CS2 News Podcast

TIPA Platform Series 28/40 – E04 Amendments to the US Constitution – Abortion and Life Rights

A J Wildman Episode 28

This TIPA problem-solving proposal deals with new Amendments to the US Constitution.  

This is a long-standing political “hot button”.  It is an issue where the line between the desired Separation of Church and State has become blurred.  Since the administration of President Ronald Reagan, the Republican Party has deliberately catered to the “church people” for votes and donations.  Supreme Court seats are the reason why so many of those church people held their nose and voted for Trump in 2016. I don’t believe so many of them will want to hold their nose again in 2020.  Time will tell! 

To resolve this agonizing social issue a practical Amendment to the Constitution is recommended.  In brief, abortion services will be legal and available “everywhere”, but only during the First Trimester.  In both the Second and Third Trimester, it will only be available should the Mother’s life be at risk or if there is a clear medical issue with the viability of the fetus.  The Mother would then make the final decision.  Period! 

Please reference this Podcast for more details on this proposal.  

"The times are changing, whether we like or can even see it coming". 

To view the video versions of the entire TIPA platform see the Solutions option at our website www.commonsense2nd.com. 


Read/download the full 718-page book CS2 at https://commonsense2009.typepad.com/ 


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