CAN SMALL STEP HABITS CHANGE YOUR LIFE - Dr Evian Gordon MD PhD and Christopher Darwin BSc Hons

Dr Evian Gordon PhD MD

Dr Evian Gordon is Founder and CMO of Total Brain  ( He also founded the largest standardized International Brain Database (over 1 million datasets) to discover what insights and behavioral habits are most effective in Mental Health, Wellness and Peak Performance. Over 250 peer-reviewed scientific publications. H-Index of over 70. Recipient of the inaugural Royal Societies Eureka Prize for Interdisciplinary Scientific Research (2003). Published the first book on Integrative Neuroscience, titled: “Integrative Neuroscience: Bringing together biological, psychological and clinical models of the human brain” (Harwood Academic Press: London, 2000). Publication and other details at 

Chris Darwin is a great great grandson of Charles Darwin. Early in life his grandmother gave him the advice of his life, ‘If you cannot be first, be different.’ 

He has a degree in Psychology and Physical Geography. His first career was in advertising. His second was as an adventurer. Two of his expeditions were world firsts. 

He is on a life quest to bring about global peak meat. He has created The Darwin Challenge, which is an app that shows people the 10 benefits of moderating their meat consumption. He lives in the Blue Mountains of Australia with the love of his life, Jacqui, and their three kids. He cannot believe his luck.