New Milford Youth Agency Podcast
The Youth Agency's monthly podcast providing information and education to help parents, teens, and the community.
43 episodes
Thanksgiving Podcast
Cole Bartmon talked with Jayleen, Ash, and Clove about the upcoming holiday and their thoughts on all things Thanksgiving.
Season 5
Episode 2
Cultures Unplugged
Amelia, Jayleen, Victoria, and Joanna talk about the wonders and joyfulness that lie in each of their cultures!
Season 5
Episode 1
The Beginning of the School Year | College Podcast
Cole, Finlay, Bryce, and Jack talk about what it's like during your first year of college, applying to college, and preparing for college!
Season 4
Episode 10
Teens Talk About Self Esteem - Body Positivity Podcast
Teens talk about all things relating to self esteem, body positivity, and the impact of social media. Cole discusses with Amelia, Alex, and Jayleen about their perspectives on how we view body image.
Season 4
Episode 9
Personal Finance - An Interview With Jen Birdseye
Cole Bartmon discusses all things personal finance with Jennifer Birdseye the Director and Banking Center Manager of New Milford's Webster Bank. They have an in depth discussion of how to manage your savings and how to craft reasonable and effe...
Season 4
Episode 8
The Greatest Town in the USA - An Interview with New Milford's Mayor Pete Bass
Members of the YA Video Crew, Cole and Finlay, sit down with Pete Bass to talk about what makes New Milford so great. From the parks to the people, there is so much that goes into making New Milford "a really great soup". If you're ...
Season 4
Episode 7
Around the Table - Body Positivity and its Impacts
Cole Bartmon and Annabelle Colonna discuss body positivity and its impacts on mental health. Annabelle's Influencer Recommendations:@Danaemercer@Breeelenehan
Season 4
Episode 6
Around the Table - Thinking Forward
The YA Media crew gets together with a group of high school seniors to discuss their future plans and all types of advice they have for other youth who are in the process of applying to college and beginning to plan their lives after high schoo...
Season 4
Episode 5
If You Know Somebody With Autism, Then You Only Know One Person With Autism: An Interview With Parents of Children With Special Needs
The Youth Agency’s Aine McInerney sits down with New Milford residents Tracey Ruscil, Paula Taylor, Tammy McInerney, and Todd McInerney to discuss what it is like to be a parent to a child/children who are nuerodivergent, and reso...
Season 4
Episode 4
Interview with Sacred Heart's Collegiate Recovery Program Coordinators
If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, call 1-888-789-7777 or visit CCPG.ORG. This interview was conducted as part of Connecticut Youth and Gambling Awareness Project 2024 supported by CREC, CPG and PGS. Thank...
Season 4
Episode 3
Danbury’s First Girl Eagle Scout: A Conversation with Sarah Seo
The Youth Agency’s Aine McInerney sits down with New Milford resident Sarah Seo to discuss her accomplishments as an Eagle Scout and first-year college student at WestConn.
Season 4
Episode 2
Not Just a Sports Program: An Interview with Special Olympics Global Messenger Ray Hadden
Finlay sits down with Ray Hadden to discuss how to get involved with the Special Olympics and how it fosters opportunities for those with intellectual disabilities.Website: www.soct.org
Season 4
Episode 1
The Impact of Social Media: A Conversation with Elizabeth Cotter
Cole Bartmon sat down with Elizabeth Cotter, M.S., L.P.C., a Mental Heath Advocate, Presenter, Therapist, and Educator with a specialization in trauma-focused services for women, children, and young adults. They discuss all things social med...
Season 3
Episode 10
Growing Up and the Challenges: Around the Table With Teens
Cole Bartmon talks with teens, Bryce Lewis, and guests Josh and Emma, about their challenges growing up in middle school and high school. Tune in to hear about dealing with the transitions into middle school and into high school. P...
Season 3
Episode 9
Be a Lamp or a Ladder or a Lightpost: A Conversation with Abigail Wood from the Western CT Coalition
YA Media Crew Member Annabelle sits down with Abigail Wood to discuss suicide prevention and postvention. Resources:Western CoalitionDanbury7 Old Sherman, Danbury, CT 06810Waterbury Location
Season 3
Episode 8
Coming To The Table - A Podcast With Apex Community Care
The YA Media Crew sat down with John, Nick, and Angela to discuss Apex's harm and reduction services. Apex Resources:Website - https://apexcommunitycarect.org/ Services - https://apexcommunitycarect.org/our-services/
Season 3
Episode 7
State Rep. Bill Buckbee: New Milford's "GOAT"
NMYA's Jack and Elliet interview Connecticut State Representative, Bill Buckbee. The group reflect on Mr. Buckbee's history in New Milford, and how he helps New Milford in Connecticut's State Congress.
Season 3
Episode 6
What Are Teenagers Thinking?: Around the Table With Teens
Cole Bartmon talks with teens, Kyle, Finlay, Elliet, and Jack, about topics they're thinking about! Tune in to hear about their experiences with education, Covid-19, technology, and what it's like being a part of gen-z. Please no...
Season 3
Episode 5
We Provide Hope: A Discussion with Gambling Counselor Stephen Matos
Finlay and Kyle sat down with Mr. Stephen Matos to have a very informational conversation about the dangers of gambling and discuss prevention skills and strategies!In this podcast, Mr. Matos references the suicide rate among people wit...
Season 3
Episode 4
Planning For Your Future: Resources Available at New Milford High School!
In today's episode, we are joined by Maryanne Shaffer, the Secretary of the Career Center for New Milford High School, and Steven Culbertson, the Career Pathway Coordinator. Together, they will be discussing the importance of considering option...
Season 2
Episode 4
The Vital Work of Volunteers: Katy Francis Discusses New Milford's Unsung Heroes
Katy Francis, the Vice Chair for the New Milford Town Council, sits down with YA Media's Jack Morrison and Cole Bartmon for a discussion about how she and others keep New Milford running. Katy is also a Community Impact Coordinator for the Sout...
Season 3
Episode 3
Hunger Action Month: New Milford Social Services Help Those in Need
With Ivana Butera, Ivana Butera, LMSW, Director of New Milford Social Services and Wanda Flyer, Volunteer and Program Coordinator sit down with YA Media’s Jack Morrison and Cole Bartmon for a discussion about how they help those ...
Season 3
Episode 2
Discovering the New Normal: Teens Discuss Their Experiences Growing Up with Divorced Parents
Members of our YA Media crew came together on this podcast to share anecdotes and advice as children of divorced parents. From double holidays to sharing inside jokes, these teens talk about how divorce changed their perspective on the "perfect...
Season 3
Episode 1
There's no Right Way to be Gay: LGBTQ+ Teens on Their Experiences
YA Media sits down with a group of LGBTQ+ teens to talk about their experiences and opinions on everything from coming out to queer people in history.Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255Trevor Project Hotline...
Season 2
Episode 10
You Are Resilient: An Inspiring Conversation with Author Valerie J. Walsh
YA Media is delighted to have Valerie J. Walsh back to our studio to talk to her about her recently published novel "Shattered to the Core", her CORE Fitness program, as well as a plethora of other important issues such as depression and alcoho...
Season 2
Episode 9