7-Figure Body Blueprint

Get Fit and Feel Good: Try These 10 Resistance Band Back Workouts

January 17, 2023 Brent Kasmer
Get Fit and Feel Good: Try These 10 Resistance Band Back Workouts
7-Figure Body Blueprint
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7-Figure Body Blueprint
Get Fit and Feel Good: Try These 10 Resistance Band Back Workouts
Jan 17, 2023
Brent Kasmer

Resistance band back exercises are exercises that use a resistance band to target the muscles in the back. These exercises can help to build strength, improve posture, and reduce the risk of injury. They can be used as part of a regular workout routine or as part of a rehabilitation program following an injury.

Watch the Full Video Here: https://youtu.be/Ax8NHXenBJc

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Resistance band back exercises are exercises that use a resistance band to target the muscles in the back. These exercises can help to build strength, improve posture, and reduce the risk of injury. They can be used as part of a regular workout routine or as part of a rehabilitation program following an injury.

Watch the Full Video Here: https://youtu.be/Ax8NHXenBJc

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Today I'm gonna show you the 10 best resistance band back exercises to gain strength and prevent injury. All right, are you guys ready to bring cash revenues for 17 plus years super excited to show you this, we're gonna go ahead and get started. So, we're gonna start off with a wide grip, lat pulldown. How in the world, I'm not hooking anything above me. So what do you think I gotta do, I'm gonna have some down low here. I'm gonna use this lower one, no. gonna hook it right around here, just like this. Pulling it through. All right, we're gonna do a lat pull it out. So I'm gonna lay on my stomach, just kneel down, we're gonna back up a lat pulldown, you shouldn't lay down flat. Want to go wide grip, lat pulldown lats are outside here occasional in the weather at underneath your armpits, and they hooked down low right into about here. So you're gonna come out wide, pulling it down just like you would with a lat pulldown bar. Obviously, you don't have the mobility with a bar. Because you can't come up and together like this, but this is actually a beautiful exercise. Just getting a good pop into that lat. All right, since I'm down here in this position, drum roll number two, we got a single arm lat pulldown or a single arm pulled out. Same thing just like this same motion you would do with the lat pulldown see him coming out with that and down and you can see that you're working on these exercises. So single arm lat pulldown. Exercise number three, we're going to be doing an underhand grip or reverse grip pulled out. arching body up, pulled down underneath, even pulled out all the way to your chest, below your chin, keeping your head your palms are facing up. So that's what makes it a reverse grip or underhand grip pulled out just like so. Driving it in. Alright, the next exercise is going to be a chest pullover. This is called a chest pullover. That's how Google launched it. Actually, when you go in with a wider grip, you're working your serrated serratus muscle which is right there underneath your armpit. So you're just coming up and pulling over. So wide grip, pulling up pulling over just like so. All right. Next exercise, we're gonna go into the band and good mornings. So it's almost like a stiff legged deadlift. Holding it here, leaning over pushing your butt back. This is a great one to help prevent injury a lot people have lower back issues you want to strengthen that muscle up. Cooling up. Keeping your upper body nice and tight and straight. Working right along your erector spinae all the way up, center your back right along the spine. shoulder blades back. Another way to do it is to just put your thumbs criss cross isn't thrown at you coming down and out and straight up beer ban and good morning. So now we're gonna go into a back row. So back row straight these back out several different hand positions for this. So you just want to make sure that your chest is angled towards whatever you have hooked in. So since I'm hooked in low, I'm going to hinge forward aiming myself forward towards that point. If you have lower back issues and pick it up so that way, it's straight on with you. And that way you're not bent over putting any extra pressure on your lower back. So your hands here and it's driving your elbows straight back. Right, so you don't want to be doing is moving your head around, going to be squeezing the middle of your back. Another way to do it as an overhand grip, when you're just squeezing back also this would be your back row. Just like that. Now we've got the background. Now we didn't go to the Single Arm Row, or One Arm Row, two ways. Same thing, hold this off to the side, keeping yourself nice and straight, is driving that elbow back. Same thing squeezing your, your rhomboids the middle of your back. And if your bands too tight, it's too hard for you to do. You're just gonna pass that handle through and cinch that down on the fence. And you won't be able to do a Single Arm Row. Same thing. So this gives you so it was too difficult before. This will give you the ability to do it. So next would be a face pool. So, face pool, you want the biggest thing with the face pool is you're pulling straight up. But you're gonna go ahead and make sure your elbows are going straight out to the side. And you're pulling your hand, right like besides your ears. Okay, so you're here, straight out. So he ran straight up, pulling it towards your face, driving those elbows out. Just like so. All right. So let's your face poll. So let's see, let's get a little recap. We got our wide grip, lat pull downs or single arm, lat pull downs, I'm stuck a reverse grip or underhand grip pull downs. We had our chess pullovers, we have had our Single Arm Row, our back row, our face poles, we're getting down to the nitty gritty now. So we have our W's I couldn't hit this higher and stood up. But this is a little bit too high for this. So I'm gonna go back down to my knee. So we have W's. So these are mostly known, you see these on TRX straps, a lot of suspension trainers, were doing them with the bands today. So doubling is, is like this. So you're going down with your hands, keeping that same fixed motion, and straight up. So this is if you look this up and it's called a shoulder press, W so this is making a W it's working you're back, working your posture, working your rotator rotator cuff, well here, so W's nice difficult exercise, great way to get those shoulders loosened up warmed up, also your back, also warmed up. And then also the dome. The why they're nice and tall. Going straight up with it. This works the straps really well ties in that little V shaped thing at the bass here in the trap talks to the traps all right. Well, hopefully you guys got some great nuggets then went through the 10 best resistance band back exercises for gaining strength. So creating strength and then also preventing injury, which is what we really want to do out there. All right, so hopefully this helps out a lot. My name is Brian Kasmer been doing this for quite some time now. I love teaching love helping people. And hopefully you guys got some great nuggets out of it. Definitely thumbs up the video, share it, do all what you gotta do. And subscribe so that way you get my latest and greatest stuff as it comes out. Alright, see you next video.