Bloodworks 101

Bloodworks 101 Introduction (with host John Yeager)

John Yeager Season 1

Got a story idea for Bloodworks 101? Send us a text message

In this trailer, you'll meet John Yeager, your host for this podcast and find out why people at Bloodworks Northwest are so enthusiastic about the project. In this short piece you'll get a hint of the kind of stories the staff at Bloodworks Northwest will be sharing every month or so.   

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Hi, I'm John Yeager with blood Works 101 Let me tell you a story. We're starting something special here in a few days. It's a brand new podcast called Blood Works 101 If you're like me and you really like stories, you've probably already listen to a couple of podcasts everyday, maybe a few every week. It's a great medium, like personalized radio. I can listen to wherever I go when I drive or take the bus to work or when I go to sleep at night. Millions of us listen to podcasts everyday. Okay, so they're popular. But why start one now? Well, you see, I used to be a reporter here in Seattle. So when you're a storyteller like me, it's hard to stop looking for them. And if you ran across a cz many really incredible stories right under your nose like we have, you'd want to share them, too. I'll be joined by a group of very talented young storytellers here, all wanting to do the same thing tell really compelling stories. What you're gonna hear on blood works 101 Our stories designed to either educate or inspire you to give time, money or blood. Here's some examples. We've got one for you. About a four year old little boy in the fight for his life facing stage for neuroblastoma, doctors gave him a 50 50 chance toe live. Today, he's an inspiration to his parents. We've got one about a renowned doctor here of Blood Work's Northwest who couldn't get into med school simply because she was a young woman. She went on to become a legend in the blood banking industry. We've got one for you about our new CEO, a former Marine chopper pilot who takes a snow borders approach to his job. We have one about a blood products courier who drives thousands of miles a week fighting rush hour traffic. But wait, do you find out how he got started and why? And finally we have one about try pan a phobia. That's the fear of needles. Did you know that's the number one reason why people don't give blood. In that episode, we'll talk to some experts who have some great advice about how to fight it. Here's a hint. Don't look away, and that's just the first few. We're gonna have a new one for you every month or so. Maybe a bonus episode now and then. Bottom line, I think you're gonna be blown away by the lifesaving stories we have here a blood work's northwest every single day. So stay tuned for a brand new podcast brought to you by your friends here at Blood Work's Northwest. I'm John Jaeger for blood works one A one.

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