Heart to Heart with Anna

Remembering David Franco and Silent Cries

Phillip Wolf, Nicole Vickery, and Dr. Greg Johnson Season 15 Episode 266

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Silent Cries is an internationally acclaimed documentary created by the father of a son with hypoplastic left heart syndrome for the congenital heart defect community. David Franco was an instrumental part of the team that helped to create this documentary. In this episode of "Heart to Heart with Anna," we meet three other members of the team responsible for the documentary. Phillip Wolf, Nicole Vickery, and Dr. Greg Johnson share with Anna about how they came to know David, how they became involved in the project, and what they feel people need to know about David.

David Michael Franco passed away on March 12, 2020. He is remembered in this program but this episode is about even more than that! We also get a sneak peek behind the scenes and learn about how the documentary was made, where they went to shoot the film, and who was instrumental in creating a legacy for all involved.

Other programs and information mentioned in the show:

Silent Cries: Breaking Through CHD Awareness

Phillip Wolf's other appearance on "Heart to Heart with Anna"
Silent Cries: Breaking Through CHD AwarenessSilent Cries: Breaking Through CHD Awareness

Nicole Vickery's other appearances on "Heart to Heart with Anna"

Silent Cries: Moving from Philanthropist to Producer

Transitioning from Teen to Adult

"Heart to Heart with Nicole and David" featuring Nicole Vickery and David Franco

A New Beginning

Raising Awareness for Congenital Heart Defects

Diet and Exercise for Heart Warriors

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Phillip Wolf:   0:00
I think he was very dedicated to what he did. Not just to our project, but other projects. You know he had many connections to the CHD community, people looked up to him.

Anna Jaworski:   0:16
Welcome to the 15th season of Heart to Heart with Anna. I Anna Jaworski and the host of your program. Today's show is "Remembering David Franco in Silent Cries," and our guests are Philip Wolf, Nicole Vickery, and Dr. Gregory Johnson. Philip Wolf was born and raised in Texas at the age of 10, he received his first Panasonic camcorder, which recorded to VHS tape and sparked his love of filmmaking. In 1997 he married patients, and their first child, Jeremiah, was foreign on March 2nd, 1999. Jeremiah was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and survived to 14.5 months. Jeremiah's passing inspired Philip to pen a memoir and a Children's book and a documentary, "Silent Cries: Breaking through CHD awareness." Nicole Victory was born in 1970 with Tetralogy of Fallot. She was extremely cyanotic and has undergone multiple surgeries. Nicole attended the University of South Alabama, majoring in business finance with a minor in public relations. Currently, Nicole lives in Huntsville, Alabama, with her daughter, who was adopted from China in 1996. She devotes herself to Congenital Heart Defect education and was the executive producer and producer of "Silent Cries: Breaking through CHD awareness." Dr. Greg Johnson has been a pediatric cardiologist and adult congenital cardiologist in Austin since 1996 and has been a pediatrics affiliated cardiologist since 2004. He did his cardiology training at Texas Children's Hospital. He is on the faculty at Dell Medical School at the University of Texas at Austin. He is a medical director of the ACHD program of Central Texas. Dr. Johnson lives in Austin with his wife, Nancy, and five children. He was David Franco's personal cardiologist and is featured in the film 'Silent Cries,' with David Franco. I'm going to start our program with you, Philip Wolf. So welcome back to Heart to Heart with Anna, Philip. My longtime listeners may remember you from Season 14 when you were on our program "Celebrating the Production of Silent Cries."

Phillip Wolf:   2:37
Thanks, Anna, I appreciate you inviting me back.

Anna Jaworski:   2:40
Well, I'm sorry that we have to come back for such a sad reason. I know that all of us have been affected by David Franco's passing in March of 2020.

Phillip Wolf:   2:53
Yeah, it's devastating, and even though he's not a relative of mine, there's still a hole in me. You know something's missing.

Anna Jaworski:   3:00
I know. I know. I feel that profoundly. Can you tell me how you met David?

Phillip Wolf:   3:06
Sure. I met David Franco through Nicole Vickery back in 2016 and Nicole had already been helping me on the film 'Silent Cries,' which you mentioned, and she's been helping me since 2014 when she came aboard the project. After she'd introduced us, we pitched the film to David one day over the phone, and we were looking for someone to help us get through a lengthy stand-still, if you will, in the project due to the lack of funding. once we pitched it to David, he was pretty much hooked and he wanted to know how he could get involved. So we brought him on board to help us complete the documentary, which is "Silent Cries: Breaking through CHD awareness," and his role, that we assigned him, was co-producer on the film, and we also included his story in the documentary.

Anna Jaworski:   3:59
Right. So it sounds like David's participation was instrumental in you completing the film.

Phillip Wolf:   4:05
Oh, yeah, he helped us bring in the financial backers so we could move forward in full production. Because in the past, we were just doing like, sporadic productions because of the funding that we had at the time and he also helped back the film with his own contributions during some of our Indiegogo crowdfunding campaigns, which was awesome. And he was very persistent in seeing this film through because he knew that meant something to me.

Anna Jaworski:   4:32
Right. Yeah, I know It really was an important project to him. I remember him having a lot of conversations with me about "Silent Cries," and how he was so excited that he was selected to be part of it. Do you have a favorite memory of working with David on the film?

Phillip Wolf:   4:50
I do! Actually, David was like family to me, and he visited us several times and hung out with my own family. And one of the best memories I had of him was my parents had invited him over for dinner one evening at their house, where he struck up a lengthy conversation with my father, before he passed away in January, and David loved listening to my dad's old southern stories because he's from Mississippi and I'm just glad that my dad was able, you know, able to meet himm.

Anna Jaworski:   5:21
Yeah. Oh, my goodness. Well, I'm sorry for your loss.

Phillip Wolf:   5:24
Thank you.

Anna Jaworski:   5:25
That's really tough. I know I had lost my mom two years ago and David was a good friend to me through that loss, he knows how much it hurt me to lose my mom. So I'm sure that he provided what comfort he could for you as well.

Phillip Wolf:   5:42
Yeah, and one other memory I think I wanted to share was he loved playing the guitar, and one time he brought it with him for a visit at our house, and during his visit he decided to play the guitar in front of my kids. So they sat in the living room, watched him play, and I decided to capture that moment on video. So I included that as B-roll footage in the film, so you can see that in the movie now. He just loved entertaining people.

Anna Jaworski:   6:07
I've had the good fortune of hearing him play and what surprises me Phillip, is that he was self taught.  

Phillip Wolf:   6:14

Anna Jaworski:   6:15
He was just really, really, a talented man.

Phillip Wolf:   6:18
He was! He will be missed!  

Heart to Heart with Michael Promo:   6:22
"Texas Heart Institute were offering us a mechanical heart and he said, "No, Dad, I've had enough. Give it to someone who's worthy." "My father promised me a golden dress to twirl in. He held my hand and asked me where I wanted to go." "Whatever strife or conflict that we experienced in our long career together was always healed by humor." Heart to Heart with Michael... please join us every Thursday at noon Eastern as we talk with people from around the world who have experienced those most difficult moments.

Content Disclaimer:   6:51
This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The opinions expressed in the podcasts are not those of Hearts Unite the Globe but of the hosts and guests, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to congenital heart disease or bereavement.

Questions and Comments:   7:12
You are listening to Heart to Heart with Anna. If you have a question or comment that you would like addressed on our show, please send an email to Anna Jaworski at Anna@HearttoHeartwithAnna.com. That's Anna@HearttoHeartwithAnna.com. Now back to Heart to Heart with Anna.

Anna Jaworski:   7:31
Before the break, we talked with Philip about how "Silent Cries," brought him and David Franco together. Now we're going to talk to his close friend, and heart-sister, Nicole Vickery. Nicole, welcome back to Heart to Heart with Anna! My longtime listeners may remember you from season four when your show is entitled, "Silent Cries Moving from Philanthropist to Producer," or maybe from season eight when you were on the show with Sarah Clarke called "Transitioning from Teen to Adult," or maybe they'll even remember you from your own podcast called Heart to Heart with Nicole and David.

Nicole Vickery:   8:09
Oh, well, thank you, Anna. Good to be back in the studio with you today.

Anna Jaworski:   8:13
Yeah, this is fun.  

Nicole Vickery:   8:15
It is indeed.  

Anna Jaworski:   8:16
Well, let's start by having you tell us how you and David met

Nicole Vickery:   8:21
He stole my trike. My trike-e, as some would call it. We were, let's see, I think I was- he was two or three years older than me, so he was about four or five, and I was driving the big wheel at the UAB Children's playroom, where we patients were able to hang out in 1972.

Anna Jaworski:   8:41
You guys were in the University of Alabama?

Nicole Vickery:   8:45
We were at the University, Alabama Birmingham when we were children. I was in there for my first surgery, and he was in there for, I think, his second. We were just little kids, and he came up and stole my trike-e from me.

Anna Jaworski:   9:00
Do you actually remember him, or do you just remember this from your mom?

Nicole Vickery:   9:05
I remember the stories from my mother, and David remembered it, him being a few years older than me. And when we met as adults think it was 3-4 years ago, we got to comparing notes of when we were at UAB together having surgery and it came up and he's like, "Oh, you're the chick from Alabama!" He's from New York City and here I am, you know, living in Huntsville and then we meet back around as adults. After that, it's quite a fun little story that we get to tell, "How did you meet Nicole? Oh, I stole her trike."

Anna Jaworski:   9:41
Yeah, it's so neat that you guys reconnected so many years later. Was it on the internet that you reconnected?

Nicole Vickery:   9:48
We did connect on Facebook, I believe, and then, he living in Austin, and me in Huntsville, Alabama, I was going to be in Dallas doing some work on the film with Philip, and I was actually speaking at a group there in Dallas, and so he drove over from Austin to meet me in person. He said, "I got to make this girl, you know, as an adult," and it was just really sweet. He came over to meet us and we ate the next day at IHOP, and started figuring all this stuff out, and we were close from the get go.

Anna Jaworski:   10:25
It's just so cool. I just love that story. So why did you want to be a co-host with David on a podcast?

Nicole Vickery:   10:35
I wanted to be a co-host with David because he's so -he had such a good energy about him. He has a really wonderful heart and wanted to give it to the CHD community, and he wanted to give on a bigger scale than he had in the past. He is an entertainer. Anybody that knew him, for even a minute, knew that he was entertaining you from the minute you met till the last time you spoke, and it was, I thought would be a good match because he, his personality was calmer, quieter, more laid back. He was into production, and then I'm the outgoing, boisterous one, and I thought we'd make a good team, and it proved true. It was really good.

Anna Jaworski:   11:17
Yeah, he liked being behind the scenes. And you liked being out in front, so that did make you guys a good team.

Nicole Vickery:   11:25
It really did, and he did. He liked to be back there, fiddling with the things, with all the equipment and making things sound good and he wanted to make me sound good

Anna Jaworski:   11:36
and he was sweet about that.

Nicole Vickery:   11:37
And I think that was important.

Anna Jaworski:   11:39
Yeah, I think you're right. Well, why did you ask David to become part of "Silent Cries?"

Nicole Vickery:   11:45
Well, the weekend that I mentioned when I came over to meet Philip and myself, we wanted to talk to him more. He wanted to be involved with "Silent Cries," at any level at all. "Do you need me to raise money? Do you need help on the set? What do you want me to do? Put me to work!" and of course, we always need warm bodies that want to work. And it was just a wonderful thing to have him come over, volunteer without he having ever met us. And so we lined out, laid out the film to him, what our dream and our vision was. He signed on that day and wanted to be a co-director. So we put him to work as our co-director and he was brilliant in the role.

Anna Jaworski:   12:28
Well, he must have been and all of you are so talented. I understand that you're production has won some kind of international award? Can you tell me about that?

Nicole Vickery:   12:39
Thank you for asking. Yes, we-we like to joke, it's serious, but it's fun to say International film maker in an award winning movie. We won best documentary in 2019 at the London Lift Off Film Festival, and we had a

Anna Jaworski:   12:59
Hold on sweetie, at the what? What did you say?

Nicole Vickery:   13:04
It's the London Film Festival,

Anna Jaworski:   13:06

Nicole Vickery:   13:06
for all of the United Kingdom, but we won the best documentary in 2019.

Anna Jaworski:   13:12
That is so amazing! What a feather in your cap.  

Anna Jaworski:   13:16
Thank you. It's quite a thrill. It's a predominant film festival that we just decided, 'Oh, let's try it," and yes, we did we won and couldn't believe it. We're still kind of pinching ourselves "did that really happen, or did we dream it?"

Anna Jaworski:   13:30
Now, did you all go over there to receive the award?

Nicole Vickery:   13:34
We are supposed to go in June. Now, it depends if we can do it financially or not remains to be seen, but we're looking forward to it. We're going to do everything we can to be there. It's just such a thrill

Anna Jaworski:   13:46
What a great honor.  Thank you. It really is.      

HUG Store Promo:   0:00
Hi, my name is Jamie Alcroft and I just published my new book, The Tin Man Diaries. It's an amazing story of my sudden change of heart as I went through a heart and liver transplant. I can think of no better way to read The Tin Man Diaries than to cuddle up in your favorite Hearts, Unite the Globe sweatshirt and your favorite hot beverage of course in your Hearts Unite the Globe mug, both of which are available at the HUG Podcast Network online store or visit heartsunitetheglobe.org.

Baby Blue Sound Collective Promo:   0:00
Home. Tonight. Forever by the Baby Blue Sound Collective, I think what I love so much about this CD is that some of the songs were inspired by the patients. Many listeners will understand many of the different songs and what they've been inspired by. Our new album will be available on iTunes, Amazon.com, Spotify. I love the fact that the proceeds from this CD are actually going to help those with congenital heart defects. Enjoy the music. Home. Tonight. Forever.

HUG Message:   0:00
Heart to Heart with Anna is a presentation of Hearts Unite the Globe and is part of the HUG Podcast Network. Hearts Unite the Globe is a nonprofit organization devoted to providing resources to the congenital heart defect community to uplift, empower, and enrich the lives of our community members. If you would like access to free resources pertaining to the CHD community, please visit our website at wwwcongenitalheartdefects.com for information about CHD, the hospitals that treat children with CHD, summer camps for CHD survivors, and much, much more.

Anna Jaworski:   15:44
Before the break, we were talking with Nicole about her friendship with David. Now I'd like to talk with Dr Gregory Johnson, who was David's cardiologists for many years. So welcome to Heart to Heart with Anna Dr. Johnson.

Dr. Gregory Johnson:   15:57
Hey, thank you for inviting me. It's a pleasure to be on the podcast.

Anna Jaworski:   16:01
Well, im glad to finally have you on a podcast. I've had the good fortune of meeting you at one of the heart walks such a central Texas that the Central Texas heart walk. And I think it was Cali. I want to say three or four years ago. It's been a while.

Dr. Gregory Johnson:   16:17
Yeah, I love going to the heart walks.

Anna Jaworski:   16:19
Yeah, yeah, it's always a good time. And there's always so many people there. And the one that we went Teoh, they had a deejay who was also playing music. I think they even had somebody come from the Round Rock Express, that mascot from Round Rock Express. Do you remember that?

Dr. Gregory Johnson:   16:36
Yes, that's also

Anna Jaworski:   16:37
Yeah, it was really cool. Well, I know that David really, really respected you. And he considered you so much more than a doctor. He told me that he also considered you a friend. I know that David was really excited about bringing you into the Silent Christ production. So can you tell me how he got too involved?

Dr. Gregory Johnson:   16:56
Well, it was during one of our office visits, and he brought up the subject and asked me if I would be part of that. And I was really flattered that he asked me. It was a great opportunity. Is talking about congenital heart disease awareness both in adults and in Children. I do see both adults and shoulder with congenital heart disease. It was very interesting to see the process of putting together the documentary. I thought David and Philip in the cold did a great job putting it all together. They captured a wide range of experience, which included Children with congenital heart disease, adult congenital heart disease patients, parents of congenital heart disease patients, congenital heart surgeons and then congenital cardiologists like myself. I felt like the film offered very thought provoking look at control heart disease. It showed both the positives and the negatives of we're living with congenital heart disease. It was really a privileged to be part of it.

Anna Jaworski:   18:01
Yeah, I guess that's the doctor. It's not every day that you get a chance to do something like that, is it?

Dr. Gregory Johnson:   18:07
No, no, That was first for May. I've done some television news stories about congenital heart disease, but that was a first for me to be part of the documentary.

Anna Jaworski:   18:18
Do you have a favorite memory of David that you'd like to share with us? Dr Johnson.

Dr. Gregory Johnson:   18:22
I used to love meeting with David in the office. We would talk about his car ideology, these twos and the things that were going on. But we would also talk about our families and the other parts of our lives. We would talk about what books we were reading. Every time he came in to one of our appointments, he would be reading some book and would give me an opportunity to maybe find out about a new good buck movies we liked. It was a wonderful time. We were both Catholic, so we would talk about religion. I would make him listen to me talking to him about soccer, which is a love of mine. I'm not sure how much he appreciated

Anna Jaworski:   19:05
that. I'm

Dr. Gregory Johnson:   19:06
sure I really enjoyed seeing the office. I have great memories of that.

Anna Jaworski:   19:13
It's so nice to hear a cardiologists saying that he enjoyed the visits. As much as I know, David enjoyed the visits with you because I'm a heart mall. My son was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, and I remember going to see the cardiologists and sometimes we to with talk about something other than just my son's heart defect, and I also felt like our cardiologists was part of our family. Do you have that kind of relationship with all of your patients? Families?

Dr. Gregory Johnson:   19:41
I feel like I have that relationship with many patients and their if it is the nature of congenital heart disease. And the nature of these relationship is that they're for lifetime. If you're born with congenital heart disease, that's something that will stay with you for the rest of your life. To me. I see it as a blessing to be able to know these families from when the child was a newborn and watch miss they grow up. I've been doing this now long enough that I have patients. I news babies there well into their twenties, and I have, you know, many patients and I've had 20 plus year relationships with, and it's been a wonderful part of my job. I feel very blessed to be able to do an idea.

Anna Jaworski:   20:30
Is that one of the reasons why? Now you're working with adults with congenital heart disease. I've always

Dr. Gregory Johnson:   20:35
had an interest in adults with angel heart disease. When I was early in my medical training, I couldn't decide exactly what I wanted to do. I knew I was wanting to do cardiology, and I found both Adult Creek allergy and pediatric cardiology very interesting. And so I did. My residency training was combined internal medicine and pediatrics residency, which would have allowed me to do either one. And so after I did my P after cardiology training, I decided to also do the adult congenital heart disease part, which which I have always found very interesting.

Anna Jaworski:   21:10
Well in today's program, where sharing memories about David Franco since he passed away on March 12 2020 what do you think people should know about David Drank a Dr Johnson

Dr. Gregory Johnson:   21:23
well. David was a great advocate for patients with congenital heart disease. AIDS Hey usually attended all the local events that we had in support of congenital heart disease, like the congenital heart walk that we discussed. He also went to the national adult Kendall Hart. Associating means he was a great advocate, both for himself and for these patients, the Silent Cries documentary that it was another example of his interest in supporting patients with congenital heart diseases.

Anna Jaworski:   21:58
How important do you think it is it for us to have documentaries like the Silent Cries documentary.

Dr. Gregory Johnson:   22:04
I think it's very important because I think it really gives the average person out in the community an idea of what it's like to be a patient with congenital heart disease or a parent of a child with congenital heart diseases and really get a good idea of what that world is like. Congenital heart disease is its own special medical condition, and it's its own unique community, and it's a lifelong condition. I think it's important toe educate the general population about those issues.

spk_5:   22:41
Ana Dworsky has written several books to empower the Congenital Heart Defect, or CHD community. These books could be found at amazon dot com or at our website www dot baby hearts press dot com. Her best seller is The Heart of a Mother, an anthology of stories written by women for women in the CHD community and as other books. My brother needs an operation, the Heart of a Father and hypoplastic left heart syndrome. A handbook for parents will help you understand that you are not alone. Visit baby hearts press dot com to find out more.

Anna Jaworski:   23:31
Well, now I have Philip Wolf and Dr Johnson in the studio together, and I want us to share a few more memories about David because David was so central to the final production coming Toe life. I know it took quite a few years. Can you tell me a little bit about the process, fella? Because I don't think most people realized how much time and effort goes into putting together a documentary like Silent Cries.

Phillip Wolf:   24:00
Sure, so much of time have I mentioned before on one of your previous episodes. We actually filmed the pilot episode for this movie, which was 20 Minutes and Link, and that was filmed in 2010 and released in 2012. Once we really sat in 2012 that's when we started the feature film cries breaking through CHD awareness. So it took us a good 67 years from start to finish. The biggest hurdle that we ran into was the funding because as an independent filmmaker, not everybody knows who you are. Unless you know somebody in the industry, you know it'll help, but it's that first time filmmaker. You've got to make a great impression. Some people say all you gotta have an a actor in your film in order for two get recognition. Sometimes that is true, but it all depends on how you market it promoted and the word of mouth. But basically, like I said, funding was the biggest hurdle. Everything else was, you know, we were ready to go for shooting the film, but we just couldn't do it without the funds for bringing all the equipment that we needed and the crew.

Anna Jaworski:   25:10
All right, I know that When I was talking to David when he was working with you, he told me that well, went to quite a few different locations to do this film. Can you tell me a little bit about that?

Phillip Wolf:   25:24
We did an Indiegogo campaign, The Sun, the trip to Los Angeles, where myself, Nicole and Kevin Johnson. He was also a co producer on the film. We flew out the Los Angeles California and met a professional kick boxer who was the first to return to the ring from an open heart surgery due to a PhD that he had. So we features the kickboxer mark fight Shark Miller in our movie, and I guess you could say our a actor that we were trying to find participate in our film as a professional in the industry of what he did. You know, it just blew our mind that we never even heard that he did this and he kicked boxed in other countries. So he was really cool.

Anna Jaworski:   26:11
I just love the photos you have of him. He looks so badass, and I don't usually curse on my show. But that's the only adjective. I think it's to describe Mark, don't you think? I mean, he's got all those tattoos and he looks so, but he really could take you down.

Phillip Wolf:   26:30
Oh, can.

Dr. Gregory Johnson:   26:32
He was quite the character in the movie. I was a very name part of the film

Anna Jaworski:   26:36
to watch. Yeah, absolutely.

Phillip Wolf:   26:38
He did a lot of training after he retired, he trained other professionals, so but now, thank you. Fully retired. No dignity, no.

Anna Jaworski:   26:50
Kickboxing is tough for anybody. But for somebody like Mark, he's been on my program before, too. It's tough on your body, and his heart is not 100%. So I think it's probably even harder as somebody like him. Right? Dr Johnson,

Dr. Gregory Johnson:   27:06
right? It's such a great moved on. Well, what? You're congenital heart diseases and in particular issues. But he was not loosely, very fit. Said he did well visit athletic endeavors.

Anna Jaworski:   27:17
Yeah, if I'm not mistaken. Told me he has rods in his back on top of everything, which just is amazing to me. It just came to May. I haven't had made it kick boxers on my show. Kindness stands out. He's a standout guy. So David was telling me that not only did you all go to L. A. But I seem to recall him telling me you were forming Dallas and didn't even say you all went to Corpus Christi. And just a servant.

Phillip Wolf:   27:46
No filming often in Dallas, Los Angeles must of us out here. We also went to hot still and film the coal Huntsville, Alabama,

Anna Jaworski:   28:01
that has Teoh already of the reason why it took so long to do this documentary.

Phillip Wolf:   28:06
Yes, we actually put a board out on Facebook of families to participate that would like to share their story, and we're looking for specific one that we haven't already included. Regulating this document is only gonna focus on hypo Pocket Left Heart syndrome because of the pilot episode. And then we decided l we expand this when you have more variety because there's more than just one heartbeat that so people know this. So I tell him in the coal through Twitter and Twitter was they would kill her to me,

Anna Jaworski:   28:42
which is so right there because your son was born with hypoplastic left heart. But Nicole had tetralogy a flow, and David had C c T g A s right there. Quite a a range of different congenital heart defects.

Phillip Wolf:   28:56
Yes, And then we had Tucker Hamilton. He's the little boy had the heart surgery that we showed his family was so kind to you get with their support group, which is amazing little heart. And they allow this to go into the hospital and film the actual surgery So we can have that as an educational tool for parents to understand what's going on with my child's heart when they're in surgery. What are they doing? I know you know, more information. So that's one reason why we wanted to include that,

Anna Jaworski:   29:26
right? Well, I know that they were going to be people who haven't had a chance to see this yet, and they're going to want to know how they can watch this er gland. So can you tell them where they can find this documentary?

Phillip Wolf:   29:39
Sure, it's on Amazon Prime video. Go to amazon dot com and search silent cries. And it's very much. 1st 1 that pops up

Anna Jaworski:   29:47
is that the only place that is available is on Amazon. Yeah. Okay, So if you want to be this documentary, silent cries simply go to Amazon. You have a

Phillip Wolf:   29:59
famous on you can rent it or purchase it.

Anna Jaworski:   30:02
How cool. You don't have to buy it. You can just rent it.

Phillip Wolf:   30:05
Yeah, I think 3 99 is for the FDA and 499 of a virgin.

Anna Jaworski:   30:10
Great, Dr Johnson and I know that you have some other special memories of David and this film that you wanted to share. Can you tell us about that? You

Dr. Gregory Johnson:   30:20
sure one of my fondest memories was being struck by what a great father he was and how much he loved his daughter, Sarah. I have a daughter who's about the same age, and we usedto talk about our daughters when we meet the office. They both went to Catholic schools. David used to love to talk about Sarah, and he was so proud of her. And I used to love to see him just kind of get caught up and find out what Sarah was up to. It was obvious that he loved her very much. Um, I know he was very loved by his family, and it's gonna be messed. I miss him very much.

Anna Jaworski:   30:59
Yes, Yes. Me too. Was there anything else that we need to let people now about David gentlemen?

Phillip Wolf:   31:06
Yeah, I think he was very dedicated. And what he did not just our project or other projects. No. He had many connections to see if he community people looked up to him.

Anna Jaworski:   31:17

Phillip Wolf:   31:19
I just think he was very dedicated. And what you pursuing And to get the word out of an advocate?

Anna Jaworski:   31:26
Absolutely. I mean, he had his own podcast with me for a little while. He and Nicole did a podcast together After it went on hiatus. He came. It worked pretty much full time with me on her toe heart. With the Ana, he became a sound engineer. He became our producer. I miss him so much,

Phillip Wolf:   31:43
and he will be missed for sure that the heart walks out here in Dallas. He came out here a couple times to be a guest speaker. One of the heart walks were amazing little hearts, and he rounded up all the kids and you read from our story hook for all the kids, which I think was pretty cool.

Anna Jaworski:   32:01
That is pretty cool. I saw that you had on your website some footage of McColl reading to some Children as well.

Phillip Wolf:   32:09
Yes, that was the marketing campaign we did. That's a little commercial that we filmed for the book when it first came out.

Anna Jaworski:   32:16

Phillip Wolf:   32:18
Like a little TV spot that we have on our website.

Anna Jaworski:   32:22
Yeah, well, it looks for good. Thanks. Thank you so much for coming on. The program today fell up. It was great to have you back on the show.

Phillip Wolf:   32:35
Thank you again for having me. I appreciate it.

Anna Jaworski:   32:37
I love hearing about all the creative projects you're working on. It seems like you always have something going on.

Phillip Wolf:   32:42
I'm always trying to stay busy

Anna Jaworski:   32:47
and thank you for coming on the program for the first time. Dr. Johnson. I hope it won't be the only time.

Dr. Gregory Johnson:   32:52
Thank you very much for having me. I'd be happy to join you again. if you'd like me back,

Anna Jaworski:   32:57
that would be wonderful. You guys did a great job. And that concludes his episode of heart to heart with Anna. Thanks for listening today, everybody. If you enjoyed listening to this episode, please consider becoming a patron. Just go to www and up country on dot com slash heart to heart and pleasure monthly amount to support our program. It only takes a few minutes to make a big difference for the cost of the truth. You can help us continue to provide programming, but it's the HD community for an entire year. Have a great day. And remember, my friends, you are not alone.

spk_2:   33:32
Thank you again for joining us this week Way. Hope you have been inspired on. Empowered to become an advocate for the congenital heart defects community. Heart to heart with Anna With your hose down, Dworsky can be heard every Tuesday at 12 noon Eastern time.

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