"I'm Glad You Said That" - Jim Minnery Talks Faith & Politics

Parents Are Piping Up and This Woman is Helping Them

Jim Minnery - Family Matters

Leigh Sloan is a podcaster, coach and consultant at "Brave Nation" where she empowers leaders to create significant cultural reform in their spheres of influence.

Recently, she took on the role of overseeing a group called Alaska Parents' Rights in Education, part of a national movement to engage and equip Moms and Dads to counter some of the leftist indoctrination that's happening with greater frequency and overtness in our schools and culture. 

If there was a picture of someone next to the words "force multiplier" in your dictionary, it would be Leigh Sloan.

I'm honored to sit down with her today and invite you to join us on Family Matters. Spread the word !

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