
REARTICULATE with Jubee Vilceus of Yellow Tail - Tech Trends, Career Pivots, Is College the Answer?

Joe Pellerito / Jubee Vilceus Season 3 Episode 86

Jubee co-founded Yellow Tail Tech to serve a BIG need for organizations: More IT professionals to solve TODAY’S tech problems asap. Those who would love to work in Information Technology or Cloud Computing are also having some struggles in breaking into tech. Colleges cost a lot of time and money and aren’t particularly suited to niche down in a fast-evolving sector. In this episode, we discussed the importance of specialization and agility in any training program and how Yellow Tail Tech re-articulated for big results.

Connect with Jubee:  Yellow Tail Tech
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Forbes Article:  Top 10 Tech Trends in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Brain Station Blog:  Why Apple and Others No Longer Require a Degree

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