"I'm Glad You Said That" - Jim Minnery Talks Faith & Politics

Peonies, Politics and Pulling Out of Afghanistan

Ben Carpenter served in Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey and Kuwait as a member of the United States military. He has a few opinions on what just transpired in our country's 20 year engagement in that part of the world. 

Raised on an Eastern Washington apple orchard, Ben never thought he'd go back into farming. Turns out he was wrong.

In addition to representing, as an Alaska House Member, the communities of Seward, Moose Pass, Cooper Landing, Sterling, Funny River, Salamatof, and Nikiski, where he graduated from high school, he is now a peony farmer. The quiet, rhythmic, hard labor, it turns out, has been a nice contrast to the grueling and divisive environment of the Alaska Legislature. 

Rep. Ben Carpenter is my guest today and I hope you can join us. Click on the link below for previous episodes of Family Matters as podcasts.

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