"I'm Glad You Said That" - Jim Minnery Talks Faith & Politics

National Perspective on Alaska Issues - My Chat With Autumn Leva at Family Policy Alliance

April 27, 2021 Jim Minnery - Family Matters

As Vice President of Strategy for Family Policy Alliance, our national partner, Autumn Leva is an attorney who has spent the last decade advocating for families at both the state and national levels of government—and from both within and outside government. She has a breadth of political experience with a heart for the Gospel.

On Family Matters today, Autumn and I will discuss the national discussion taking place now to protect women sports, the Equality Act and what is being called the Equality Act Light as well as how Alaska Family Council is connected to a vibrant, effective and pro-active network of advocacy groups that makes our mission successful.

I hope you can join Autumn and I on Family Matters today. 

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