CS2 News Podcast

TIPA Platform Series 38/40 – H03 – Int’l Issues – Violent Religion Intolerance Agreement

A J Wildman Episode 38

TIPA Platform Series 38/40 – H03 – Int’l Issues – Violent Religion Intolerance Agreement

This TIPA problem-solving proposal deals with International Issues.   

In brief, it is the year 2020!  Civilization my Fellow Earthlings does not seem to me, to be advancing lately.  Partially to blame for the on-going killings and carnage are the "traditionally" fanatical portions of several of the World's major faiths, preach/teach hatred. 

I will state this unspoken, yet Common Truth right here and anywhere else.  And, speaking for at least 99% of the world population,

"We are all sick to death of the ever-ending military chaos and the needless religious immaturity of the Middle Eastern Nations. You are all ridiculous.  We will work thru the UN to bring this most hostile region in the World to a grand public reconciliation.  They will make Peace and do it NOW."     

It is time to globally and totally ban, the teaching and practice of hating and/or striking out against any person or group - just because they do not hold the same faith, social, and political values."   

A J Wildman, January 7, 2020

Please reference the Podcast for more details.  

"The times are changing, whether we like or can even see it coming". 
To view the video versions of the entire TIPA platform see the Solutions option at our website www.commonsense2nd.com. 


Read/download the full 718-page book CS2 at https://commonsense2009.typepad.com/ 


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