Now and Zen Japan

Neil Butler: Metropolis Magazine CEO and "Aussie Beef" Marketing Virtuoso

Andrew Hankinson Episode 35

Neil Butler is a 40-year Tokyo veteran and CEO / Publisher of Metropolis Magazine. Neil is well-known in Japan from his successful 13 year stint with Australian Meat & Livestock where he coined the catch-phrase "Aussie Beef" and you will hear this great marketing success story during this episode.  However for the past 13 years, he has been the driving force behind the free Tokyo magazine Metropolis and its on-line version. Neil talks about his numerous challenges he has faced in the publishing business and some of the opportunities he has discovered during this pandemic.  He offers advice on working in Japan, his proudest career accomplishment in 40 years, and why he loves working for Metropolis magazine despite the financial difficulties. I used to work for Metropolis back in the 90's when it was still called Tokyo Classifieds, so we exchange a couple of interesting stories about working for this iconic, 27 year old publication. This was great opportunity to catch up with an old friend,  share a couple beers, and swap stories, and that's exactly what this episode sounds like. Other topics we discuss:

  • The Meat Marketer to Metropolis Publisher story, in his words
  • How a free paper generates revenue, and these challenges
  • What sets Metropolis Magazine apart from other publications in Japan
  • Waffle machines, consulting, and Augmented Reality (AR). How Metropolis has discovered opportunities during this pandemic
  • Why gaining trust has been his biggest challenge working in Japan
  • "If the magazine does not make money, why continue publishing it?"
  • The sales pitch which convinced the Tokyo Metro to put Metropolis magazine into their kiosks
  • The Japanese "shoganai" culture and we create a new word: Shoganai-shugi
  • The great "Aussie Beef" marketing success story
  • Two Free Unsolicited Business Ideas, at least I tried 

Metropolis Magazine:

Great Sleep Starts Here = gugu Sleep Company:
Japan Adventures via Camper Van = Dream Drive:

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