And a Rewatch Podcast

Episode 14: Independent Studies in Tragically Cancelled Television

Just About Write Season 1 Episode 14

Annnnd we’re back. We recorded this episode a few weeks prior to the tragic murder of George Floyd, but we wanted to take a moment at the top of the podcast to address what happened (and has been happening to the Black community for years) as well as point our white listeners to easy-to-access resources where they can educate themselves, donate to Black organizations and charities, sign petitions, etc.

Black lives matter.

The rest of the episode is filled with fun as Jenn and Chels talk with their friend Amanda (who since the recording of this episode has finished the entire series of Community!) about some of their favorite tragically cancelled shows — kicking off the conversation discussing Single Parents

They made lists of their top 5 unjust TV cancellations and kept the lists secret until recording. Can you guess what Jenn, Chels, and Amanda chose as their tragically cancelled favorites? (Hint: A lot of them happened in the early- to mid-2010s.) Enjoy the conversation!

And, as promised, list of helpful resources for you to peruse:

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for more fun content. Support the Loveland Therapy Fund for Black Women and Girls, and donate if you can to the ACLU Drag Defense Fund. 💖