"I'm Glad You Said That" - Jim Minnery Talks Faith & Politics

Women With Unplanned Pregnancies Deserve A Safe Place

Jim Minnery - Family Matters

Darathea Lathan knows what women need when they're facing an unexpected pregnancy. They need love.

They need space to breathe and room to relax and sort out the complicated and anxious emotions and thoughts running through their hearts and minds.

And she knows that God has given her a passion for that in Anchorage, Alaska where she calls home.

Healing Under Gods Miracle Expectancy (HUG ME) is a ministry dream Darathea has to reach women with compassion, grace and service by providing a physical space for them to get beyond the coercion and cultural pressure they often face to end the life of their pre-born child and make it just go away.

She knows that is a short term fix that causes real long term pain and regret.

Darathea is my guest on the podcast/broadcast and I'd be grateful if you could join in.  Now, as much as ever, women with unexpected pregnancies need a place to reflect and lean into the reality that the Body of Christ is there for them...and their child.

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