"I'm Glad You Said That" - Jim Minnery Talks Faith & Politics

Does The Church Belong in "Politics" ? Anch Baptist Temple Pastor Speaks Up

As a Secondary Teacher at Anchorage Christian Schools (ACS), Spencer Moore has a unique view on how today's youth are impacted by corporate, media, political and other "woke" establishments. And as a young parent, he knew he had to get involved to advocate for his kids and their future.

Now he's a Region 3 Representative for the Alaska Republican Party and is bringing salt and light into an arena that impacts all citizens - whether they engage or not.  

Anchorage Baptist Temple, the church ACS is affiliated with, has a long and storied history of influencing the political scene in Alaska and it looks as though, at least in many aspects, Spencer has accepted that impressive and influential baton.

Spencer is my guest today and I hope you can join us. Click on the link below for previous episodes of Family Matters as podcasts. 

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