"I'm Glad You Said That" - Jim Minnery Talks Faith & Politics

200 Laws Passed – 350 Laws Defeated ! Let's Hear It

"Unleash Your Citizenship"

  • Over $30 million in revenue
  • More than 300 staff members
  • At least 25 attorneys on staff
  • Nearly 650K on mailing lists; 750K on email lists
  • Defeated nearly 350 bills in the last year
  • Passed more than 200 bills in the last year

Impressive statistics for a movement Alaska Family Council & Action is privileged to be a part of.

The "movement" I'm referring to are the family policy council organizations just like us all over the country working day in and day out to stand for Biblical Truth in the public square. To capture and share best practices, bring us all together to be "built up in love" and ground us in our calling, we have the great fortune of partnering with the Family Policy Alliance.

Formerly Focus on the Family Action and CitizenLink, the Family Policy Alliance mission is to advance biblical citizenship, equip and elect statesmen, promote policy and serve an effective alliance, all committed to a common vision. A vision shared by Alaska Family Council & Action.

John Paulton has been a good friend since our founding 16 years ago and I'm honored to call him a brother in Christ and colleague. He is the Vice President of State Alliances for FPA and he's my guest on "I'm Glad You Said That" today. Hope you can listen in on our conversation.

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