Earth Sky Woman Podcast

Happy Capricorn Full Moon: Thanatos or Eros?

June 24, 2021 Tami

 Happy Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn Dear Soul Family!

We have made it through the Eclipse Portal, Mercury Retrograde (out of shadow July 7) the second of three Saturn Uranus Squares, and into the luscious Summer Solstice season.  A deep bow to each and every one of us for the soul work we have been accomplishing.

We have been working miracles, moving mountains, holding ground in the midst of great storms and remembering again and again our true nature!

It is time to celebrate our greater movements toward a more joyful, embodied, radiant life and shared reality!

This Full Moon in Capricorn arrives on the heels of Summer Solstice last Sunday, Mercury Direct and Jupiter retrograde on Tuesday, Venus opposite Pluto on Wednesday.  We are already feeling Neptune stationing retrograde tomorrow (Friday) and over the coming two weeks Mars (July 3) and Venus (July 6-8) will form a T-Square with Saturn and Uranus, while the Fourth of July features Sun square Chiron for the globe, a personal transit for the U.S. Chart.

In my podcast I offer two practices for us in the coming week and two weeks:

1: Anchoring Higher Vision: For the coming week, as the Moon moves from Capricorn to Aquarius and Pisces and we are in the dreaming field of Neptune in Pisces stationing Retrograde, we make time and space to dream big-- to consider what thrills and excites us  and how to live and be in the next 6 weeks, coming 1-3 years and decade.

Take time to fully feel these things and particularly over the next two days of Capricorn Moon begin actually creating timelines and setting tangible goals to create momentum and bring these things down to earth.

2. Thanatos or Eros?  A daily practice. I love how Carl Jung describes the tension in every human's psyche between the death urge (Thanatos) and the Urge toward vibrant life (Eros), a concept astrologer Barbara Hand Clow linked to the tension between Saturn (Thanatos) and Uranus (Eros).

Over the coming two weeks with continued intensity around Saturn square Uranus heighted by Mars and Venus T-Squares July 3-8 with Uranus as the "release point," ask day by day and moment by moment--from a space of neutrality:

Does this thought, choice, relational dynamic, habit, or state feed Thanatos or Eros? Where possible, choose the option where you FEEL more Eros coming through the action, thought or decision.

Use this practice also as you take time to explore your Higher Vision and Action Plan for the coming six months to ten years!

Learn More in this Podcast and Happy Capricorn Full Moon!  To schedule a session with me go to  To support this podcast you can donate HERE!