Bloodworks 101

"When a Platelet Donor Meets His Recipient: Dan Ertel" - (S3 E14)

John Yeager Season 3 Episode 9

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It's rare that a blood donor and a recipient get to connect but that's exactly what happens on this episode of Bloodworks 101 when frequent platelet donor Dan Ertel meets Mack Bell, a 30-year-old African-American man living with cerebral palsy, who contracted a potentially-deadly blood condition called aplastic anemia. That's a deficiency of all types of blood cells caused by failure of bone marrow development.
Mack, as you'll discover,  was the recipient of several transfusions that played a big role in the effort to save his life. So, here's what happens when someone with a lot to be grateful for gets to thank someone who wasn't expecting it. Not by a long shot. 

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