Life and Mission

How to Share Your Faith Story - with Mackenzie Ryan

March 03, 2020 Kay Helm Episode 36

Do you have a story to tell?

You may not think you have a story, or you may think your story is too overwhelming (and it may be, at the moment). Either way, a simple, structured approach along with a safe space and community to share with may be what you need.

Mackenzie Ryan is a national award-winning journalist and founder of Faith Storytellers, a community that is lifting up and sharing the story God is writing in the world through true, first-person stories of faith.

"The goal of first-person storytelling is to help people share in a way that creates emotional space so it can be given almost like a gift. I'm giving you the story and then I'm letting it go and you are picking up that story and receiving it."

To facilitate the storytelling, Mackenzie has developed a storytelling guide (which you can download from the Faith Storytellers website) to give structure to the storytelling process. She created free resources and an online community dedicated to lifting up and sharing the story. She also leads workshops and walks new storytellers through the process of shaping stories, drawing out the divine details, and sharing them with others. 

"Really the goal was just to share what we know to be true about God. If somebody is going through a hardship or struggle, they might not be able to see because God is just so close to them, you know? It's almost like, he's just so close to you, you can't see him. You're in a fog, and he's so close. But once you get some distance and you can look back and like, 'Oh, that's where he was! That's how he was working in my life!' And just think of the impact you could have sharing your story. I mean, that happened five, ten, twenty years ago, with someone who is going through the same thing right now."

Your story may be just what someone needs to hear.

This week's resources:

Read stories and sign up for weekly Faith Storytellers email: 

Download a free faith storytelling guide:
M Ryan Media, 

Faith Storytellers provides storytelling resources to churches, life groups and ministries and shares individual stories every Wednesday on Facebook and directly to your inbox. Mackenzie hung up her press badge in 2019 to found M Ryan Media, a content marketing and public relations company that uses values-based storytelling to drive results for businesses, nonprofits and personal brands. She lives in West Des Moines, Iowa, and loves gardening, reading and running. She spends most of her free time with her fiance, Andy, his two boys and their two crazy dogs, Maddie and Jax.

If you struggle to tell stories, you’ll struggle to raise funds. 
In the Mission Writers course:

  • Learn the exact stories that every ministry, missionary, and nonprofit needs to tell.
  • Master the fundraising story calendar.
  • Develop and practice essential storytelling skills to increase funding for your mission.
  • Build your story library and your confidence.

Details at
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Mission Writers is an online course and group coaching experience where you’ll develop and practice essential storytelling skills to help increase funding for your mission. Get started now, for a year of coaching at over 60% off the regular price.