like this underground jazz bar. And you can't see from the street, it just looks like a gross kind of dirty basement door. That's nothing special. But once you enter in through the door, you're in this like Wonderland like underwater themed bar with like beautiful music and delicious snacks and gorgeous interactions. And everyone's like dressed nice. It's kind of like this, like secret, beautiful interaction, so to speak, is what this Venus moment has me thinking of, especially in regards to this new moon. I think having some respite away from these more challenging tensions will have a moment of medicine or relief. And, again, offer us a moment to consider or reflect or comprehend a bit of how our system works, the systems that we live within, but also the systems that are within us, like we are our own ecosystem, our life is an ecosystem that kind of moves with us and around us. We build it around us. And so how can we devote our attention to refining the things that we care about the ecosystems that we build around us the practices that serve our individual well being our collective well being?


And what does

mary grace allerdice:

what does well being in your life mean to you? Right? And how are you taking care of it? How can you cooperate with things that are potentially disruptive to the way that you're already doing them to the status quo, potentially, and use those to help unlock a door



mary grace allerdice:

a greater sense of well being or a greater sense of freedom and your experience or celebrate the ways that you have been doing that? pushing past the known bounds, so to speak, so it makes me every time I talk about Virgo, it's like, you know, we're talking about like refining We're talking about increasing efficiency and optimizing and digestion. Right, not just in our intestines, though, definitely. That because gut health is so crucial to overall health, and I would also argue to our intuition, but also the overall life digestion, right, our energetic digestion? Are we only consuming information and stories and data? Or are we also giving ourselves time to digest what we have eaten with our attention? Are we giving ourselves time to filter it through, sorted out, decide what is waste, decide what is nourishing, what is for us, what is not for us what's with our alignment, what's not, and to kind of bouncing it off of our own knowing. So it was a, an opportunity to be in the refining process of this or the practice of how we're taking care of ourselves, and our well being and our digestion and all aspects of life and optimizing them, and optimizing the systems in and around our lives to deepen our own effectiveness and our sense of well being and the well being of everyone around us. And I want to reiterate that filtration process, it's come up a lot in sessions and in conversations lately, the sense of, and it happens a lot for me on a felt level where I just feel overwhelmed. It's like, oh, because I haven't given myself time to filter out I haven't bounced it off by internal knowing I've just been in taking because it's so easy. There's so much information, there's always like at podcasts that I'm trying to listen to, or 80 million books that I'm trying to read. And so it's like when I get into that zone where I'm just like eating it, eating it reading, reading, listening, listening, it's it's not I there starts that I start to become divorced from my own knowing a little


bit when I haven't

mary grace allerdice:

allowed myself time to incubate the filtrate to digest through some of that, and let it you know, integrate what is meaningful for me and to discard what is not. And so I want to bounce back to you that you're qualified to listen to yourself, you're qualified this trust yourself and this age where we're so obsessed with hierarchy and expertise. And I'm not saying that being an expert is not something that's valuable. I'm just saying that it's often positioned in a way that is disempowering, where it's like, oh, I'm an expert, therefore you don't know anything about it, or you don't know how to read this study, or whatever. And I think when it's positioned in this hierarchical way, that's disempowering. I think it is harmful, and I am not a fan. And it can divorce us from our own sense of power, and then knowing that is actually inside us. And that we don't have to give control over our knowing to other people, we don't have to submit our knowing to the approval of others, you have a knowing you have a wisdom, you have a gut, you have an intuition. And these are powerful things, when we access them when we trust them. And I'm just a big fan of that. And I'm not a fan of them. When we know them, when we trust them, we don't have to bow our intuition to someone else's outside opinion. And as a collective, we need you to also know these tools and this knowing inside of you and to trust them because they are very powerful. What do you want to light up around right? How do you want to digest what do you want to create ritual around, evaluate appreciate the culmination of some of your practices, some of your well being your relationship to Earth that which is disruptive, and that which is freeing and dissolve what isn't helpful, right? That is an inherent part of the digestive process, we intake what is nourishing, and we dismiss what is not nourishing, and then we repeat it at a pace that makes sense for us. So you don't have to submit your process to other people for approval, or for justification, please do not disempower yourself that way. I'm sure that will come up more again, I've been doing a lot of writing and work for a future teaching around money. Because it's just been coming up a lot and just regenerative ways of thinking around our energy around money and also money in general. So I'm sure that this will come up again. In regards to that. I want to read briefly from Robin wall. kimmerer is braiding sweetgrass, because it has a lot of to me this beautiful Virgo earth energy in it, and it's a beautiful invitation for personal ceremony and renewal and so I want to share it in honor of the Virgo Full Moon this week.


She says,

mary grace allerdice:

ceremony focuses attention so that attention becomes intention. If you stand together and profess a thing before your community, it holds you accountable. ceremonies transcend the boundaries of the individual and resonate and resonate beyond the human realm. These acts of reverence are powerfully pragmatic. These are ceremonies that magnify life and many indigenous communities. The hymns of our ceremonial robes have been unraveled by time and history, but the fabric remains strong. And the dominant society though ceremony seems to have withered away. I suppose there are many reasons for that. The frenetic pace of life, dissolution of community, the sense that ceremony is an artifact of organized religion forced upon participants rather than a celebration joyfully chosen. The ceremonies that persist birthdays, weddings, funerals, focus only on ourselves, marking rites of personal transition. Perhaps the most universal is high school graduation. I love graduation in my small town with the whole community dressed up and filling the auditorium on a June evening, whether you have a kid graduating or not, there's a sense of community and the shared emotions, pride for the young people walking across the stage relief for some a good dose of nostalgia and remembrance. We celebrate these beautiful young people who have enriched our lives. And we honor their hard work and accomplishment against all odds. We tell them that they are hope for the future. We encourage them to go off into the world and pray that they will come back home, we applaud for them. They applaud for us, everyone cries a little and then the parties begin. And at least in our little town, we know it's not an empty ritual. The ceremony has power. Our collective good wishes really do fuel the confidence and strength of young people about to leave home. That ceremony reminds them of where they come from, and their responsibilities to the community that has supported them. We hope it inspires them. And the checks tucked into the graduation cards really do help make their way in the world. These ceremonies to magnify life. We know how to carry out this right for each other, and we do it well. But imagine standing by the river, flooded with those same feelings as the salmon marched into the auditorium of their estuary rise in their honor. Thank them for all the ways they have enriched our lives seeing to honor their hard work and accomplishments against all odds. Tell them they are hope for the future. Encourage them to go off into the world to grow and pray that they will come home then the feasting begins. Can we extend our bonds of celebration and support from our own species to the others who need us. Many indigenous traditions still recognize the place of ceremony and often focus their celebrations on other species and events in the cycle of the seasons. In a colonist society the ceremonies that endure are not about land. They're about family and culture values that are transportable from the old country. ceremonies for the land, no doubt existed there, but it seems they did not survive immigration in any substantial way. I think there is wisdom and regenerating them here as a means to form bonds with this land. To have agency in the world. ceremonies should be reciprocal co creations organic in nature, in which the community creates ceremony and the ceremony creates communities. They should not be cultural appropriations from native peoples, but generating new ceremony in today's world is hard to do. There are towns I know that hold Apple festivals and moose mania. But despite the wonderful food, they tend towards the commercial, educational events like wildflower weekends, and Christmas bird counts are all steps in the right direction. But they lack an active reciprocal relationship with the more than human world. I want to stand by the river in my finest dress, and want to sing strong and hard and stomp my feet with 100 others so that the waters hum with our happiness, I want to dance for the renewal of the world.


I thought that was a really, really beautiful commentary on the ceremony

mary grace allerdice:

and an invitation to something that is profoundly simple, and communal and purposeful. And it engages with our actual ecosystem both within


and without us

mary grace allerdice:

in a way that's really powerful and needed. Of course, if you've listened to this podcast, or literally anything that I've made recently, then you'll know that that's something that's really important to me. Another thing I like about this passage, you know she's talking about graduation too is that ceremonies can also be deeply practical, which Virgo loves. Virgo loves something that can also be actually helpful and of service and practical in a way that's measurable and



mary grace allerdice:

So from here, we're going to move into a channeled message that came through for this moment and after that I will close us out with a poem prayer.


It's time to broaden your vision. It's time to understand the true scope of what you are experiencing of what you are looking at. of the impact of your decisions and your routes. The roots of a tree go far nothing happens in isolation. Because the roots of a tree go far and because the roots of a tree connect to all of the other trees, what happens three miles away, affects the roots affects the tree which affects the community. We must broaden our scope and learn or unlearn rather, seeing things in isolation, measuring things in isolation, so that we feel like we can understand them. Of course, what happens 30 feet away affects the present plays. Of course, what happens three miles away affects the present plays. Of course, what happens on the other side of the globe affects the present place, nothing happens in isolation. What happens to the air effects, what happens to the soil what happens to the water effects, what happens to the soil what happens to the air affects the food affects the health effects the seeing affects everything. What causes harm in one realm causes harm and other realms as well. There is no such thing as isolated harm. We have been sold the idea of isolated harm so that we can justify bad decision making. And when I say we I mean the culture that we've been sold into. that we can isolate harm by just consolidating it and putting it into a stone building of punishment, that we can isolate harm or contain it in some way. So that the culture can continue to make money or pretend to displace it. There's no such thing as isolated harm. And on the counter side of that there is also no such thing as isolated healing. Your roots matter. The soil around you matters what you breathe in matters what you exude matters, the water that you're taking in matters. All problems are intertwined, just as all solutions are intertwined. And anyone who tells you differently, is incorrect. They have a limited scope of vision. We would say a limited scope of vision is also the same thing. As an agenda, it is too focused. It causes harm because of its lack of broad vision. Seeing too narrowly focused on one thing only is harm. Failing to see the broad scope of actions and choices is causing harm. How do you position yourself? Where do you stand in order to see the true VISTA of being we don't have to look smaller necessarily to untape Every tangle, we must simply practice looking bigger. When where we see the locations, the times the places of all the tangles begin to make choices that benefit. The whole the scope. Instead of pretending that this tangle is not connected to the other one they are. Just as in the body, we see that systems can heal themselves when they're given what they need, how can we look at the big picture and begin to give what we see what it needs. So that I can heal itself, which is true power. regeneration is true power living in a regenerative way, is true power and regeneration looks at the big picture. This is true when we look at our societies, our relationships, our health, our collective experience, when we give, when we give it what it needs, when we give the system what it needs, has the power to heal itself. And when it is healed, it has the power to create life in an ongoing way. This is the vision and we are so often sold things that are so short of this. We should not settle for anything less than this. for anything less than a regenerative experience or regenerative future. We should not settle for anything less than this when we give the system what it needs. It heals. We give the relationship what it needs. It heals, whether it's relationship between humans or species or with land or with health with the systems of our body. We give it what it needs, it heals and when it heals, it creates life in an ongoing way, which is what regeneration means. Nothing happens in isolation. Everything exists in a circle it is either helping into a loop of helping and healing or it is harming into a loop of harming the lie of isolation is harm. How do you orient yourself? How do you see yourself within the broad scope within the big picture within the VISTA? How do you see yourself within that and of that, a part of that how do you see yourself not in isolation which is harm. But with roots extended, reaching, grasping, touching, holding. All that is true all that is happening all that is real. You are not an isolation. Isolation is a lie and isolation is harm there is no such thing as a solution. in isolation. Isolation is a lie. That is never the solution. Because the isolation is anti life. Isolation is harm it is against life. Reach down into your roots. See the far reaching capacities, nutrients needs community relationships. But these inform your way of being your choices, your decisions, and also your understanding of how powerful, how big and how braided you are. And give thanks. Okay.

mary grace allerdice:

We're gonna close with this poem by Rainer Maria Rilke. With the translation by joanna Macy. The name of the poem is called widening circles. I live my life and widening circles that reach out across the world. I may not complete this last one, but I give myself to it. I circle around God around the primordial tower. I've been circling for 1000s of years and I still don't know.


Am I a Falcon, a storm or a great song?

mary grace allerdice:

I love Rocha. This particular book, it's called the book of hours love poems to God, which is a translation by joanna Macy, in particular has been on my nightstand for many, many years. At this point,


I think I'm gonna read this again.

mary grace allerdice:

It's so short, I just love the thought of it. The primordial tower reminds me a little bit of what came through for the channeled message a couple weeks ago, about this kind of this pillar of light that we're around and searching for, and also our and how our identity gets muted, mutated, so to speak, or is mixed,


so to speak,

mary grace allerdice:

or is all of these things at once. I live my life in widening circles that reach out across the world. I may not complete this last one, but I give myself to it. I circle around God around the primordial tower. I've been circling for 1000s of years and I still don't know Am I a falcon?


A storm? Or a great song? Thank you all

mary grace allerdice:

so much for being here. I wish you well Miss Virgo full moon and I would challenge you to take Robin wall kimmerer his advice can you create ceremony in community


with the ecosystem that

mary grace allerdice:

is around you? And within you Can you dance for the renewal of the earth?


And what does that look like?

mary grace allerdice:

Thank you for being here.


Next week, we will dive into March. And I wish you well be well. Peace.

mary grace allerdice:

Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed the conversation, please leave us a five star rate or review, subscribe to the show and share the episode with someone else who would enjoy it. Be sure to check out the links below the episode and the notes for more information about anything that we talked about on the show, free resources and also how you can join our free group where you can talk about the episode with other like minded folks, thank you for being here.


Peace station,

mary grace allerdice:

please leave us a five star rate or review, subscribe to the show and share the episode with someone else who would enjoy it. Be sure to check out the links below the episode and the notes for more information about anything that we talked about on the show, free resources and also how you can join our free group where you can talk about the episode with other like minded folks. Thank you for being here.



Uranus in Taurus: finding freedom + technology in our earth
Virgo Full Moon: its illuminations + opportunities
The importance of energetic + information digestion
Ceremony + community with the land from Braiding Sweetgrass
Channeled message for Virgo Full Moon
Poem blessing by Rilke