"I'm Glad You Said That" - Jim Minnery Talks Faith & Politics

From the Congo to Alaska - My Chat With Niki Tshibaka

Jim Minnery - Family Matters

Among other things, Harvard Law grad, Niki Tshibaka has been a Senior Trial Attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice, a pastor for a church just outside of D.C. and a Co-Founder/Owner of an agricultural company in Ghana, Africa.

His vast travels eventually brought him and his wife, Kelly Tshibaka, the current Commissioner of Administration for the Dunleavy Administration, and their family to Alaska where Kelly is from. Niki currently serves as the Assistant Commissioner at the Alaska Dept. of Education and Early Development.

He is also responsible for organizing the Alaska Faith Leaders COVID-19 Task Force and the State Day of Prayer & Hope taking place this Friday, April 10th.

I am pleased to welcome Niki to the show today.

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