"I'm Glad You Said That" - Jim Minnery Talks Faith & Politics

Craig Campbell Knows A Lot Of Things - Including Why We Should Have A Constitutional Convention

Jim Minnery - Family Matters

Craig Campbell is as pleasant as he is incredibly gifted and diverse in his vocations.

On a recent episode of our weekly podcast/broadcast, "I'm Glad you Said That", I was blessed to converse with Craig about numerous issues including his support for a constitutional convention this November that Alaskans will be voting on as they do every 10 years.  

Craig Campbell is a multi-talented Alaskan. He currently is the Interim Airport Manager for Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport and has also served as - 

- Lieutenant Governor of Alaska
- President and CEO of the Alaska Aerospace Corporation
- Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
- Chief of Staff and Director of Policy and Programs for Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson
- Chair (twice) for the Anchorage Assembly
- Vice Chair of the Alaska Republican Party
- Adjunct professor for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
- Commander of the 168th Logistics Squadron at the Eielson Air Force Base and was promoted        to Lieutenant Colonel

Quite a resume. And he has a beautiful family. It is indeed my privilege to get caught up with Craig. 

Thanks for tuning in and to John & Sandy Powers for their generous sponsorship of the show.

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