"I'm Glad You Said That" - Jim Minnery Talks Faith & Politics

Trump's National Spokesperson Katrina Pierson on the Show Today !

March 04, 2020 Jim Minnery - Family Matters

What a privilege I have to chat with President Donald Trump's national spokesperson for his 2016 Presidential Election and a top level strategist for his 2020 Re-Election Campaign.

Katrina Pierson, who was in Alaska last week for the Anchorage Republican Women's Club Lincoln Day Dinner, is the quintessential American story lived out. Born out of wedlock to a 15 year old mother who chose life for her daughter, Pierson grew up on welfare and gave birth to a child of her own at a young age, raising him as a single mother.

Although she voted for Barack Obama in 2008, her instincts eventually won out as she became an avid Tea Party enthusiast eventually approaching The Donald at a rally and encouraging him to run. She is a force to be reckoned with and for what it's worth, has more than a 1/2 million followers on Twitter.

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