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Queer Life Stories

Queer Life Stories is about sharing the lived experiences of queer people.Our main focus has been on Tasmania, Australia with some stories coming from the Australian mainland (and hopefully some international stories later on). Tasmania has had a turbulent history of LGBTIQ+ rights being the last Australian state to decriminalise homosexuality in 1997, 25 years after the first Australian state in 1972. Tasmania went on to become a progressive gay rights state sharing early support of marriage equality. Queer Life Stories will be talking to people that identify across the LGBTIQ+ spectrum and allies to capture the histories that might otherwise be lost and forgotten. We want to also explore life for the LGBTIQ+ community now in regional, rural and city areas. Each episode of our podcast will focus on an individual, telling their story. It's still early days for Queer Life Stories, so please listen, enjoy, subscribe, rate, review and follow. If you'd like to get in touch, email queerlifestories@outlook.com or find us on Facebook or Instagram. RSSVERIFY

Queer Life Stories