Mindset Unfiltered by Alexandra Legouix

S6 Ep12: Sarah Le Brocq: Director of All About Obesity - on the complexities of obesity and the impact of weight stigma on mental health

March 07, 2022 Mindset Unfiltered by Alex Legouix Season 6 Episode 12

My guest today has struggled with her weight for most of her life and she truly understands just how hard it is to live with obesity.
10 years ago, Sarah Le Brocq was 24 stone. She applied to be on the show Fat: The Fight of my Life, she was selected to feature on the show and over the course of that following year she lost 8 stone and competed in various top level endurance events. However, over the subsequent few years, she regained most of the weight, despite continuing her intense training. This encouraged her to delve a little deeper and she learnt more about the complexities of obesity.
Sarah is passionate about reducing weight stigma and is spending much of her time dedicated to raising the awareness of these complexities.
In this chat we discuss the damage done by the labels given at childhood and through the tough years of adolescence. We discuss fad diets, fat pills, the myths around obesity and pregnancy. We talk about the desperate need for an update in knowledge and language by teachers, healthcare professionals and, well,  just about everyone else too really....  and, as always, so much more.
This raw, honest conversation is so brave and I really hope it opens your eyes as much as it did mine.  Obesity is a disease. For there to be changes, we all need to step up and take part like Sarah is doing.
Please do follow her on https://slebrocq.com @s_le_brocq