Less Stressed Life: Helping You Heal Yourself

#212 Sperm quality, motility, oxidative stress, current research and what we can do in male fertility with Ayla Barmmer, MS, RD

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This week on the Less Stress Life Podcast, I talk to Ayla Barmmer, MS, RD of Full Well Fertility about sperm quality, motility, oxidative stress and all the current research. We discuss the perception and reality of just how much male fertility impacts a couple trying to conceive and even dig into nutrients needed to support male fertility. 


  • "Treatment Pie" for fertility
  • Role of male fertility
  • Functional medicine approach to get to root cause
  • Oxidative stress and inflammation will rob the body of fertility resources
  • Things we do now have an impact on future generations fertility wise
  • Male impact on pregnancy complications 
  • Sperm count and quality is down over past 16 years
  • Conventional vs Functional approach to assess sperm 
  • Nutrients for fertility- selenium, zinc, B12, lycopene, absorption doesn't mean utilization


  • Being in a good place health wise before trying to conceive
  • Importance of both male and female participation in fertility prep
  • Causes of oxidative stress in male fertility- environmental toxins, poor diet, alcohol/drugs/smoking
  • Ways to mitigate oxidative stress
  • Smart supplementation
  • Optimal diet
  • Choosing a quality supplement

PROMOTION:  go check out fullwellfertility.com and get a discount on your order with the code “less stressed” 


For over 15years, Ayla Barmmer, MS, RDN, LDN, has been advancing the health and empowerment of thousands of clients, patients, peers, and mentees, at the intersection of nutritional science, functional medicine, and evidence-based holistic solutions. Ayla owns and operates Boston Functional Nutrition, an integrative and functional nutrition multi-clinician practice, that specializes in women's health and infertility. She is also the founder of Full Circle Prenatal, a fertility wellness brand, widely endorsed by a diversity of health practitioners for its quality and education. Ayla founded the Women's Health Nutrition Practice Group in 2017 where she serves as a preceptor, mentor, and educator, and co-founded the Women's Health Nutrition Academy in 2018, a leader in its field. 



on IG @aylabarmmer_rd




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