"I'm Glad You Said That" - Jim Minnery Talks Faith & Politics

Talking with the New State Director of BLEXIT - Corinthians Wiley

Jim Minnery - Family Matters

Corinthians Wiley is a big guy with a big laugh who loves everybody.

He is an intimidating presence and has served in the Department of Corrections where he monitored inmates and gained their respect because he believes every person has value. Wiley knows that every person makes mistakes and that each should be treated with dignity and respect.

He is also the newest State Director in Alaska of BLEXIT, a national movement started in 2018 by Candace Owens "to encourage African Americans (plus Latinos and other minorities) to abandon the Democratic Party and register as Republicans with the promise of freedom. At the time, 8% of Black Americans identified as Republicans. Blexit is the term created out of "Black" and "exit" which mimics Brexit, the word used to describe the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union.

This will be a very interesting discussion and I hope you can join Corinthians and I on Family Matters today. 

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