Life and Mission

Brian Mays on Creativity

Kay Helm Episode 29

UPDATE: At the time of this recording, the show was called The Your Voice Podcast. Since this recording, Kay has has rebranded to Life and Mission.

Brian Mays is a dad, husband, graphic designer, artist and teacher. In this interview, he shares his experience as a graphic designer and teacher of creativity.
[00:01:31] As a graphic designer for a church, Brian says, "We offer a handshake to the world and we make sure that handshake's as good as it can be."
[00:37:30] Being a creative professional as a discipline: "When you're living it eight hours a day five days a week, there are times where the ideas just don't come and you've still got to perform, and that's not fun."

[00:40:39] I asked Brian if creativity is something people are born with, or of it's learned.[00:40:58] Creativity in different areas of life, and Brian's biggest frustration.

What's a good critiquing process?
[00:43:03] "I've seen tears in classrooms from from when people get critiqued and it's very, very difficult for - especially younger ones that are just getting their first exposure to this in some kind of creative teaching in school. They may have never had their ideas critiqued before."

[00:48:43] The creative process isn't exactly what people imagine it to be, especially when you're creating advertising. Brian shares how that can pose a problem.[00:49:38] Do limitations make people more creative?[00:52:04] Brian reveals his plan for some upcoming projects.

How to nurture and grow creativity
[00:58:37] Here's what Brian tells someone who wants to grow and develop their creative side:

  1. Keep making stuff. Do it because you enjoy it. 
  2. Tell people about it. 
  3. Get constructive feedback to help you improve your skills. You'll need to develop a really thick skin: "You don't want to not care what you have but let it not penetrate into your soul." 
  4. Take risks.[01:00:30] What's next? More portraits (he's good, y'all).[01:01:05] Advice to young creatives - you don't have to do everything that comes your way.

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