"I'm Glad You Said That" - Jim Minnery Talks Faith & Politics

F-22 Raptor Pilot Is Zeroed In On Target - The AK Bar Association Has Too Much Power

Jim Minnery - Family Matters

If there is one thing liberals in this state are afraid of, it's losing control of the judges and how they are selected. As has been written about countless times, see HERE, HERE and HERE for three examples, the Alaska Judicial Council and the Alaska Bar Association simply do not represent Alaska's political, social and cultural make up.  

In my conversation with Alaska State Senator Mike Shower today on "I'm Glad You Said That", we'll dive into a few pieces of legislation he has introduced to put some balance back into the judiciary despite the long odds of getting such measures through.

As a Lieutenant Colonel who piloted F-22 Raptors, Shower doesn't pull any punches and is delightfully to the point. He is most definitely zeroed in on the target.

Ultimately, in addition to much needed judicial reform, such as school choice and protecting innocent unborn Alaskans, all roads are now leading to the need for a Constitutional Convention. Something Alaskans will be voting on in November of this year as we have every decade since statehood.  Very tellingly, the Alaska Democrat Party has actually adopted a platform (see page 5 HERE) opposing a Constitutional Convention. The nearly 70% of Alaskans who do not affiliate with the Democrat Party should be very suspect of that stand. 

Alaska Family Council says trust the people and that's why calling for the Convention is one of our biggest priorities of 2022 ! Please spread the word and pray for discernment as we prepare for that monumental undertaking.

I encourage you to tune in today and educate yourself on how and why the judicial system in Alaska needs to be fixed and what people like Mike Shower are doing toward that end.

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