Not By Chance Podcast

You're Better Than You Think You Are

February 25, 2021 Dr. Tim Thayne Season 1 Episode 12

When we set a goal and work towards it we are going to see and be critical of the flaws. Starting out you won't be able to say we are as good as your idol. But in order to have the motivation to keep going and keep improving you need to know you are doing better than you think you are. 

Dr. Tim Thayne:

To replace any sense of doubt, or that you're not good enough with the knowledge that you're doing better than you think. Today, I'm gonna get real with you and, and maybe talk about something that, that I normally wouldn't on a podcast, and that is maybe my own insecurities about the podcast itself. I think it something you can relate with, or probably something in your life that that you would like to be doing better at than you are. And I feel that way about the podcast. I'm passionate about it on one hand, but my life, the context of my life, I almost feel like my life doesn't want me to be very good at this podcast. I've just got too much on the plate. And I feel like you're probably in that same boat, too. I mean, you think about all the to have to do. If you actually made a list and looked at all your roles and all the goals and all the things you're trying to do, you'd probably be able to say, Yeah, I have a lot going on. And no wonder, I feel like I'm not making a lot of progress in some of the areas I want to. But once in a while, something really great will come along, and maybe give us a perspective that we don't normally have. And that happened to me this past week. A good friend of ours, her name is Shelley. I say she's a good friend. But honestly, we haven't been able to see her much for many, many years. I think it's been over a decade since I personally saw her until this week. But she's recently I guess, in the last year and a half or so moved her family back to Utah, and happened to be going past our home somewhat, and reached out to Roxanne and asked if she could come by. Well, this turned out to be a real gift not just to Roxanne but to me as well. I've been down on myself about the podcast, and Roxanne called me. And after talking to Shelly for a few minutes, and she goes tell tell Tim, what you think of the podcast. And she says I want you to know, Tim, I've listened to every single podcast you have. And she says for me. And she said, Roxanne told me you don't feel like it's going all that? Well. She said for me, your podcast has been a source of inspiration and light. And she's a mother of, I think five maybe six kids and busy busy person. And for her, it has been a real gift. And what she said at the end, she says Tim, you're doing better than you think you are. And I guess that's the message I want to share with you today. That no matter what it is that you're doing is if you are trying, if you are doing any reading on the subject you're trying to improve on if you're trying to measure anything at all, if you keep keep bringing it back to your mind that you want to improve on it. Let me just tell you, right now you're doing better already. Even before you reach the goal, whatever that goal is, you're already doing better than you think you are. Now, sometimes in our lives, when we think about better, we're we're doing the wrong thing completely. Because we might be comparing ourselves to another person or to to the greatest of all time, the goat right the greatest of all time. And unless we decide that that's really our priority, we probably shouldn't even be putting ourselves out there that that's what we're trying to do. You know, really the better is so connected to our purpose. You know, and if our purpose is to, is to do maybe many things at the same time, progress in one particular area might be slower than it would be if we had just one thing we were going to do. And most people I know, have their hands full. So first of all, be careful not to not to compare yourself to other people. Don't compare yourself to your ultimate goal. If that's going to be discouraging to you, sometimes knowing there's a gap between where at where we're at right now to where we want to be that can be motivating. But make sure it's motivating. If you flip the switch a little bit and instead you're saying to yourself, I'm not good enough, then all of a sudden, that gap is not helping you any any at all. It's really the way the way we make meaning of that is going to make all the difference. So, bottom line, you're better than you think you are. Sometimes it requires that we take a few steps backwards in order to go forward again. And and sometimes it's quite a journey backwards, maybe several steps back. I don't know if you've ever learned something and then later in life, realize that that approach to that thing, the technique I'm using the skills I'm using whatever it is, can only get me so far. And then I hit this wall, I really can't progress beyond that. And then you realize that you have to maybe relearn something completely. And in the process of doing that, your outcomes go down, your your, you know, your confidence goes down and everything else and you think you're doing worse. But in reality, the fact that you're adjusting, doing something that's completely unnatural in order to get better later on, you're already better, even if your outcomes look worse to you. So this applies to parenting. This applies to our, our, our personal health, in many cases. I'm starting to learn to jump rope. When I first started to jump rope few weeks ago, it was pathetic, it was almost like why do something new if I am so bad at this. And I can tell you, I'm better than I used to be by quite a bit, just because I persisted in in doing it. In short, please give yourself some credit. You know, if you need a good friend to drop by and tell you, you really are better than you think you are. And I hope that happens for you. My hope for you today is that you will recognize you're doing better than you think you are. And that this sense of progress, which we all need in our lives, will be enough to help you stay motivated and keep going.

Talmage Thayne:

Thank you for listening to this week's episode in the spirit of always wanting to improve but knowing you're doing better than you think you are. We want to hear from you guys. Please follow us on Instagram at not by chance or on Facebook and tell us what you want to hear more of