Sexier Than A Squirrel: Dog Training That Gets Real Life Results

Recall With Cake

absoluteDogs Episode 93

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In this week’s episode, we discuss: Recall with Cake! Seriously? Let’s find out!

In this week’s episode, we talk on rebuilding your recall. Every dog in the world can have a great recall. Some with take longer than others and we’re going to delve into the common mistakes that people make when they’re working on their dog’s recall. 

Say good bye to your dog…

  • … running off
  • … playing keep away 
  • … playing hide and seek (and not in a fun way!)
  • … staring at you from a distance but unwilling to come any closer

And so much more! Let’s build our recall cake from scratch and get excited cake (instead of the icing!). 

Check out our Recall programme selections mentioned in this podcast:

 Whistle Recall – to grow your emergency recall in case your everyday recall fails

30 Day Recall Rescue  – 30 days of games to rehabilitate or start your recall of the right way

Sexier than a Squirrel Challenge  – develop value in proximity so that your dog always chooses to be near you

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