Sexier Than A Squirrel: Dog Training That Gets Real Life Results

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We have an exciting announcement! When you learn to train your dog like a Pro, you start to transform your dog’s behaviour, you can also find yourself wanting to help others that have faced similar struggles. Are you part of the 1% that has discovered your passion and that passion is dog training?

Do you find yourself being pulled in different directions that you aren’t quite sure you’ll have the time to make your passion a larger part of your life? Ultimately, today is all about taking care of you and truly focusing on self-care, providing yourself with direction and leaving behind the days of feeling lost. Instead, you can embrace a future full of passion, full of inspiring others, including yourself, through behaviour transformation! 

We have created a challenge for anyone in the world that gets excited about dog behaviour, that loves good energy and loves a supportive community. If you have a dream of working with dogs, this challenge is for you, whether it’s working with your own dog and becoming your own dog’s behaviour expert, or becoming an expert for others dogs also. Jump into the challenge today at, and get a free pass to an epic event in August (as well as another awesome surprise!!)

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If you’re loving the podcast, you’ll love our NEW Sexier than a Squirrel Dog Training Challenge even more! Get transformational dog training today for only £27!

Want even more epic dog training fun and games and solutions to all your dog training struggles? Join us in the
AbsoluteDogs Games Club!

And while you’re here, please leave a review for us and don’t forget to hit share and post your biggest lightbulb moment! Remember, no matter what struggles you might be facing with your dog, there is always a game for that!