"I'm Glad You Said That" - Jim Minnery Talks Faith & Politics

What Does It Mean To Think Biblically About Everything ?

March 10, 2022 Jim Minnery - Family Matters

How do we take our Biblical knowledge and convictions into every sphere of our life including our jobs and relationships and entertainment and hobbies and politics and education ?

In education today in particular, it seems as though there is an extremely overt, direct assault on our children by the academic elite set on undermining Biblical truth. As believers, is it our responsibility to put kids into private schools ? To homeschool ? Do we also have a responsibility to the majority of youth who remain in Government-run schools ?

Can we expect our youth to have enough of a foundation in their Biblical worldview that they can be credible influencers to their friends who are lost ?

Dr. Roger C. S. Erdvig thinks deeply about these issues as an author, leader, and scholar who finds his greatest joy in helping to develop emerging leaders. I am honored to speak with Dr. Erdvig on "I'm Glad You Said That" today and am hopeful you can be a fly on the wall for our conversation.

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