"I'm Glad You Said That" - Jim Minnery Talks Faith & Politics

Why Doctors Are Coming Back To Life

Jim Minnery - Family Matters

Dr. Josephine Glaser is a naturalized Filipina American who felt called into medicine in early childhood while growing up in a loving, faith-based home in a resource poor area of the Philippines. Her family immigrated to the US and settled in St Louis during her early adolescence. The lessons she learned from her experiences of culture shock helps inform her approach into each patient encounter to value & esteem each human being with love, respect, humility, sensitivity, & dignity.

I met Dr. Glaser last week in Virginia while we were both in the area for the US Supreme Court hearing regarding the Dobbs case that will likely bring the issue of protecting innocent unborn lives back to each state.

I knew I wanted to interview Dr. Glaser the first time I heard her speak at an Alliance Defending Freedom training we both attended to strengthen our resolve and knowledge about healthcare issues related to right of conscience, protection of unborn lives and other critical matters related to liberty and freedom.

I knew I had to interview her when she told me Alaska was just one of eight states that do not currently have a single doctor who is part of the American Association of Family Physicians - Physicians for LIFE Member Interest Group of which she is Co-Chair.

I am thrilled to chat with Dr. Glaser and learn more about how the medical community is taking up their shields to defend fundamental rights - especially for those who have yet to take their first breath. 

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