"I'm Glad You Said That" - Jim Minnery Talks Faith & Politics

"If I Can Do This..Anyone Can" - Chatting with a Valley Mama Bear School Board Member

Jubilee Underwood was an engaged Mom enjoying her kids athletic activities and life in the MatSu Valley, one of the most conservative, family friendly spots in the Great Land. She hadn't been involved in any political or public speaking engagements to speak of.

And then Covid hit.

As the mask mandates got more and more severe, requiring school athletes to wear them even during games, she had had enough.

During her first moment testifying in front of the MatSu School Board, she was visibly shaking. But, she was compelled to give a voice to the countless parents and students who were negatively impacted and concerned about how the mandates had shackled and confounded their lives.

After the initial feeling of uncomfortableness, Jubilee decided, with some encouragement from others, that it was time to step up more substantially. She is now serving a three (3) year term as a Member of the MatSu School Board.

On today's episode of "I'm Glad You Said That" I have the privilege of conversing with Jubilee about the MatSu Board's recent vote protecting female athletes from having to compete against biological males, the first school board in Alaska to do so. We'll also touch base on her views regarding CRT, the LGBTQIA agenda and why it's so important for parents to stay engaged.

Hope you can join us.

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