Now and Zen Japan

Diane Tincher: Specialist Japanese culture and history, writer, tour guide

Andrew Hankinson Episode 61

It's passionate travel stories from rural Japan, fascinating historical story-telling, and insightful cultural observations with Diane Tincher.  Diane has been in Japan for 35 years, lived in Kagoshima for 26 years, has 8 children, and is the owner of the must-see website "More than Tokyo". 

She is a prolific writer of little known historical stories she has researched in Japanese, an accomplished tour guide for Walk Japan, and her knowledge of Japanese history, folklore, and idyllic rural travel spots is 2nd to none!

This episode you will hear about where you can hike and active volcano, a brief history of Amaterase, the Japanese Sun Goddess and Tanokami, cute little rice-field gods. Also two reasons English in Japan is so wacky and the only occasion when Japanese are never humble.  

You will want to take notes on this one. Parts travelog mixed with history, fun cultural missteps, and humorous language faux pax . Other topics we discuss:

  • Why so many foreigners are writing about Japan these days
  • The backstory of launching her "More than Tokyo" website
  • Learn more about Nakasendo, Kumano Kodo, Aomori, Towada Lake, Oirase Gorge, Yamadera, Omoshiroyama, Yamagata, Kirishima, Onami-Ike, Kagoshima, and Wakayama
  • 3 great reasons to visit rural Japan
  • How much one usually earns writing for Medium
  • Her article "10 Essential Japanese phrases to learn today"
  • Her "Three big mistakes learning Japanese" 
  • Two favorite Japanese words without a direct English translation

More Than Tokyo:
Diane Tincher on Medium:
Walk Japan:

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Great Sleep Starts Here = gugu Sleep Company:
Japan Adventures via Camper Van = Dream Drive:

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