the BUZZ on Education
Buzz here with "the BUZZ on Education", I talk about new ideas, insights, and inspiration, around technology, how it's used in business, education, and in our personal lives.
Podcasting since 2019 • 10 episodes
the BUZZ on Education
Latest Episodes
From Educator to Employee...Why I Joined Knowledge Matters
After 22 years as a CTE teacher, Stuart Foster fell during a ski accident and duringrecovery had time to reflect on teaching, his students, and what mattered most to them. Countless times he came back to what really inspired his student...
Season 1
Episode 221

enCOURAGEment Conversation with Angela Maiers
Join me as I talk with the fantastic Angela Maiers about Courage and Confidence as well as the bravery that both teachers and student are employing in these challenging times. The main idea in this conversation is to reinforce what we kno...

"Why-Fi", What's the Latest Things Happening in Wi-Fi with Susan Silveira from Wi-Fi Alliance
In this episode I talk with Susan Silveira, Director of Business Development with Wi-Fi Alliance, where she talks all about the latest things happening with Wi-Fi and the recent FCC approval of Wi-Fi 6! Listen-in on how this new spectrum ...

Podcasting for Educators with Meredith Allen from Soundtrap (a Spotify Company)
Join me in this episode where I talk to Meredith Allen with Soundtrap about "Podcasting for Educators". The three key talking points in this installment focuses on; what's the right gear (tech), what's the best methods or practices, how d...
Season 2
Episode 4

New Techniques for Remote Learning with Dr. Laura Zieger, NJCU Professor
Listen in as Dr. Laura Zieger from New Jersey City University helps me break down three key topics as we all shift our behaviors and attention to remote learning. Knowing what tools you'll need, what applications are helpful, and what del...