CS2 News Podcast

TIPA Platform Series 29/40 – E05 Amendments to the US Constitution – Real Campaign Finance Reform

A J Wildman Episode 29

This TIPA problem-solving proposal deals with new Amendments to the US Constitution.  

This is another long-standing political “hot button”.  We will once and for all “deal with” the too often negative influence of big money in American politics.  

·      There will be annual caps on Individual and Corporate donations to candidates and Parties.  

·      Citizens United will be eliminated. 

·      Political Action Committees (PACS) could also be eliminated.  If permitted to continue the funds they raise will be monitored and the content of their political ads will be held to a high public standard regarding honesty!!

Please reference this Podcast for more details on this proposal.  

"The times are changing, whether we like or can even see it coming". 
To view the video versions of the entire TIPA platform see the Solutions option at our website www.commonsense2nd.com. 


Read/download the full 718-page book CS2 at https://commonsense2009.typepad.com/ 


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